After discussing the construction plan of the entire new base with Luo Detao.

Chen Fan was slightly relieved.

Now all the members of the base troops live in tents outside the base.

All the members are not afraid of hardship or fatigue, but they are not as safe as living in their own base.

At the same time, Chen Fan also gave the new base to be renovated a name that fits the characteristics of the base troops.

"Dragon Palace!"

Chen Fan silently said in his heart.

In the future, this will be the home of all members of the Huaxia Base Force Special Operations Regiment.

Since it is the home of the base troops, it is not an exaggeration to call it Dragon Palace.


Time flies.

Nearly 5 months have passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, the training of all the members of the base troops was handed over to Aaron, Xu Ke, Zhang Hao and others.

Chen Fan almost put all his energy into the hot base reconstruction project.

From the dormitory of each member of the base troops, to the living area, training area and other warehouses and other supporting facilities on weekdays.

Chen Fan did not miss a corner!

This process is absolutely not to be omitted.

Only by knowing the entire Dragon Palace well can we ensure that the special operations group of the base force can take the most correct response measures in the first time when encountering emergencies in the future.

The training progress of the base force members in the surrounding primeval forests has not fallen behind.

Their area has long been specially processed for anti-satellite detection.

Even the most advanced military satellite of the Ugly Country cannot capture the situation in this area.

After more than 4 months of construction.

The new base of the entire base force is about to come to an end.

Beep beep!

Even at this time.

The satellite phone that Chen Fan carried with him suddenly rang!

This satellite phone belongs to Chen Fan alone, and there are less than 10 people in the whole of China who know the contact information.

For a moment, Chen Fan immediately became nervous.

Just when he thought that the headquarters was going to arrange an emergency task for the bamboo farmers, the voice in the satellite phone made Chen Fan laugh and cry!

"You kid are not slacking in combat readiness, right?"

The voice of Mr. Chen from the equipment department of the headquarters came from the satellite phone.

At this moment, Chen Fan immediately realized that what he had been looking forward to was very likely to happen!

"Mr. Chen... is it..."

Chen Fan's voice even began to distort due to excessive excitement.

After handing the X element to Mr. Chen, Chen Fan had been looking forward to the next research and development progress.

But he didn't hear any good news.

As a result, he suddenly received a call from Mr. Chen today.

Chen Fan couldn't help but think about it.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Mr. Chen on the other end of the phone smiled slightly: "I'll send you a location now!"

"Come to me as soon as possible!"

"I believe I will definitely have something you are interested in!"

"That is, you made a great contribution at that time, so I contacted you first!"

"Understood! Then I'll go now!"

Chen Fan didn't say much.

After hanging up the phone, he soon received the longitude and latitude location sent by Mr. Chen.

A closer look showed that it was less than 300 kilometers away from Dragon Palace.

Thinking of this.

Chen Fan, who had been eager for a long time, explained the training matters of the special operations group of the follow-up base troops to A Long, Zhang Hao and others.

He drove the military off-road vehicle alone and rushed to the location given by Chen Lao.

Three hours later.

Chen Fan arrived at a valley according to Chen Lao's location.

When he was 10 kilometers away from the destination, Chen Fan was stopped by the sentries ambushed in the woods.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Even though these sentries had already discovered that Chen Fan was wearing a military uniform, their tone was also extremely serious.

It was obvious that the place Chen Fan was about to go to must be highly confidential.

Chen Fan had no choice but to take out the satellite phone and call Chen Lao.

"Hahaha! It was my negligence. I forgot that you don't have the authority of our base yet!"

After learning about Chen Fan's situation, Chen Lao laughed very unkindly.

"I will arrange someone to pick you up right away!"

After saying that, Chen Lao hung up the phone directly.

Fortunately, the two sentries were quite polite. They just stopped Chen Fan from going forward and didn't make it too difficult.

Chen Fan guessed that this was probably because the other party discovered that he was also wearing a military uniform and driving a military off-road vehicle.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been arrested by now!

After a while.

A military off-road vehicle drove over from the opposite direction of Chen Fan.

A lieutenant colonel officer got off the off-road vehicle and showed the pass to the sentry.

Then he took Chen Fan into the base.

"Mr. Chen asked me to apologize to you!"

The lieutenant colonel officer first expressed Mr. Chen's apology, and then made a brief self-introduction.

"My name is Zhou Zeshuai, you can call me Assistant Zhou!"

"Chen Fan!"

The two saluted each other, and then boarded Zhou Zeshuai's military off-road vehicle together.

The location sent by Mr. Chen was indeed correct.

The military off-road vehicle continued to drive forward for about 10 kilometers, and Chen Fan saw Mr. Chen.

"Chen Fan, long time no see!"

Mr. Chen greeted Chen Fan cheerfully: "You guys are really patient!"

"You haven't contacted us since you brought the stuff back!"

"Don't you really care at all?"

"How could I not care?"

Chen Fan was sensitive to the fact that Chen Lao did not mention the X element in front of the lieutenant colonel officer next to him.

So he never mentioned the X element.

There are so many secrets and taboos in the field of equipment, and Chen Fan would definitely not make such a low-level mistake!

"Come on, take it!"

Chen Lao waved his hand and an officer named Zhou Zeshuai could leave.

Then he stretched out his hand and handed Chen Fan something.

"In fact, it has been prepared a long time ago!"

"It's just that I've been busy with research and forgot to send it to you!"

Chen Fan took it from Chen Lao's hand.

Only then did he realize that it was a pass similar to the one that the lieutenant colonel officer just now had.

"We are the 631 base directly under the equipment department of the Chinese military headquarters!"

"Abbreviated as Equipment 631!"

"Since you are here this time, take the pass!"

"If you want to come again in the future, I don't need to arrange someone to pick you up!"

The two said.

Led by Chen Lao, they walked into a heavy iron door halfway up the mountain.


What Chen Lao wanted to show Chen Fan next should be in this equipment laboratory built halfway up the mountain.

"You can be said to have made great contributions to our Chinese military last time!"

"So you can be allowed to choose the weapons and equipment developed this time first!"

"The ranking is even ahead of the national special forces in the No. 1 combat sequence!"

"Now you should know how precious this opportunity is, right?"

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