Chen Fan still has some understanding of the situation in N Continent.

The first time he had a grudge with the Eye of the Prophet was what happened in N Continent.

The public security there is quite chaotic, and there are many blind spots in this kind of surveillance.

This is why these kidnappers chose to go to N Continent.

In the blink of an eye, another day has passed.

What to eat? They are not an old couple. It may be that the hormones of both parties may not be in the video. The fact was amused by his own answer. Idiom spirit Chen Fan has arranged for the base troops to go to N Continent in batches.

At present, all the base troops have set off to N Continent relatively smoothly, and there have been no accidents along the way.

Just when Chen Fan was about to go to N Continent, he received another call.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, are you ready now?"

Battier spoke on the phone.

"I've been ready for a long time! Just waiting for your call! I have to say, your efficiency is really slow!"

"Very good!"

Batier nodded on the phone: "Since you are ready, let's agree on the time and place of the transaction!"

Chen Fan agreed at once: "No problem!"

"Then we will trade in Henghe City in F Continent. Do you think there is any problem?"

Batier's voice sounded again: "If I put the trading place in the British Empire, I'm afraid you will not be at ease!"

"If it is too close to your China, I will not be at ease either!"

"Then we can only choose a third party's location!"

Hearing these words, Chen Fan couldn't help but sneer!

Batier, this guy, has already arrived in N Continent, but wants to send him to F Continent.

This is definitely a trap.

But on the surface, Chen Fan pretended to be unaware of everything: "Since you have already thought about it, let's go to F Continent to trade!"

"Okay! I hope our transaction goes well!"

"Finally, I emphasize that Mr. Chen only has one day to prepare!"

"No nonsense!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fan frowned.

Although he was able to confirm through hacking technology that Battier, who had just spoken to him, was indeed in N Continent.

But what if Battier and Chen Zhan were separated?

If Battier was just an intelligence officer who acted as a liaison, and someone else was responsible for detaining Chen Zhan.

Then it is indeed possible that the transaction took place in F Continent.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed a bit redundant to arrange for the base troops to go to N Continent before!

In addition.

Whether Chen Fan should go to N Continent himself has also become a problem!

After thinking about it.

Chen Fan contacted Aaron and Xu Ke who had already sneaked into N Continent again.

"At present, we cannot completely determine the other party's transaction location, which is in N Continent!"

"After you arrive, you must keep in touch, and the mission location may be changed at any time!"


After rearranging the deployment, Chen Fan took a deep breath!

The possibility that the other party chose to trade in F Continent is still relatively low. The biggest possibility is that they deliberately arranged Chen Fan to go to F Continent to create confusion!

But F Continent still has to go, and it must go openly!

On the morning of the second day, Chen Fan set out for Henghe City in F Continent.

Three hours before the agreed transaction time, Chen Fan received another call from the other party!

"Hello, Mr. Chen, you are really a gentleman who keeps his promise. I believe you have already arrived at Henghe City in F Continent, but we have to tell you with regret!"

"Due to some emergencies, we temporarily changed the transaction location to Bagu Country in N Continent."

"We will notify you again about the specific location after you arrive in Bagu Country!"

Even through the phone, Chen Fan could hear Battier's voice full of pride!

Chen Fan could even imagine.

This guy must be laughing proudly there, thinking that he had deceived Chen Fan.

Playing Chen Fan around!

However, in fact, all this was within Chen Fan's expectations!

Chen Fan's face sank: "I found that you have no sincerity to trade at all!"

"Are you teasing me in a roundabout way?"

"If this is your way of communication, I absolutely cannot accept it!"

"Go find someone else to trade!"

At this time, Chen Fan was completely sure.

Battier and others are indeed in the N continent area, making this series of arrangements to encourage Chen Fan to let down his guard.

At the same time, they have mastered the initiative of negotiations and transactions.

Let Chen Fan have no place to use his strength.

If it is aimed at ordinary rich people, then this arrangement is actually meaningless!

Chen Fan firmly believes that the other party is coming for China's national special forces!

During the communication process, they tried their best to hide their true identities.

But they didn't know that this exposed their overly cautious characteristics!

How could a normal kidnapper plan so carefully and know China's national special forces like a master!

After figuring this out, Chen Fan is more confident about the next plan!

"I'll give you one last chance. If you can't tell the real time and place of the transaction truthfully, you are destined to get nothing!"

After that, Chen Fan hung up the phone directly.

He took a deep breath and re-ordered a ticket to Baguguo.

This is also the fastest flight from Ganges City to Baguguo.

Chen Fan was full of confidence at this time.


The civil airliner took off normally.

About 10 minutes later, just as Chen Fan was about to close his eyes and rest.

Suddenly, an alarm bell rang in his mind!

There was a violent shaking in the cabin.

Although the shaking lasted for a short time, Chen Fan still noticed something was wrong at the first time!

Damn it!

Will we meet those crazy people who like to rob planes?

Chen Fan had a flash of worry in his mind.

As the radar scanning skill PS was launched, Chen Fan soon found that there were several people with strange movements at the tail of the civil airliner.

The moment he saw these people, Chen Fan was shocked.

"These damn bastards!" "Ganges City is indeed their trap!"

At this time, Chen Fan understood the other party's true intention almost in an instant.

No matter what Chen Fan's identity is, in order to promote the transaction to continue.

When he received Battier's notice that he was ready to trade at a very suitable time.

Whether the transaction is true or false, he will definitely choose to go to Ganges City in F Continent.

After receiving the next notice, he will definitely rush to Bagu Country in N Continent as quickly as possible.

Then it is reasonable to choose to take the nearest flight.

After Chen Fan gets on the flight, what happens is out of his control!

No matter how powerful the special forces are, there is no way to survive in an air crash at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan has understood what the other party means.

Their target is indeed the top special forces of China.

This scene on the civil airliner is a test for Chen Fan.

Whether Chen Fan can survive or not, the other party doesn't care at all.

If Chen Fan dies, he is not the person the other party is looking for.

You can look for other opportunities.

If Chen Fan survives, he must be the person they are looking for!

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