"Just follow the plan!"

Chen Fan was also happy when he heard Uncle Zhang's voice.

He knew that the other party might not be very willing to go with him.

After all, it involves some confidential tasks. Once exposed, it will affect the business of Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd.

But there is no way, everyone is to safeguard the national interests of China.

"This time the action is mainly you! Don't disrupt the plan because of us!"

After obtaining the x element, the confidentiality work in China has also been done quite well.

So far, all hostile forces do not know that China has obtained the x element and has entered the test stage.

The intelligence personnel's attention to Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. is relatively low.

But if there are some strange things in Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd.'s next return to the Bal market, it is still possible to expose the x element.

So Chen Fan certainly hopes that Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. will proceed at its own pace.

"We will set off for Bal in 4 days!"

Uncle Zhang explained: "This plan was decided and announced 10 days ago."

"Okay! Then set off in 4 days!"

There are 4 days to prepare, which is completely enough.

"By the way, where is that kid Deng Chaohua?"

Chen Fan suddenly remembered the young man who fought side by side with him in the Bal Kingdom.

"The young master has decided to join the army!"

Zhang Shu couldn't help but be proud when he mentioned Deng Chaohua: "He has passed the political review and physical examination, and will join the army for adaptive training in half a month!"

Chen Fan still knows something about adaptive training.

At present, China's conscription work is relatively rigorous and relaxed.

The rigor lies in that all young people of military age must register for conscription, and the relaxation lies in that the ice field is sufficient, so not all young people of military age must fulfill their military service obligations!

Especially in recent years, many only children who appeared due to the times have joined the army.

There are often deserters.

For this reason, the army has proposed the practice of adaptive training.

Specifically, before the social youth officially join the army, the local conscription department will first organize the young people of military age who are interested in joining the army to undergo a one-month adaptive training.

Only when these young people can accept and adapt to the adaptive training will they officially enter the recruit company of the army.

"Then I hope he can keep his original intention and truly become a part of our army!"

"I believe in the young master!"

Uncle Zhang nodded: "The young master said that he must join your army!"

"The problem now is that we don't know who your army is!"

"This is easy!"

Chen Fan laughed: "As long as Deng Chaohua can hold on, when he joins the special forces, I will definitely give him the opportunity to join us!"

Chen Fan couldn't say more because of confidentiality.

The two hung up the phone quickly.

It's just that plans can't keep up with changes.

Originally, Chen Fan was going to go to Bal with the people of Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd.

However, the day before he went back to gather the scientific researchers of the base force weapons and equipment experimental base and prepared to set off.

He was called over again by the headquarters.

"Uncle Lin, please go to Bal with Uncle Zhang from Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd."

"I will meet you as soon as possible after I finish my work here."

Chen Fan looked at Lin Ziqian in front of him: "In the early stage, you will act together with Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd."

"Wait until I arrive and then decide how to complete our mission!"

Chen Fan watched Lin Ziqian and others, and met up with Uncle Zhang and others to board a civilian flight to Bal.

He stayed at the Dragon Palace Base with a bitter smile on his face.

He then called Li Weiguo: "Professor Li, this time I was really tricked by you!"

It turned out that when Chen Fan was about to go to Bal.

The headquarters suddenly received a huge order from the military of Bal.

The product is the simulation cabin classroom of the University of Science and Technology of China.

And this transaction has always been followed up by the University of Science and Technology of China.

As the director of the Tactical Command Department of the University of Science and Technology of China, Li Weiguo could not be unaware of it.

"It's all for the national interests of China. How could I deliberately set you up!"

Li Weiguo laughed: "I just reported the use of our simulation cabin classroom to the headquarters truthfully!"

"The simulation cabin classroom we delivered to Bal State before was too simple!"

"When their military representatives came to our USTC for a field visit, they chose our latest simulation cabin classroom!"

"At that time, our President Ding directly said that this latest simulation cabin classroom has more complete functions, but the price is also 5 times that of the first generation!"

"Guess what happened?"

Chen Fan rolled his eyes!

Do you still need to guess this?

Li Weiguo's voice also sounded at the right time: "When the military representatives of Bal State saw the latest simulation cabin classroom, they found it much more powerful than the first generation, and the price was only increased by 5 times!"

"They placed a 1 billion order directly from us!"

"We can't refuse it at all!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes: "So you didn't do anything, didn't upgrade any hardware, just used the system I upgraded for you, and raised the price by 5 times?"

"You can't say that!"

Li Weiguo on the other end of the phone hurriedly retorted when he heard Chen Fan's words: "We still made major upgrades!"

"The exterior of the simulation cabin classroom uses our China's most advanced dragon face design, and the interior has also been re-created with a futuristic sci-fi atmosphere, and various equipment and facilities are also full of technology!"

"How can you say that nothing has been upgraded?"

"Wow! Professor Li, when did you master the trendy concept of technology based on changing the shell?"

Chen Fan really didn't know how to complain.

Changed the color and shell, upgraded the software and directly raised the price by 4 times!

This tnd is not so black even if it is a fruit company!

Chen Fan sighed: "I really want to refuse you!..."

But before he finished speaking, he was blocked by Li Weiguo: "We can pay!"

"All 10 points of this order are yours! Is that ok?"

"This is the result of my hard work in the simulation cabin classroom for nearly 10 years... I have to pay more!"

Now it was Li Weiguo's turn to roll his eyes!

Ten years of hard work!

Isn't it just operating on the mainframe of the simulation cabin classroom for an hour?

But things have come to this point.

Li Weiguo had no choice: "Then 20 points! No more!"


The two quickly reached a consensus!

Chen Fan became the engineer of this order and accompanied the military transport plane to the country of Bal.

His immediate superior was Engineer Tang who was rescued from the country of Bal last time.

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