After returning to China, Chen Fan immediately submitted a summary and reflection report of this research mission to the headquarters.

In the end, the military headquarters of China did not negotiate with the military of the Ugly Country.

"The current international and domestic situation is quite complicated. If we suffer a loss, we must get back at the place!"

"But now we have a relative advantage in this situation. Once it is really exposed, it will give people the illusion that China has crushed the Ugly Country!"

"Many hostile forces will over-promote the so-called Huaxia threat theory!"

"It is better to pretend that these things have not happened!"

"Of course, all national special forces will perform missions outside in the future. Requirement will be implemented with higher standards!"

"We must be prepared for their retaliatory actions at any time!"

Chen Fan nodded.

The headquarters made such a decision completely within his expectations.

For example, if China's warships were attacked by submarines in the waters of Basha, even if Chen Fan went to the sea to salvage evidence related to the Ugly Country.

It will not have any effect except intensifying the contradictions between the two countries!

This is extremely irrational for China at present.

Of course.

This does not mean that China can only take a beating and cannot fight back.

Rather, the world situation of one side growing while the other side declining forces China to be more restrained!

On the contrary, the Ugly Country can add fuel to the fire in various ways around the world.

Because the ultimate beneficiaries of all conflicts are them.

Every time Chen Fan thinks of this, he can't help but sigh in his heart!

The international situation surrounded by wolves makes everyone a little restrained.

Then Chen Fan quickly led all the base troops back to the new base.


In the blink of an eye, another two months passed.

During this time, Chen Fan almost put all his energy into the construction of the base.

He went through all the supporting facilities such as dormitory living area and training area bit by bit.

China is worthy of being a infrastructure maniac.

Under the attention of the public, the latest base was finally established.

The Special Operations Regiment of the Huaxia Base Force finally has its own home again!

And because of the rescue mission of the Huaxia Special Operations Regiment last time.

The headquarters specially approved a fighter jet for the Special Operations Regiment of the Base Force.

Of course, there is also the reason that Chen Fan once had a good cooperative relationship with the First Aircraft Research and Development Center of Huaxia.

When the entire base was completed.

Chen Fan immediately drove the most advanced fifth-generation test aircraft model specially approved by the headquarters for the special operations regiment of the Huaxia base troops on the runway of the new base that had been renovated.


The pleasant roar of the Taizu engine, designed by Chen Fan and painstakingly built by the First Aircraft Research and Development Center of China, echoed throughout the new base.

All the key players could not help but be shocked!

"The commander is so powerful!"

"The sound of the fighter's engine is so nice!"

"You don't understand this?"

"Last time I went shopping, many people more than 100 kilometers away said that there was a dragon roar here!"

After hearing this, the other base troops nodded heavily: "If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have discovered it!"

"Now that I think about it, it is really too similar to the dragon roar in the legend!"

"Stop, stop, stop! Don't talk nonsense!"

"How can we call it a dragon roar? It's just a sunny and cheerful boy roaring twice!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Either it's a fat girl, or it's a sunny and cheerful boy!"

"We must not let it slip!"

After that, everyone laughed!

It feels like I sat up in shock from a dying illness, and I feel like I am the great power!

One of the base troops has been a representative of the Chinese class since childhood.

Seeing this kind of performance, he blurted out: "It turns out that what all of us fear is not the imperial powers!"

"We are afraid that the powers are not ourselves!"

That's right!

Almost all the active team members remembered the news they saw when they were surfing the Internet recently!

Some photographers of the Romantic Empire originally deliberately exaggerated some photos of China they took with malicious intent!

They also signed a name called the Dawn of the Empire!

They originally intended to use these photos to make all the hostile forces that are hostile to China wary of China!

Never expected that after these photos were transmitted to China, all the Chinese people were ecstatic!

They shouted to the photographers from the Romantic Empire!

Give them chicken legs!

Let's not talk about the chats during the training.

Finally, when the base force members saw Chen Fan's fighter plane passing through a runway built in the belly of the mountain and stopped.

Everyone's expression became complicated!

After completing the last research mission of Basha Country.

The first thing the base force special operations group did after returning was internal rectification and streamlining.

Because the requirements of China's national special forces are too many, too high and too strict!

Some members of the base force and Mulan women's special forces are completely unable to adapt to the current rhythm!

They took the initiative to apply to return to their original units.

And the other part can no longer keep up with the growth rate of the base force special forces.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of all base force members.

For the sake of confidentiality, the assessment was also conducted in a secret base among the merchants.

When Chen Fan entered, A Long, Xu, Zhang Hao, Li Jian and others had basically completed the assessment of all the team members.

At a glance, Chen Fan found that Xiao Long and others were not looking very good.

"What's the problem?"

Chen Fan got straight to the point and didn't say anything polite to these good brothers!

"The result may not be very ideal!"

A Long thought for a while and added: "It should be said that there is a big gap from our expectations!"


A Long, Xu, Zhang Hao and the other two gave Chen Fan a brief report on the basic physical fitness, actual combat physical fitness, tactical skills, command skills and mental health assessment assessment items that they were responsible for.

"Old Chen, this result is also something we didn't expect at all!"

"This also shows that it is very necessary for us to carry out rectification at this time point!"

Chen Fan took the assessment report jointly written by the four people.

He frowned first, then laughed: "I thought it was a big deal!"

"It's done!"

The report comprehensively evaluated the existing 1,480 base troops.

The total number of base troops who voluntarily withdrew or withdrew due to unqualified assessments reached nearly 900.

The Mulan Women's Special Forces was even worse.

The number of people who could really stay was less than 50.

You should know that after several expansions, the number of Mulan Women's Special Forces once reached 300.

The elimination rate is really too high!

No wonder Aaron, Zhang Hao, Xu Ke and Li Jian and other four people didn't look very good!

Chen Fan certainly knew what his good brothers were thinking.

"I came here not only to see the results, but also to announce a good news!"

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