After Chen Fan was promoted to the head of the special operations group of the Chinese base force, he also learned some information that only the Chinese special forces could master.

Among them are the top five mercenary units in the world.

They are Ghost, Demon Realm, Sapphire, Bloody Thorn and Red Coast Guard.

But Chen Fan didn't expect that he would get information about the Red Coast Guard in Baal Country.

If you think about it carefully, it's not difficult to understand.

Except for Demon Domain and Sapphire, the other three mercenary units ranked among the top five in the world are all in the Ugly Country.

Compared with the Thanksgiving mercenary company that Chen Fan and the others encountered before, they were nothing at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan quickly climbed down from the upstairs and sneaked towards the spy who was on the phone as quickly as possible.

Only then did Chen Fan realize that he had made a slightly fatal mistake.

He only considered that all those with fangs in their mouths were spies, but he did not realize that there were some spies whose levels did not need to be controlled by fangs.

They can directly contact the enemy through various communication methods.

The only good thing is.

During this purge, Chen Fan and his base troop members were still not exposed.

"In addition to cleaning you up, does the other party have any other actions?"

A deep middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

The spy responsible for the contact was a fat man whom Chen Fan did not recognize, which meant that he was not a core member of China Rare Earth Co., Ltd.

The little fat man hid in a corner, scanning the surroundings with his eyes, and replied: "Maybe an accomplice betrayed us!"

"Otherwise, the other party's goal would not be so clear!"

"Have you found any other abnormal targets?"

"We haven't found anything yet!" The little fat man hesitated: "But I found out two days ago that Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. has restarted mining in several mining areas!"

"Three of them are used in mining areas, and all of them are employees from China!"

This little fat man looked like a local from the Baal country, and he should be a senior spy of the enemy.

Therefore, he had certain information, but he was not completely aware of the arrival of Chen Fan and others.

"Okay! Leave the rest to us!"

"You continue to infiltrate, we will contact you when necessary!"

Little Fatty: "What about the other companions who have been exposed?"

"It doesn't matter! We will take action!"


The call just hung up.


The moment the phone was hung up, Chen Fan threw himself out.

Before the little fat man could react, a palm knife hit the little fat man directly on the back of his neck.


The little fat man fell to the ground, unconscious.


Chen Fan paid close attention to other directions and did not see more spies appearing.

I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Fortunately, there are not many fish like Little Fatty that slip through the net.

A whole afternoon passed.

The physical examinations of all employees of Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. have also been completed.

The company issued an announcement to all employees that the root cause of the infectious disease among employees has been found.

Ordinary employees enjoy a formal physical examination and can then go to work normally.

There are nearly 50 spy employees who were caught.

16 of them are employees who came from China with Uncle Zhang and others.

The proportion is as high as 30%.

This was completely beyond the expectations of Uncle Zhang and others.

I thought there wouldn't be many spies from China except for the young man with glasses.

The result was a slap in the face.

The men were interrogated by members of the base force who were experienced in torture. Soon everyone was talking.

Without exception, all believe that they are just conducting ordinary commercial espionage.

They had no idea that what they were doing constituted the crime of trafficking in state secrets.

At this point, neither Chen Fan nor the base force members are legal law enforcement personnel.

We can only report it to the country and arrange for someone to come and handle it.

Some information was also determined through interrogation.

"It seems that until now, these spies don't know that we have restarted research on the x element!"

Chen Fan briefly summarized: "The only problem is that a spy spread the news about our operation to clean up spies, and alerted the notorious Red Coast Guard!"

Uncle Zhang, Lin Ziqian and others all nodded.

This is indeed good news.

This means that until now, the news that experts such as Chen Fan and Lin Ziqian came to China Rare Earth Co., Ltd. has not been leaked.

This is also the reason why Huaxia did not restart the research in an official name, but specifically asked Chen Fan and others to come over in disguise to study.

Once the research on X-elements is launched in a big way, the enemies will come up to them like sharks smelling the smell of blood.

The situation in the Bal country that has just stabilized may fall back into chaos in a short period of time.

This is something China absolutely does not want to see.

The authorities in the Baal country, which has good relations with China, are not willing to see this result.

"What's next?"

Lin Ziqian asked the most critical question.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Chen Fan.

"We'd better be prepared!"

Chen Fan quickly made up his mind: "Old Lin, continue your research and exploration of element X as quickly as possible!"

"Based on my observations in the mine tunnels during my first two visits, I think there is very likely unquenched magma underneath the Pauillac mining area!"

"In this case, our workers responsible for excavation must be careful to ensure that no safety problems occur!"

Lin Ziqian was stunned at first, and then nodded heavily.

Although he had not long since joined the weaponry and equipment experimental base of the Huaxia Base Force Special Operations Group, he was already accustomed to some rather miraculous phenomena appearing on Chen Fan's body.

Slowly, like other members of the base force, I became accustomed to this.

"My base troops and I will take the initiative to attack. If the Red Coast Guard doesn't come, we can just pretend that nothing happened!"

"If they really want to run wild on the territory of China Rare Earth Co., Ltd., we will make them pay the price they deserve!"

So what if they are among the top five mercenaries in the world?

With the current strength of the special forces of the China Base Force, it is no longer weaker than any top special forces in the world.

The Red Bank Guards are also among them.

Enough to go head-to-head with the Red Coast Guard!

Three days later.

At the airport in Baal City, dozens of people got off different flights one after another, and then gathered together in a five-star hotel in Baal City.

"What's going on with Jack recently? Such a trivial matter in Baal Country actually made us come here!"

Inside the hotel conference room.

The one who spoke was Merck, a captain of the Red Coast Guard.

"Their mercenary company suffered a big loss in Baal City on Thanksgiving Day, so it's not surprising that they are so afraid!"

The speaker was Waffle, the best sniper of the Red Coast Guard: "It just so happens that we also come to see what it is that can make the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company excited!"

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