"Does that mean the boss will contact you next?"


As the two of them asked and answered, they both understood what the other party was really concerned about.

Then Chen Fan smiled as if everything was under control.

Frank's expression suddenly changed!

He had already anticipated what Chen Fan would do next!

"But you..."


Frank wanted to say something else.

But Chen Fan interrupted him rudely: "I have to say, you are really good at persuading people!"

"Right under our feet are more than 20,000 living civilians of Basha!"

"They are innocent from any angle!"

"But you, the executioner, are trying to kidnap me with morality? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"You raised your butcher knives to the people of Basha without any sense of guilt, but when the time comes, you use kindness to tie my hands and feet?"

"Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Chen Fan looked at Frank in front of him with a sneer: "What's more hateful is that you are the initiator of this plan!"

"How inhumane is it that you can say this?"

Frank was silent!

He wanted to refute but didn't know where to start!

In the cultural world of the Ugly Country, a high degree of freedom often means a high degree of selfishness!

All interests are self-centered and serve themselves.

How could there be the mind and courage of China to embrace the world for five thousand years?

At this moment.

Frank even seemed to have foreseen the polar reversal of the world situation in the next few decades.

The Ugly Country, which sucks blood from the heads of people all over the world, will eventually reap what it has sown.

At that time.

The people of the Ugly Country cannot attribute the reason for their decline to any other country or nation in the world!

In the final analysis, it is just a cycle of cause and effect!

"But I still have to admit it!"

Chen Fan's words rang in Frank's ears again: "In the final analysis, the 20,000 innocent people in Peter Town are not wrong!"

"I can do my best to prevent this incident from happening!"

After that.

Chen Fan no longer had the idea of ​​chatting with Frank.

The other party's plan is under control.

The next step is to wait for this period of darkness before dawn.

It can even be said that this period of darkness is not the special operations group of the base force.

"No. 2, all members of the base force have left the scope of Peter Town!"

At this time, the voice of permission came from the communication channel.

Chen Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Now he is no longer afraid even if the boss behind Frank bombs Peter Town in real time!

Before that,

Chen Fan was once worried that the boss behind Frank would not care about Frank's life or death.

Directly carry out indiscriminate missile bombing on Peter Town.

Now it seems that the boss behind Frank still has some friendship with him.

Of course, this also proves from the side.

Frank's position and importance in the other party's entire organizational structure!

In this way, Chen Fan is more looking forward to the satellite phone in his hand!

He believes that the other party will confirm Frank's safety soon.

"Okay! Break out according to the plan!"

"I am now flying a helicopter above you!"

"So you don't need to worry about my safety!"


Xu Ke couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Sure enough, there was a helicopter flying at a very low altitude with flashing lights.

Before that.

Xu Ke even asked other base troops to keep a close eye on the helicopter above their heads.

Fearing that it was an enemy.

Now it seems that Xu Ke was fortunately cautious enough.

But he did not take action without authorization before confirming whether the helicopter was an enemy or a friend!


With the heavy sniper rifles in the hands of the base troops.

It is entirely possible to shoot down the helicopter.

At the same time

Xu Ke and other members of the base troops could not help but flash a trace of surprise in their hearts.

Their leader Chen Fan is really amazing!

Not only did he figure out the enemy's plan without knowing it.

He even quietly snatched a helicopter from the enemy!

All these methods are really amazing!

Chen Fan just conveyed the information to Xu Ke.

Then the satellite phone in his hand began to vibrate.

Frank, who was sitting in the back row of the helicopter, also became nervous at the same time!

Damn it!

"Boss! You must not be easily deceived by this Chinese special forces soldier in front of you!"

He prayed secretly in his heart.

But he also knew that voice changing is just a regular skill for special forces soldiers!

Frank himself has the ability to change several voices.

The difference is only the deceptiveness after changing the voice!


The satellite phone was finally connected.

"Damn Frank, have you left the range of Peter Town now?"

Frank heard Jordan's impatient voice coming from the satellite phone.

His whole heart was like falling into an ice cellar!

Both of them are Captain Jack's trusted subordinates, so there is of course a certain degree of competition between them.

"I'm safe now!"

Compared to Frank, Chen Fan was also very nervous at this time.

Of course he could imitate Frank's voice perfectly, but he didn't know who the person on the other end of the phone was!

Besides, he needed to do other things in the process!

"We seriously underestimated the strength of those guys this time!"

"Now they have also left the scope of Peter Town!"

Chen Fan continued to imitate Frank's voice: "So I suggest canceling the bombing of Peter Town!"

"Cancel? Are you kidding!"

Jordan on the opposite side instantly became impatient: "Even if they are in the town, I will still bomb it!"

"Besides, they have left Peter Town now, that's even better!"

In his opinion.

It is more convenient to not bomb Peter Town now!

"Do you have the coordinates of the group of Chinese special forces?"


Chen Fan answered without hesitation: "I am on a helicopter now, and I know their coordinates very well!"


Chen Fan gave a coordinate about 1 km north of Peter Town.

It is at least 5 kilometers away from the current location of the base force special operations group.

"Those guys are not on transportation, obviously they are waiting for support!"

"Just bomb the 1km radius of the location I just marked, and they will definitely be wiped out!"

"Okay! Be careful!"

Jordan immediately hung up the phone and arranged for the weapon operator on the warship to adjust the latest coordinates.

The missile silo that had been ready was instantly opened.


Hundreds of missiles flew directly to one kilometer north of Peter Town in Basha.

Woo woo woo!

Where the missiles passed, the air defense radar of Basha reacted instantly.

The shrill air defense alarm sounded continuously in many cities of Basha.


The entire Basha army was alarmed!

Chen Fan and Frank sat quietly in the helicopter.

Waiting for the next performance!

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