"Xiaoyun, a person's strength is only temporary or relative!"

Chen Guoqiang said meaningfully: "When you don't know what your strength is used to protect, this strength is destined to be just an illusion!"

"I hope you can find the real reason why you want to become stronger as soon as possible in the future!"

"On that day you will truly become the strongest soldier in the world!"

Chen Fan nodded and said nothing.

He already understood the painstaking efforts of his grandfather Chen Guoqiang.

The strength of the body and the strength of the will are both very important, but the latter is obviously more important than the former!

Chen Fan then asked Chen Guoqiang for advice on some bottlenecks and problems encountered during the development of the special operations group of the Chinese base forces.

As the former helm of the First Military Region, most of the problems Chen Fan faces now are trivial to Chen Guoqiang.

Every time Chen Guoqiang came up with a solution, Chen Fan would feel like he could clear the clouds and see the moon.

It’s really like having one old person in the family and one treasure in the family!

But this vacation is destined to be short-lived.

The Huaxia Base Force Special Forces Group can still operate normally without Chen Fan for a short period of time, but if Chen Fan is not in charge of Dragon Palace for a long time, problems will easily arise.

Just when Chen Fan was preparing to stay at home for a few more days.

Suddenly, the personal phone he carried rang.

Chen Fan knew that something was most likely going on, an unexpected situation.


The call had just been connected when Aaron's voice came over: "Old Chen, we have a new mission!"

"Okay, I'll go back right away!"

Chen Fan immediately said goodbye to Chen Guoqiang and Han Menghua and prepared to return to the army.

"You must pay attention to safety!"

Chen Guoqiang just waved his hand, while his mother Han Menghua looked at Chen Fan, but hesitated to speak.

Chen Fan understands.

Although Han Menghua said it lightly, in his heart he was still worried about his husband and two children.

This is also inevitable.

"Mom, don't worry! I will definitely ensure my own safety!"

Then Chen Fan left without looking back.

Half a day later, Chen Fan drove the off-road vehicle parked at the high-speed rail station back to the Dragon Palace Base.

"What's going on with this mission?"

In addition to leaving some team members who need to continue organizing the selection of base troops.

Now most of the base force members have completed their assembly in Dragon Palace.

The expressions on everyone's faces were quite serious.

Especially some members of the base force who did not participate in the actual combat mission last time, the expressions on their faces became particularly solemn.

"You'd better see for yourself!"

Chen Fan took the document from Aaron's hand and quickly saw the content of the mission.

"What does this mean? According to the rules, tasks like this can be left to ordinary special forces, right?"

Aaron, who was standing aside, also frowned at the same time.

"It was hard for me to understand when I saw it!"

"But this is indeed an order given to us by the headquarters! We must set out within three days."

Chen Fan then began to check the mission document word for word.

Suddenly his eyes glanced at three words that looked slightly familiar: "Lin Ziqian!"

Then he remembered.

"Do you know anything about Lin Ziqian?"

As he spoke, Chen Fan glanced at Zhang Hao who was standing aside.

Others may not pay that much attention to this content, but Zhang Hao should pay attention to similar information.

"Are you talking about that military industrial maniac Lin Ziqian?"

Zhang Hao thought for a while, and quickly matched Lin Ziqian's three words in his mind.

"Is our mission related to Lin Ziqian?"


Chen Fan nodded.

"The mission we got this time is to escort Lin Ziqian and others to the pole!"

"Normally, ordinary special forces should be able to perform similar tasks!"

"But this time the headquarters has given the task to us!"

"I took a closer look, and it seems that there is something unusual about Lin Ziqian's information!"

"If it's him, that makes sense!"

Zhang Hao nodded: "If you have time, go to the weapons and equipment experimental base of our Chinese base force's special operations group!"

"You will know that Lin Ziqian is a figure that cannot be avoided in the Chinese military industry in the past 10 years!"

"He has created so many innovative military weapons and equipment!"

"It is said that this Lin Ziqian came out of Equipment 631!"

Institute 631 is right next door to the Dragon Palace.

Moreover, the special operations group of the Huaxia Base Force also purchased a large amount of equipment from Institute 631. Of course, Zhang Hao and others knew of their existence.

As for why Lin Ziqian was involved, the reason is quite simple.

It turned out that Lin Ziqian was going to lead a scientific expedition team to the Antarctic region.

It is said that they got information on the Kilometer Glacier.

As for what specifically caused Lin Ziqian to take action.

It's not mentioned in the document.

But Lin Ziqian was able to go to great lengths to take the scientific expedition team to the Antarctic region, and also required the special operations group of the Chinese base force to escort him.

This task will certainly not be easy.

Three days later, the special operations group of the Chinese base troops must set off, and it will be half a month before they actually enter the polar region.

The key is.

The Huaxia Base Force Special Operations Group must hide their identities throughout the process.

That is, they must secretly protect the scientific expedition team led by Lin Ziqian.

In fact, the danger of the problem is not in escorting the scientific expedition team.

It is the extreme weather in the Antarctic region, and the headquarters ordered them to carry out this mission.

There must be many unpredictable risks behind it.

No one knows what will happen during the mission.

Only one thing is certain.

The headquarters requires all members of the Huaxia Base Force Special Operations Group to be fully armed, which means that it will definitely be quite dangerous!

"Let the brothers hurry up and prepare!"

"The most important thing is to adapt to the full-body bulletproof vests and bulletproof combat boots that have just been purchased as quickly as possible!"

"It is very likely to come in handy this time!"

Then Chen Fan subconsciously remembered the marks on the bulletproof combat boots.

If nothing unexpected happens.

It should be Lin Ziqian's work.

Chen Lao's proud student.

Why did Chen Lao sigh when talking about Lin Ziqian?

Maybe this time he can get the answer!

What Chen Fan didn't know was.

On the other side of the distant ocean.

The man who had just been extracted from the military prison by the Navy leaders with great effort and changed his identity.

He was eating the rare steak in front of him leisurely and slowly.

"Has the intelligence been released?"

"Sir, don't worry! We have already obtained the corresponding intelligence through secret channels through which the Chinese intelligence personnel have gone through untold hardships!"

"They will definitely believe it!"

"That's good!"

The bearded man swallowed the rare steak directly and wiped the corners of his mouth gently.

"You rubbish, nearly 4,000 people were eliminated during the training!"

"No wonder you suffered at the hands of the Chinese!"

"This time, let me take you to bully the weak!"


The man patted his subordinate on the shoulder: "Remember to call me Commander Rick next time!"


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