This result was completely unexpected by everyone.

No one spoke, no one moved, and the entire conference room was silent.

Everyone, including the leaders of the Air Force, stood there stupidly as if they were struck by lightning, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Two fifth-generation aircraft purchased from the Ugly Country had no advantage over a Chinese fighter, and were directly crushed by the other side.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that such an incredible result would happen.

Originally, they thought that their fighter pilots were too poor.

But in the final confrontation, the performance of the two fighter pilots from the Indian country could already be called textbook level.

This shows that the leaders of the Indian Air Force did not choose pilots casually when arranging people to perform this mission.

Indeed, there is a certain gap between the pilots of the Indian country and those sent by China!

But it is not so big that it cannot be made up!

The only possibility is that the fifth-generation aircraft they purchased from the Ugly Country is indeed far inferior to the new fighter jets that China has just developed!

"We need an explanation!"

The leader of the Asan country looked dejected.

"Contact the Lockheed Martin company of the Ugly Country now. They must explain why the two fifth-generation aircraft cannot compete with a Chinese fighter!"


At this moment, a communications staff of the Asan country hurried to the conference room.


"Report to the commander! Just now, the technical experts of the Lockheed Martin company of the Ugly Country specifically initiated a call to contact you!"

"They said they would give a reasonable explanation for today's incident!"

"Okay! I want to see how they explain it!"

The leader of the Asan country took the phone and returned to his office. He immediately changed his expression: "Please speak!"

Just now, he was facing people from the Asan country, so of course he had to show an indignant look.

Now he is the father of the Ugly Country, how could he still speak without thinking like before.

"I guess you are also wondering why our fifth-generation aircraft is not a match for the Chinese fighter!"

The technical experts of Lockheed Martin have now come back to their senses, although their faces are full of anxious expressions.

But he was not at all inferior to the leaders of India.

"The reason is very simple! China has now developed the most advanced 6th generation aircraft in the world!"

"The 5th generation aircraft you bought from us is a generation gap with China, and all kinds of performance are crushed by the other side!"

"How can we be their opponent in this situation!"


The technical expert of Lockheed Martin immediately changed the subject: "Don't worry!"

"Our Lockheed Martin's technical reserves are not for nothing!"

"Within three years, our 6th generation aircraft will produce the first prototype and then make its maiden flight!"

"It will take no more than 10 years for you to purchase the most advanced 6th generation aircraft from us!"


The leaders of India almost broke their back teeth!

China's 6th generation aircraft have been put into actual combat!

You, on the other hand, will not be able to buy the 6th generation aircraft until 10 years later!

But facing the fathers of the Ugly Country, the leaders of the Indian Country could only be humble: "Yes, yes, we understand!"

"Then we will wait for good news!"

"I hope you can understand our painstaking efforts!"

The technical expert of Lockheed Martin comforted: "You are still one of the best partners of our Lockheed Martin Company!"

"Don't worry about it next!"

"I will let you go!"

After the leader of the Indian Country hung up the phone, he was almost furious!

In order to gain an advantage in the air battle with China, he spent a lot of money to buy the most advanced fifth-generation aircraft from the Ugly Country!

As a result, these fifth-generation aircraft have become inventory products in the blink of an eye!

The thought of buying the sixth-generation aircraft will take at least 10 years!

The air battle confrontation on the border will lag behind China by at least 10 years!

The leader of the Indian Country was almost unable to hold it!

But there was no way out at this point!

Trying to keep himself as majestic as possible, the leader of the Indian Country returned to the meeting room again.

"Notify them!"

"In the future, the Air Force is strictly prohibited from provoking the Chinese Air Force!"

"All those who disobey orders will be punished by military law!"


It seems that this order is quite embarrassing.

The leader of the Indian country added: "If it is really out of control, you can arrange for the army to fight against the Chinese Army!"

"It's nothing more than a bare-handed quarrel on the border, and at most a few stones will be thrown!"

"Will we still be at a disadvantage in this confrontation?"


Other Indian leaders, especially the army leaders, all suddenly realized!

Why didn't they think of this method before?

If the air force confrontation is not good, it will become international news.

But if the two countries' bare-handed soldiers confront each other near the border on land.

Wouldn't that be a common thing?

And the level of the situation can be controlled at any time, and there will be no farce like today!

When I think about having to find ways to cover up today's embarrassing conflict in an entertaining way.

Most of the Indian leaders are full of bitterness!

At the same time.

After hanging up the phone, the technical expert of Lockheed Martin had a sly smile on his face!

"Do you still want us to dismantle the production line of the fifth-generation aircraft?"

"Those people in Congress are stupid, are you leaders stupid too?"

"They just think that our fifth-generation aircraft is ahead of the world, so they can sit back and relax!"

"What about now?"


After thinking about it.

The technical expert of Lockheed Martin quickly called the leader of Lockheed Martin.

"Chairman, I believe our sixth-generation aircraft project will be online soon!"

"More than 20 years of technical reserves will be released in one day!"

"Just let those ignorant people know what the real military art is!"

A slightly hoarse voice came from the phone soon: "Can you ensure that it will surpass the sixth-generation aircraft just developed by China?"


The technical expert of Lockheed Martin was silent.

"I can only guarantee that the latest 6th generation aircraft will far exceed our existing 5th generation aircraft in terms of stealth performance, maximum speed, and firepower configuration!"

"As for whether it can surpass China's standby aircraft, it must be fully demonstrated!"

"The 6th generation aircraft project can be launched!"

The hoarse voice on the phone was unquestionable: "But our 6th generation aircraft must surpass China's 6th generation aircraft in all aspects!"

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter!"

"On this planet, there is no room for fighter jets stronger than ours!"


The technical expert was instantly ashamed!

Similar scenes are also being staged in major military powers in the world.

Another round of arms race on the replacement of fighter jets has begun.

After Chen Fan drove the fighter jet back to Longteng Air Force Base.

He suddenly said something that surprised everyone!

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