"I think I should have been convinced by you!"

Hawks looked at Carl with a smile on his face: "It's time to prove the strength of our Marine Corps again!"

He chose to agree to Karl's plan except for the reasons Karl mentioned just now.

What's more important is that after these two actions, the status of the entire navy is now in jeopardy!

In particular, the loss of a submarine caused many groups within the ugly country to oppose the navy.

This is something neither Carl nor Hawks want to see!

Three days later.

A burly man walked out of the ugly country's naval military prison.

"Today's young people are really unreliable!"

"Even the little Chinese special forces can't handle it!"

With a meaningful smile on his face, he looked up at the bright sky above his head.

"But no matter what, I have to thank you!"

"So the special forces from China, I will definitely leave the whole body for you!"

Then less than five days later.

Nearly 5,000 naval elites gathered at a naval base deep in the sea.

The crazy super special forces training mode has started!

When Captain Jack learned about this, he couldn't help but have a sneer on his face!

"Chinese special forces, just wait!"

"Sooner or later, you will have to pay the price you deserve!"

Then Captain Jack looked at the information in his hand and once again fell into deep thought.

If possible, he hoped to use the Thanksgiving mercenary company in his hands to find the Chinese special forces at that time to take revenge.

Rather than borrowing it from others!

"China's national special forces!"

"It must be you nasty guys!"

After many inquiries from him.

Captain Jack was finally able to confirm that the last time they targeted their Thanksgiving mercenary company in Baal and Basha countries should be the national special forces from China!

Such troops are usually put into use by China's military headquarters in emergencies!

Think of this.


Jack called from outside the office.

"Boss, I'm here!"

A tall, young man walked in from the door: "How can I help you?"

"A very simple little task!"


Jack called Smith to his side and began to instruct some preparations that needed to be made.

A conspiracy against China's national special forces slowly began.

Chen Fan still had no idea about this!

No matter how powerful his special ability is, it is impossible to discover that Jack on the other side of the ocean is planning a special offer for the base troops!

And Chen Fan is also very busy at this time!

The work efficiency of Institute 631 is very fast.

A month later, a total of 500 sets of body armor and combat boots were delivered to the Dragon Palace Base of the Chinese Base Force Special Operations Group.

Mr. Chen claimed to be Chen Fan's neighbor. Of course, he knew the area where the Dragon Palace was located quite well.

That's why.

When he arrived at the Dragon Palace where the special operations group of the base force was located.

I almost thought I was in the wrong place.

the reason is simple.

Almost no one can be seen in the Dragon Palace where the entire base force's special operations group is located.

Under the organization of the headquarters, the special forces of the 17 military regions selected some good candidates to come to the special operations group of the base force to participate in the selection of the base force.

All base troop members, including Chen Fan, were extremely busy.

To know.

More than 9,600 people from all over the army were sent to the temporary base troop selection and training base set up by the headquarters.

Even squadron leaders like Aaron, Zhang Hao, and Xu Quan had to take the regular members of the base's special operations group to organize the base's selection.

"This place looks even more desolate now than before you came!"

Facing Mr. Chen's emotion, Chen Fan could only smile bitterly.

"I didn't expect this either!"

"Every major military region is like crazy, trying their best to crowd in our place!"

"Didn't I hear before that they were unwilling to arrange for their elites to go out for training?"

Mr. Chen chuckled: "Can it be the same?"

“Many trainings in the past were often done in vain!”

"The people who organize the training may not necessarily have high standards!"

"The final training is even worse than intensive training in one's own military region!"

"Do you think the major military regions can arrange for their real elites to be trained?"

"But it's different now!"

Chen Fan was now curious: "What's different? Isn't it just an ordinary training camp?"

In Chen Fan's opinion, the standards for base troop selection have been lowered compared to base troop training.

Not without lowering standards.

If these people can pass the training without lowering the standards, they have reached the level of base force members.

There is no need for training at all!

In fact, there is still a big gap between these team members selected by the major military regions and the real members of the base troops!

"The reason for everything is because of you!"

Mr. Chen may be a bystander: "You may not know it now, but you are now a legend in all major military regions!"

"In just a few years, we have directly established a base force special operations group, and led the base force members to become China's national special forces!"

"With such an outrageous record in front of them, how can they not be tempted?"

Chen Fan could only smile bitterly.

But he had to admit that what Old Chen said made sense.

If it were him, he would definitely arrange for people to come for training!

"Okay! It seems that I can only bear the consequences of all this!"

Having said that, Chen Fan was actually quite proud!

The record he created now.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to achieve in their lifetime!

"Okay! Let me talk about business!"

Old Chen seemed to be very relieved when he saw Chen Fan unhappy.

"Our staff has put in a lot of effort this time!"

As he said this, Old Chen arranged for the soldiers to move the full-body bulletproof vests and bulletproof combat boots ordered by Chen Fan from the transport vehicle to the warehouse of the special operations regiment of the base troops.

While pulling Chen Fan aside: "We have focused on optimizing the bulletproof combat boots!"

"Make this combat boot more comfortable to wear!"

"The price remains the same as before!"

Chen Fan was overjoyed: "That's great!"

"I tried on the combat boots after bringing them back last time, and they were indeed a bit too hard!"

Old Chen: "Then why didn't you tell us your feedback?"

"Because it doesn't affect the combat effectiveness, I didn't give any feedback!"

That pair of combat boots is indeed uncomfortable.

But compared to its advantages, it can be tolerated.

Old Chen also knew that Chen Fan would most likely think this way, so he didn't dwell on this point too much.

"I came here today and also acted as a messenger to convey good news to you!"

"What good news?"

"Here you go!"

Old Chen said as he took out an envelope from his arms.

There were three elegant words written on it: "Invitation!"

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