"Don't answer!"

"Don't answer!"

"Don't answer..."

In the cold and damp room, a haggard man lowered his head.

He kept talking about it.

His hands were hung upright with iron chains, and blood was slowly flowing.

There were bloody wounds all over his body, and it looked like he had been subjected to inhuman torture.

You can still see it if you look carefully.

There were only two empty wounds left for his eyes.

The only thing left in the whole room was the man mumbling to himself.

Human beings!

The bravest people of every ethnic group are always used in the cruelest confrontations with each other!

"Report No. 1, No. 99 has entered the Grand Palace Hotel!"

Geng Hu's report sounded in the communication system.

"Continue to observe and adapt to changes!"

Xuancheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Fan also learned the news through the communication system.

At this time, he had arrived about 300 meters away from the suspicious manor and quietly hid.

He still doesn't know in what way these people in the manor will be detrimental to the base troops.

But this does not prevent Chen Fan from making preparations in advance!

More importantly.

If the other party sets a trap, it is very unrealistic for these 200 people to target the base troops!

With the current strength of the Chinese base force's special operations group, they can easily kill these guys in less than an hour!

So what is the other party’s real plan?

Could it be that heavy troops were deployed outside Peter Town, and the mercenaries in the manor and Peter Town were only used to contain the special operations group of the Chinese base troops?

There is this possibility.

It’s just that this would be too much trouble!

Five minutes passed.

There was still no movement inside the Grand Palace Hotel.

There was no update news from Li Shutong and Chen Huan themselves.

"No. 1, why don't we just rush in!"

"There is no need for No. 99 and the others to take risks!"

Geng Hu's voice sounded in the communication system again.

Obviously he couldn't wait any longer!

"Absurd! What does it mean that No. 99 doesn't need to take risks?"

Xu Xu retorted unceremoniously: "They are also part of the special operations group of our Chinese base force!"

"A member of the dignified Mulan Women's Special Forces Team!"

"Do you want to turn them into vases?"

"Say it again!"

"Our national special forces are the first line of defense for China's national defense and security..."

"Any mission that requires us to take action is without danger!"

"Should the Mulan women's special team not participate in all future missions and be left to you male members?"

Of course, Xu Xu can also understand the thoughts of Geng Hu and others.

It’s purely a worry and concern for the Mulan female special forces team members!

"Taking ten thousand steps back, the real adventure is when we rush in directly!"

"What if the Grand Palace Hotel is a trap set by the enemy?"

"If we rush in without knowing anything about the situation inside, we will only put ourselves in danger!"

Chen Fan nodded when he heard this.

Today's permission has become more and more mature in commanding capabilities!

It is enough to show that after several actual combat missions in the past, allowing permission to command the troops was a wise choice!

Then Chen Fan looked at the light spots of the base's special forces members one after another in the radar scanning skill PS.

It’s time to start cultivating Zhang Hao, Aaron, Li Jian and other talents with commanding talents!

For example, the light that just spoke.

Although a bit reckless, it can be seen that he has been thinking independently.

This is definitely not a bad thing.

On the contrary, it is a great good thing for the development of every base force member.

The other team leaders who heard the conversation through the call system also nodded secretly!

They all put themselves in the position of commander, and each thought about how to make a decision if faced with the situation at hand.

"Okay! Don't think too much about it!"

The voice of permission passed through the communication system again and rang in everyone's ears: "Perform your duties honestly and fulfill your mission responsibilities!"


Each squad leader answered one after another.

Continue to observe the surrounding situation silently and be ready to take action at any time.

"Report No. 1, we have gained something!"

Right now.

The voice of No. 99 suddenly came from the communication system.

"Copy that! What did you get on the 99th?"

"Report No. 1, all of us are safe now!"

"What's more important is that we got information that the Chinese intelligence personnel who were being hunted are now in the basement of the Grand Palace Hotel!"

"But he's not here willingly!"

"Intelligence agents today are imprisoned!"

Everyone was shocked when this statement came out!

China's intelligence personnel were imprisoned, but he sent an emergency message to China.

It would be better if the distress message was sent before being imprisoned!

Once these distress messages were sent after the intelligence officers were imprisoned!

Then all members of the special operations team of the Chinese base forces will face extreme danger!

It means that the scene in front of them is a trap specially designed to lure them here!

Almost all the members of the base troops thought of this at the first time!

"No. 99, have you figured out when our intelligence officer was imprisoned?"

"Three days ago!"


Everyone took a breath of cold air!

The emergency distress message was sent to the military headquarters in China a day ago!

However, in fact, this intelligence officer had been caught three days ago!

"All teams, arrange a team member to quickly patrol from the inside to the outside at our current location!"

"Report as soon as any abnormal situation is found!"

Xu Ke immediately ordered: "All personnel are ready for battle!"

Geng Hu, who just asked the question, was even more fortunate!

If he really rushed into the Grand Palace Hotel as he said!

The consequences are now unimaginable!

"Old squad leader, pay close attention to the armed personnel you just found..."

"If there is an abnormality, you and your team members are allowed to fire first to warn!"

This is mainly to ensure that in case of unexpected situations, the large number of enemies in the manor can be contained by the squad where the old squad leader is.

So that other team members can deal with it calmly!

The only problem is that the old squad leader's men will be in danger!

But now there is no time to worry about that!


The old squad leader answered resolutely, and then looked at his team members: "Brothers, get ready!"

If it were just the armed personnel gathered in the manor, it might not be completely certain that they were enemies.

But combined with the intelligence obtained by No. 99, the intentions of these armed men are self-evident!

It is impossible for them to hold a party in the manor with full armor, right?

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