Chinese people who are not abroad, especially those who are not in India.

I am afraid it is difficult to understand this feeling!

"The fighter jets you are driving are not made in China, but bought from ugly countries!"

"You can only use other people's things and have no innovation. What are you arrogant about?"

Chinese people in India can only use these reasons.

Crazy response to the strange looks of the ignorant people around India.


India's fighter jets have already entered China's air defense identification zone, but China has no reaction, which is also a fact!

More importantly.

In the words of the people of India!

"We really can't build the world's top 5th generation fighter jets!"

"But we can buy them from ugly countries!"

"Can you buy them?"

"Now our pilots have already driven fighter jets to your air defense identification zone, but you dare not even fart!"

In response to this.

Chinese people in India can only be speechless.

Of course, they knew that in the past, when facing the provocation of India, the Chinese Air Force had also arranged fighter jets to track and intercept!

But these news can't be seen in India at all!

India's control of various negative news is much stricter than China.

People of lower castes can't see all the negative news about India at all!

And the Indians of higher castes use this information gap to implement control over the entire country!

Why is the live broadcast open to ordinary people this time?

Because this is a good time to show the image of India as a great power!

The situation is all under the control of the Indian Air Force pilots!

If in this process.

It doesn't matter if the Indian fighter pilots suddenly find that China has arranged fighter jets to intercept!

They can complete the target shooting training task in the shortest time, and then compete in the air with China's domestically produced 5th generation aircraft!

Among the 5th generation aircraft of various countries in the world.

These ugly 5th generation aircraft purchased by India are ahead of all countries in the world!

They are fully confident that they can compete with China's domestically produced 5th generation aircraft without losing the wind!

Even if they are at a disadvantage, they can cut off the communication at the first time to prevent the people of India from seeing the corresponding images of their pilots!


The situation is developing too fast!

The fighter pilots of India have not reacted at all!

They found that an extremely ferocious and terrifying fighter plane silently killed them.

And made an extremely bold and crazy rolling action around their fighter plane!


The panicked curses of the Indian pilots resounded in the live broadcast room!

"Fuck! What the hell is this?"

"Why can't our airborne radar detect it at all?"

"Where did it come from?"

The two Indian pilots desperately used the airborne radar to find the fighter plane that just passed by them.

However, nothing was found at all!

At this time, in the live broadcast room of the Indian military channel.

All the Chinese people in India or the people in China saw the scene that they would never forget!

The camera equipment carried by the two military transport planes of India took very clear pictures!

A ferocious and terrifying fighter with great destructive power.

Just now.

With unparalleled speed and extremely confident posture, it directly made a dazzling maneuver around the two fighters of the Indian country!

The fully opened ammunition compartment was full of various air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles!

Endless murderous intent was coming!

People did not dare to think of being an enemy of it!

What was even more terrifying was.

The speed of that fighter and the superb flying skills of the pilot who controlled the fighter!

The wings and tail of the aircraft symbolized the five-pointed star logo of China!

This is a fighter from China!

A model that has never been seen before!

Although the flying speed of the Indian fighter was not particularly fast, it was at most about 500 kilometers per hour.

But under such circumstances.

The Chinese fighter pilots boldly and accurately made a series of maneuvers with great practical value at the extreme distance!

All Chinese people with certain air combat knowledge were all scared!

"Too exciting!"

"This is our Chinese fighter!"

"See! This is our Chinese fighter!"

The Chinese in the country of India wanted to jump up on the spot!

"If it was in actual combat, your fighter would have been killed long ago!"

"There is no possibility of resistance at all!"

"And look at its speed and maneuverability!"

"It's just like eating and drinking!"

"Elegant! So elegant!"

At this moment, countless Chinese people almost shed tears!

In contrast, the Chinese in China have less complicated ideas!

They realized a problem at the first time!

"Isn't this the latest Chinese domestically produced fifth-generation aircraft that was just announced some time ago?"

"Definitely not!"

"The appearance of the Weilong is not so big, and its maneuverability is inferior to this one!"

"Could it be...?"

"Is this the legendary Chinese-made 6th generation aircraft?"

All military fans with a little military knowledge can't help but get excited at this moment!

Think of the picture and text information that the official media of the Chinese Air Force just pinned!

Brand new model?

Super high configuration?

Full firepower?

And the most important thing is that it is made in China!

"I can now be 90% sure that this is our Chinese-made 6th generation aircraft!"

"It's so domineering!"

"Love it!"

Countless Chinese netizens once again flocked to the official media of the Chinese Air Force to ask for news.

At this moment, no one complained!

Facts speak louder than words!

The Chinese Air Force has proved with its actual actions what it means to crush from hard power to soft power!

If it was a real battle just now!

China's fighter jets would have solved the battle silently!

And the pilots of the Indian country probably didn't know who their opponents were until they died!

"So cool!"

"Love it!"

"At least from the performance just now, our Chinese fighter jets completely crushed the Ugly Country's 5th generation aircraft in terms of radar and fire control system!"

"The military quality of our fighter pilots is even more unmatched by our opponents!"

"Now let's see how the Indian military will end up!"

All Chinese netizens couldn't help but laugh secretly!

Originally wanted to come here to show off their muscles!

In the end, they were like paper-mache muscles in front of Chinese fighter jets!

I'm afraid that the Indian military leaders are in the same mood as if they had eaten a defense!

"Quick, quick, quick! Interrupt the live broadcast!"

"Can't continue broadcasting!"

The Indian Air Force leader looked extremely ugly: "Just say the signal is faulty! Today's live broadcast is over!"

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