Just when Lin Ziqian and Chen Fan were discussing their next trip in order to complete the scientific expedition mission.

Inside a military base in the distant Ugly Country.

Captain Jack looked at his two former colleagues coldly: "Did your operation fail again?"

"I already told you!"

"The opponents we encountered this time are too strong. Before the plan is well prepared, it is simply impossible to deal with them!"

"But you just don't believe it!"

"We even used Rick..."

Andre and Kane, who were sitting opposite Captain Jack, argued: "After he trained the personnel, we have also conducted tests!"

"The strength is indeed much stronger than our current Marines!"

"And the troops brought here this time are nearly 5,000!"

"We don't see the possibility of failure at all!"

Captain Jack sneered: "Your arrogance has become a habit, how can you see failure!"

"Then according to your opinion, should we accept failure like this?"

Andre and Kane looked extremely ugly!

This operation caused serious losses to the entire navy, and more importantly, it affected their status in the army.

It may even affect your future future.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them!

"China's special forces that suddenly emerged this time are indeed powerful!"

"I can say with absolute certainty that they are simply not comparable to the Chinese special forces we encountered a few years ago!"

"I suspect that China is preparing to build a top special forces force that is superior to all special forces forces!"

"In this case, if we take action without authorization, we will only alert the enemy!"


At this moment, a communications staff member quickly came to the conference room.

"Sir, based on the content of the satellite phone communications we intercepted in the Antarctic region, it seems that the Chinese special forces have discovered something extraordinary in the Antarctic region!"

"That special forces unit will stay in the Antarctic region for several days!"

Both Andre and Kane's Wenyan shined.

Captain Jack's face flashed with hesitation.

"Great! We must seize this opportunity and kill them all!"

Andre and Kane blurted out.

Both of them are eager for revenge.

"This unscientific!"

In contrast, Captain Jack seemed calmer: "Based on my understanding of this special force, they will never stay in the Antarctic region!"

The communications officer who just came in blushed instantly: "I can guarantee the authenticity of the information!"

"The content of the call we stole is definitely the contact between the other party and China!"

Captain Jack instantly understood that he had not expressed his meaning clearly.

He looked at Andre and Kane: "I don't doubt the authenticity of this information! But this is not the other party's style!"

"do not care!"

It's not that Andre and Kane don't distrust Captain Jack, but they have their own difficulties: "If we know they are here and still don't do anything, what will the other guys think?"


Captain Jack sighed.

He also realized the difficulties of Andre and Kane.

But this made Jack even more alert to the Chinese special forces!


If the information they get now is also expected by the other party, then the other party's terrifying level will rise to a new level!

"Then who are you planning to arrange to go there?"

"The team led by Rick have all been buried under the ice and snow. Do you have any more suitable candidates?"

Andre and Kane looked at each other: "There is no other way this time, the Bloody Rose must be dispatched!"

Captain Jack stood up immediately after hearing this: "Are you two crazy? You actually want to use the bloody rose!"

"Then do you have a better way?" Andre smiled bitterly: "You won't let me ask for support from the bastards in the Army and Air Force, will you?"

Kane glanced meaningfully at Czech.

The two left the conference room with the communication staff.

Captain Jack was left alone in deep thought.

The Bloody Rose is the special forces unit of the Navy.

It is also the highest-level special force that the navy can dispatch during non-war periods.

They undergo arduous self-destructive training all year round.

It can be said to be one of the strongest special forces in the world.

Yet Andre and Kane were destined to be disappointed.

By the time the Bloody Rose Special Forces arrived in the Antarctic region, the Chinese scientific research ship had already left the Antarctic region and embarked on a journey back to the country.

At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of the A element on the scientific research ship and the scientific research team members.

The headquarters also specially arranged two state-of-the-art destroyers and submarines for escort.

Ordinary people can't even think of taking advantage of them.

"Okay, I got it!"

Chen Fan, who was enjoying the sea view leisurely on the deck of the scientific research vessel, hung up the satellite phone in his hand.

A meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"Old Chen, what makes you so happy?"

The license next to him showed a curious expression.

"It's nothing, it's just a bait I left casually, but I didn't expect that a fish actually took the bait!"

When talking to Mr. Zhang in the Antarctic region.

Chen Fan had already considered that this WeChat call might be eavesdropped.

So he deliberately told Mr. Zhang in the WeChat call that he would stay in the Antarctic region for a few more days.

After leaving, he specifically applied to Mr. Zhang to conduct key monitoring of the Antarctic region through military satellites.

Unexpectedly, after they left, they actually gained a lot.

"Another uninvited guest has come to the Antarctic region where we fought before!"

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Xu Ke also smiled: "Then they can only make a wasted trip now!"

"Of course!"

However, the conversation between the two was heard by Lin Ziqian who just arrived, and he had extra concerns.

"Comrade Yuanshi, are you sure there will be no problem?"

"What if the meteorite in the cave is discovered by them again..."

"Don't worry, there will be no problem!"

Chen Fan knew why Lin Ziqian was worried.

"If I hadn't left that message, or our scientific expedition team members really stayed in the Antarctic region!"

"They might really go to study the meteorite in the cave again!"

"But now they will definitely not have any doubts!"

After listening to this, Lin Ziqian suddenly realized: "So this is why you didn't let me arrange for someone to stay?"

Although the scientific expedition team had extracted most of the existing a elements before.

But it was not certain whether the meteorite would continue to produce a elements.

So Lin Ziqian wanted to arrange for someone to stay there.

As a result, Chen Fan boldly proposed that everyone evacuate.

Now it seems so wise!

"Even if we don't say anything during the call, the enemy will still have doubts!"

"So we must dispel their doubts!"

"Now we have done it!"

Chen Fan had just finished speaking, but Lin Ziqian made an unexpected choice.

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