The helmets of the base troops are not only bulletproof, but also have night vision and infrared scanning functions.

Even if the room is full of smoke and dust, it has almost no effect on them.

The base troops aimed at the enemies in their respective positions one by one, and quickly rushed in and fired!

At this moment.

The captain of the Red Coast Guard, Merck, who had been hiding behind the bunker, was finally completely desperate!

"Fuck! We are all going to die here!"

"Boss! You should leave quickly!"

The Red Coast Guard sniper who attacked the base troops sniper on the terrace just now pointed outside the window: "There is still a glimmer of hope if you rush out!"

Merck, who had already decided to fight to the death, was silent.

"What about you?"

"If no one is holding you back, you will definitely not be able to get out!"

The sniper smiled bitterly: "Remember to avenge your brothers!"

Merck's eyes turned red instantly!

He didn't know why he took on this task.

He couldn't even remember the high spirits in the conference room just now.

It was as if Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. was so vulnerable!

However, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse in the blink of an eye!

"Take care!"

Merck said tearfully.

He jumped out of the window!


However, immediately afterwards.

Merck's roar resounded throughout the conference room: "Fuck! Why is this glass so hard?"

Da Da Da!

After the base troops killed the sniper, they surrounded him and killed Merck with a few shots.

Xu Ke scanned the entire room through the infrared scan of the helmet.

There were no more survivors of the Red Coast Guard.

He then came to the window, touched the glass of the window, and sighed: "Idiot! Don't you think about where this glass is produced?"

With just a simple glance, Xu Ke had already seen the words on the lower right corner of the glass.


All the other base troops laughed!

On the rooftop a thousand meters away, Aaron heard Xu Ke's complaints and smiled regretfully!

"We have been waiting for someone to jump out of the window and escape!" "Just wanted to try whether these little bastards' mobile target shooting skills have declined, it seems that there is no chance!"

Xu Ke ignored A Long's complaints and reported in the communication channel: "Report No. 1! The battle is over, all enemies are eliminated!"


Chen Fan's voice sounded at this time.

The whole battle had almost nothing to do with him.

The mature base troops under the command of Xu Ke and A Long were enough to solve the battle.

"Count whether the brothers are injured, and evacuate as soon as possible!"


Along didn't need to say more.

Except for a sniper whose helmet was shattered, there were a total of 8 snipers, and no casualties.

Xu Ke quickly conducted a post-war inspection of all base troops.

"Everyone, look at each other and see if they are okay?"

Almost everyone shook their heads: "Nothing!"

"That's good! It seems that our full-body bulletproof equipment is indeed mature enough!"

Xu Ke picked up a rifle from the Red Coast Guard: "These guys' weapons and equipment are really sophisticated!"

"If we still carry the previous equipment, there is a high probability that there will be casualties this time!"

Of course.

If they didn't already have full-body bulletproof equipment, they wouldn't choose to attack in this way!

"It seems that the weapons and equipment experimental base of our base troops still needs to speed up the upgrading of weapons and equipment!"

Xu Ke thought for a while: "Brothers, please work hard and pick out all the styles of these weapons and equipment in one piece!"

"We'll take them back!"

"Maybe our weapons and equipment experimental base will have more new inspirations by then!"

Other members of the base troops nodded in agreement!

That's true.

The weapons and equipment carried by these Red Coast Guard members are still of great reference value.

After the battle.

Along and Xu Ke took all the members of the base troops back to the factory area of ​​Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. by car.

Chen Fan also found the military commander of Bal State separately to express his gratitude.

The follow-up work of this hotel will be handed over to the military of Bal State!

Anyway, because of the previous conflict, the entire territory of Bal State is now almost under military control.

The local departments of the local area only cooperate with the military to do the corresponding auxiliary work.

After returning to the factory area of ​​Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd., Chen Fan summoned Along Xu Ke and Zhang Hao together.

"What do you three think about this conflict with Hong'an?"

"The other party is still well prepared!"

Along spoke first: "If it weren't for our sudden attack this time, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to resolve the battle!"

Xu Ke nodded: "I feel that we also have the advantage of intelligence! Otherwise, these guys are not so easy to deal with!"

Zhang Hao thought of something else: "This also shows from the side that the Ugly Country has not relaxed its vigilance against our Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd.'s discovery!"

"The next step is still quite tricky!"

Chen Fan and Along Xu Ke were silent.

It is indeed easy to deduce this conclusion!

Only one intelligence officer provided some information about Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. to the Red Coast Guard.

Immediately attracted such a terrible opponent as the Red Coast Guard!

If Chen Fan and the base troops were not here, I am afraid that the leaders of Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. would be in danger.

"There is no way!"

Chen Fan thought for a while: "The Red Coast Guard was killed by us this time, and it will take some time for this information to be transmitted back!"

"And they don't know who the opponent they are facing this time, and the next reinforcements will not be so fast!"

"We must be prepared for both!"

Chen Fan then discussed the next action plan carefully with the three people.

After ensuring that all the details were correct, the actions of the Boyak Mine and the other two mines of Huaxia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. accelerated again.

Every minute and every second of the next is very important!

Only by finding out the cause of the formation of the x element as quickly as possible and bringing the latest x element back to the country.

Only then can this mission be successfully completed.

As for killing the Red Coast Guard, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The gunfight that broke out in the five-star hotel in Bal City was quickly reported to the headquarters of the Red Coast Guard.

"Why is this happening? What kind of opponents did Merck and his team encounter?"

Everyone was confused.

They had never expected it.

More than 100 members of the Red Coast Guard were quietly wiped out by the enemy in the Bal Kingdom!

"It must be Thanksgiving. The guys from the mercenary company deceived us!"

"What kind of enemy did they provoke this time?"

"We must go to them for an explanation, but we must also avenge Merck and his team!"

"That's right!"

Amid the turmoil, the captain of the Red Coast Guard decided to find trouble with Captain Jack in less than 6 hours.

At the same time, all the staff on leave were recalled to plan the next wave of revenge.

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