"Hahahaha! This news release about td almost made me laugh out loud!"

“Look at the last expression of that ugly country’s press secretary, it’s so wonderful!”

"The leader's move is really brilliant!"

"Think about it carefully, what will happen even if the Ugly Country kills all the people in Peter Town, Basha Country?"

"These weaklings from the Bashar country simply don't dare to hold the ugly country accountable!"

"It's different now!"

"They performed it in front of media from all over the world!"

"Everyone now knows that the Ugly State bombed the territory of the Basharian State and even invented a so-called criminal gang!"

“Our domestic media workers are really awesome!”

The members of the base force's special operations group kept communicating on the way to the port.

Now that the mission is basically over, everyone feels very comfortable."

Especially when I watched the press conference of the ugly country and the two news reports that made the front page headlines in China.

A judgment was made in an instant!

It is also clear who represents justice and who is the evil destroyer of peace!

"Old Chen, this move of yours is really brilliant!"

Quan Sitting on Chen Fan's off-road vehicle, he gave him a thumbs up: "I'm afraid the boss behind the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company is going to bleed out!"


Chen Fan nodded and couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face!

Just three hours ago.

The group of them finally arrived at the intelligence point mentioned by Hummingbird.

Send back all the relevant information about the Basha Kingdom as quickly as possible!

At the same time, he gave his own suggestions!

The senior leaders of the military region headquarters were extremely shocked after learning the whole situation!

These ugly guys actually used Chinese intelligence personnel to create such a complicated trap!

Even launched a missile bombing?

This is absolutely shameless behavior!

In this case, China's top leaders also decided not to remain silent.

As a result, the front-page headlines reported the bombing incident in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in a large and sharp way.

As for why the ugly country never mentioned China at the press conference.

And China's news reports never mentioned its base troop vehicle regiment.

This is a tacit understanding between big countries!

No matter what the plot is, it can only be carried out in secret!

Once it is put on the bright side, it will destroy the entire international social order!

Both Ugly Country and China will face strong resistance from all over the world.

As the initiator of this trap, Ugly Country will definitely become the target of public criticism!

As for the follow-up aftermath, Chen Fan has nothing to do with it.

Anyway, the special operations group of the Huaxia Base Force did not suffer any loss in this rescue mission.

Leave it all to the military district headquarters!

Another two hours later!


Members of the base force's special operations group can hear the port's whistle even if they are sitting in an off-road vehicle!

All the team members breathed a sigh of relief!

We are finally arriving at the port of Haiding!

No matter what happens when you are in Bazaar Country, you still feel a sense of crisis all the time!


When the convoy arrived at Haiding Port, the first thing they noticed was China's most advanced Type 1055 warship.

The convoy stopped.

The warship leader who had been prepared for the war personally disembarked from the warship to greet him!

"Thank you for your hard work, brothers! Now hurry up and board the ship!"

The two naval colonels came to Chen Fan one after another.

"Are you Yuan Shi?"

Chen Fan greeted him: "Yes! I am Yuan Shi!"

For reasons of confidentiality, Chen Fan cannot reveal his identity even when facing these two naval commanders!

"That's right!"

These two officers obviously also knew the taboos of special forces like Chen Fan and others who were performing missions abroad.

"I am Tang Haijun, the captain of the Type 1055 warship, and this is our political commissar Li Haoyu!"

After the three of them introduced themselves briefly, they got to know each other.

He quickly boarded the warship with all the base troops and the Chinese intelligence personnel who were still in a coma.

The moment he stepped onto the warship.

Chen Fan's keen sense of crisis made him aware of several scrutinizing glances from 1,000 meters away.

Then he paused.

Tan Haijun and Li Haoyu noticed Chen Fan's abnormality immediately.

"Comrade Yuanshi, do you have any questions?"

"I just seemed to have noticed that someone was investigating in our direction!"

Chen Fan was afraid that the two people would not understand, so he added: "It doesn't look like a kind person!"

“So that’s it!!”

On the one hand, Tan Haijun was shocked by Chen Fan's keen sense of danger. On the other hand, he explained very calmly: "Your feeling should be correct. There are indeed people who have been monitoring our situation with malicious intent!"

"Actually, you should be able to understand it if you think about it carefully!"

Chen Fan suddenly realized after hearing this: "It is true that I am too sensitive!"

China is one of the few countries in the world that can independently build aircraft carriers and continuously develop large destroyers!

Advanced ships like the Type 1055 warship are the focus of enemy intelligence personnel while they are still being built.

As for carrying out missions abroad, it will become a thorn in the side of many people!

Various malicious investigators have been replaced in waves!

No wonder Tang Haijun and Li Haoyu didn't take it seriously!

"Let's go aboard and take a rest first!"

Tan Haijun smiled slightly: "I think the brothers should be too nervous when performing the mission and haven't recovered yet!"

"The safety of the brothers will be left to us next!"


Chen Fan nodded.

Although all the members of the special operations group of the base force have learned the relevant knowledge of naval warfare and have undergone corresponding training.

But when they really get to the sea, if they encounter danger, of course these navy brothers on the warship are more trustworthy!

They can indeed relax!

Little did they know.

The two detective eyes that Chen Fan noticed just now, after seeing Chen Fan and others all boarded the ship.

Both of them turned around and left with a solemn look!


"You mean that all the Chinese military transport planes that came to Basha recently have no movement."

"And their warships that were originally replenishing at the seaside port will set off to return today?"

Captain Jack stared at Jordan excitedly.

"Yes, sir!"

Jordan was also a little excited: "These guys didn't choose to leave on a military transport plane!"

"It's simply an opportunity given to us by God!"

"That's right!"

Captain Jack's eyes were filled with madness!

He had worked hard for more than 20 years and was about to reap the fruits of victory, but suddenly fell into an abyss!

He had more than just resentment towards the special operations group of the base force that destroyed all this!

That's why.

He has completely disregarded any consequences!

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