The headquarters urgently arranged personnel to go to the Antarctic region to prepare to rescue the special operations group of the Chinese base troops.

Chen Fan took all the team members back to the inside of the cave.

Just an hour ago, he finally thought of a way to break the situation.

Put yourself to death and live again.

After gathering all the explosives from all the base's special operations groups, Chen Fan quickly divided the explosives into three parts.

Forming three huge time bombs.

Then Chen Fan alone transported the huge time bombs to the weak parts of the three mountain peaks.

Chen Fan, who possesses all-terrain scanning skills, can discover the best points of force in all mountains at the first time.

It is guaranteed to directly trigger a large-scale avalanche at the moment the explosion occurs.

In the extremely severe weather in the Antarctic region, each avalanche is likely to bring about a more violent and large-scale avalanche.

Everyone within a 2-kilometer radius centered on where Chen Fan and the special forces members of the base force are located will be affected.

This is exactly part of Chen Fan's plan.

There are simply too many enemies.

If this continues, the base force's special operations group will remain unaffordable.

It would be better to trigger a large-scale avalanche and bury all the enemies here.

The special operations group of the Chinese base troops located at the center of all enemies must find an escape route in advance.

Using all-terrain scanning skills, Chen Fan quickly discovered that the mountain peaks where the cave where the scientific expedition team members are currently conducting intensive scientific research are entirely composed of hard rocks.

Even if an avalanche occurs, there will be no life-threatening danger!

And Chen Fan is absolutely sure.

This plan will definitely surprise the enemy.

No one dares to believe that the special operations group of the Chinese base troops would choose to die with the enemy when they were not in a desperate situation.

This is exactly the advantage of the special operations group of the Chinese base troops!

Even with Chen Fan's physical ability, nearly 50 minutes had passed since he completed the deployment of all time bombs.

Chen Fan then recalled all base troop members.

Retreat into the cave.

What happened next was three huge explosions that shocked the leaders at the headquarters.

The high-energy explosives carried by the base troops this time are also newly developed products of the weapons and equipment experimental base.

It is a hundred times more powerful than ordinary TNT explosives.

Moreover, all the explosives were placed in the weakest parts of the snow-capped mountains, and the force of the explosion was simply earth-shattering!

"Damn! What the hell is this?"

The leisurely Rick, who had been on a mountain peak 5 kilometers away, suddenly widened his eyes and stood up!

"Why do such terrible avalanches suddenly occur?"

"Faq! Our people!"

Even as cold-blooded and ruthless as Rick, he couldn't help but shudder at this moment!

This is human survival instinct!

In the face of a huge natural disaster like an avalanche, human beings seem too small!

"Get all our people back quickly!"

"Report's too late!"

The correspondent's face was full of bitterness: "They are completely unprepared for such a powerful avalanche, and they will be buried in the ice and snow immediately!"

"No one will survive!"

"I know...but..."

Rick didn't know what to say next.

This is more than 4,000 men, although they are nominally members of the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company.

In fact, there is a background of the Marine Corps behind the scenes!

And now all these 4,000 people will be killed in the avalanche. How will they explain to the leaders behind them after they return?

"It must be the fault of those Chinese special forces!"

At this time, Rick finally reacted: "Now I finally know why those Chinese special forces just chose to retreat!"

"They must have planned all this already!"

Nearly half a minute passed after the explosion, and Rick finally felt the vibration coming from under his feet!

"I should have started Plan B a long time ago!"

At this time, Rick was filled with endless regret: "I could have killed them at the minimum cost!"

"And now it's too late!"

"Sir, it's not too late! Look!"

Rick looked in the direction of his men's fingers, and suddenly discovered that the foot of the mountain where the special operations group of the Tianxia base force was located just now was not completely affected by the avalanche!

"Fake! They are indeed prepared!"

"I'm afraid we've already found a bunker in advance!"

"Then let them experience what true despair is!"

Rick took out a small remote control from his pocket!


As Rick's fingers pressed.

boom! boom! boom! boom

The middle of the snow-capped mountains where the Chinese base force's special operations group was located once again remembered four consecutive loud explosions!

It was also the scene that the headquarters leaders monitored through military satellites!

"Damn it! If we weren't afraid that such a large-scale explosion would cause avalanches in other snowy mountains!"

"I have already used Plan B to send all you bastards away!"

It was clear that the explosion had passed, and the snow-capped mountains where the special operations group of the Chinese base troops were located were completely submerged in the violent avalanche.

Rick didn't feel any pleasure at all!

He deployed bombs early on the prepared mountainside.

But that wasn't the plan from the beginning.


What they really wanted to kill this time was the Chinese special forces.

If the scientific expedition team members were not aware of the danger, the Chinese special forces would never approach the cave.

It was not their purpose to detonate the explosives and let all the scientific expedition team members die in the cave.

The original plan was to eliminate this batch of Chinese special forces through their own men.

Even if they were not counted, they could compress their range of activities to the foot of the snow-capped mountain where the explosives were deployed.

When the explosives were detonated, all the Chinese special forces could be caught in one fell swoop!

Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes!

In the end, it could only end so hastily.

Instead, all of his more than 4,000 men were involved!

"No matter what! At least we killed all the opponents this time!"

The explosives arranged in advance by the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company were carefully calculated and prepared.

It was far from comparable to the explosion plan that Chen Fan came up with on the spur of the moment.

Once an avalanche was caused, at least the ice and snow at the exit of the cave could reach 20 meters.

In the absence of large-scale mechanical tools, there is no hope of survival.

"I just don't know how many surprises this chess piece can bring us!"

"I hope he can wipe out all the enemies in one fell swoop!"

The chess piece Rick mentioned is Wu Yuwen.

He is also the initiator and main participant of this plan.

"These Chinese people are really stupid! They really think we will treat the so-called family that we originally arranged well!"

"He doesn't even know that even the child is not his!"


If Wu Yuwen in the cave could hear these words, I don't know what he would think.

In any case.

At this time, Wu Yuwen really regretted it!

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