Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 580: Protect the interests of the people!

"Hello, is this a hummingbird?"

Within the Guozihao Special Forces, it is the military region headquarters that issues tasks.

Subsequently, all national special forces units can complete their missions independently.

No need to ask anyone else for instructions.

During the execution of tasks, active contact with the headquarters is not allowed.

Especially this kind of overseas mission.

Preventing the failure during the execution of the mission, the identity of the Chinese special forces was exposed because of the contact records.

Usually the military district headquarters will also determine the time for the special forces to complete the task based on the level of the task.

For example, take the rescue mission carried out by Chen Fan this time.

The time given by the military headquarters to the special operations group of the base troops is three days.

If there is no feedback from the base force special operations team for more than three days, the mission can be considered failed.

on the contrary.

If the base force special operations group successfully completes its mission.

Then you can contact the military headquarters through a specific communication contact code in the form of a satellite phone!


After Chen Fan completed the rescue mission.

Immediately contacted the liaison personnel of the military region headquarters whom I had never contacted before.

The other party's code name is Hummingbird.

"Are the cherries ripe?"

A very common sentence in Chinese came from the satellite phone.

If it is a normal person or an enemy who accidentally obtained emergency contact information through torture.

At this moment, there is a high probability that it is mature!

Cherries instead of tasks after all.

This is easy to guess.


The case number given by the military headquarters did not follow the routine at all!

"I don't know about cherries, the peaches are already ripe!"

Chen Fan told the secret code word by word to the hummingbird on the opposite side.

"Okay! Is there anything we need to do?"

This is considered as the code has been matched.

Then you can communicate normally.

"I am the founder of the special operations group of the Chinese base force, and this research mission has been completed!"

"Currently, our department is taking intelligence personnel to the port of Haiding in the Kingdom of Bassa!"

"In addition, we also encountered some changes during the mission..."

Then Chen Fan said a few words.

He encountered Frank from the Thanksgiving mercenary company, and subsequently bombed the small town of Peter in the Bassa Kingdom.

Everything was briefly reported.

"Considering the special performance of the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company and the forces behind it in this operation!"

"I think it is necessary to transfer some evidence during the mission to the military headquarters as quickly as possible!"

"You think very reasonably!"

Hummingbird did not hesitate to provide a contact point for Chinese intelligence personnel about 100 kilometers away from the base force's special operations group.

"When you arrive at the contact point, send a copy of all the evidence back to China in the form of confidential documents!"

After saying that, Hummingbird gave Chen Fan the number of a confidential document.


Similar situations should often occur during the execution of tasks by the Guozihao Special Forces.

So Hummingbird handles it with ease!

"In addition, our warships in Haiding Port have been carrying out supplies. After you board the warships, they will complete the final supplies and set off to return home!"

"In view of the special circumstances encountered in this operation, I will suggest to the leaders to contact the nearest submarine to escort the warship!"

"Thank you Hummingbird!"

Although Chen Fan felt that this was unnecessary.

But he still agreed with Hummingbird's suggestion.

Although China's warships are performing missions abroad, their status is equivalent to China's own territory.

Under such circumstances, does the boss behind the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company still dare to take action against Chinese warships?

Originally, Chen Fan thought this was something very ridiculous.

But combined with the other party's behavior of bombing the entire Peter Town this time and the painful lessons learned decades ago.

Chen Fan secretly increased his vigilance in his heart!

6 hours later.

It's finally dawn.

In the face of many media from all over the world, they insist on asking questions about the bombing incident in the small town of Peter, Pakistan.

The military of the ugly country finally held a press conference as a last resort.

When a reporter from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia asked why the U.S. military carried out bombings on their country.

The performance from the ugly country’s military begins!

"We firmly oppose your claim of bombing the territory of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia!"

The spokesperson from the ugly country’s military has an extremely tough attitude!

"Our bombing target is a group of violent militants who have carried out armed attacks in our country recently!"

"In fact, it is the Pakistani state that harbors criminals who have caused huge damage to the interests of our country and people without knowing it!"

"Due to the need for confidentiality, we launched a crackdown on this group of criminals only after they left the population centers!"

"This is to safeguard the interests of our country and people!"

"Are the Palestinians sure they want to hold us responsible for bombing this group of criminals?"

"Or is it that the Basha Nation is the one behind the attack on us?"

"Otherwise, I really can't understand that you are making such a fuss after just killing a few notorious criminals!"

The spokesperson of the ugly country’s military made this statement.

All the reporters from all over the world who were present were bewildered!

Even if they knew that the spokesperson was talking nonsense.

But he kept saying that he was fighting against criminals who endangered the interests of the Ugly Country and its people!

How could he be held accountable?

Some senior leaders in Basha were instantly panicked!

"Quick, quick, quick!"

"Contact our reporters and stop asking these questions!"

"At the same time, let our diplomats issue a letter of thanks to the Ugly Country as quickly as possible!"

"Thank them for their magnanimity in harboring criminals!"

"At the same time, thank them for their decisive action and eliminating the security risks for our country!"

All other senior leaders of Basha were shocked!

Their own land was bombed by the other side and they still had to thank them?

Is this world so absurd?

The Ugly Country military representative at the press conference was also very calm after seeing the reactions of these people in the audience!

He is also a member of Captain Jack's faction.

Because the Ugly Country military believes that whoever makes a mistake should clean up his own ass.

"I know you still have doubts!"

The spokesperson continued to talk nonsense: "We found the bodies of criminals who planned and launched armed attacks in my country at the bombing site!"

"All media friends can stay after the press conference for special interviews if they are interested!"

Then he released some image data on the big screen.


Everyone was silent after this statement!

On the one hand, most media reporters did not know what happened in Basha.

On the other hand, some media reporters who knew the general situation saw that the military representatives of the ugly country were so well prepared.

They did not dare to speak at all.

"Dear spokesperson, we noticed that the official newspapers of China on the other side of the ocean also reported on this matter!"

"I don't know what you think?"

What the hell?

The spokesperson on the stage panicked instantly!

The photographer did not know the specific situation, and subconsciously gave the camera to the reporter who had just spoken.

And a tablet held high in his hand.

The headline of the news above was "Many evil deeds will kill themselves!"

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