"An international flight carrying 132 people from Ganges City on Continent F to Baku Country on Continent N was suddenly hijacked by armed men!"

"This is the news that the air crew risked their lives to send back!"

"Currently, the plane has lost contact in the air, and we are dispatching the air force to search urgently!"

A piece of news first reported by ugly country media quickly spread around the world.

"It is reported that the person who hijacked the flight was a Chinese man!"

"According to public information, this man once served in China's special forces!"

"It is still unclear why a hijacking incident occurred!"

At the same time, the news also included some content about Chen Fan attacking the stewardess in the cabin and violently breaking into the cockpit.

As for someone who had killed the captain and co-pilot in the cockpit in advance, they didn't mention it at all.

In an instant, there was a wave of craze against Chinese people all over the world.

In many places, ordinary people are easily taken away from many jobs by people who go abroad from China because they are too lazy in life.

There are many people around the world who are originally hostile to the Chinese.

After seeing this news, I wanted to seek revenge from the Chinese people.

As for whether the news is true or false, they don't even bother to investigate.

Especially the fact that the man who hijacked the plane once served in the special forces.

It was even wildly hyped by hostile forces, claiming that it was a hijacking incident deliberately planned by the Chinese military.

The reason is that there are senior experts from ugly countries on board the civil aviation aircraft.

For this reason, they also deliberately disguised the identities of several experts and broadcast them in turn on the news.

For a time, the Chinese people became the target of public criticism.

China quickly paid attention to this news.

Countless people have turned their attention to China's official channels, and at the same time, more pressure has been put on China's military.

"This is Chen Fan!"

Mr. Zhang from the military headquarters immediately recognized the protagonist of the hijacking incident when he saw the news. It was Chen Fan who had been out on a mission before.

"This is definitely a conspiracy by hostile forces!"

Mr. Zhang gave the answer without thinking.

Based on his knowledge of Chen Fan, it was impossible to hijack the plane.

Unless the entire plane is full of enemies.

Thinking of the mission Chen Fan went out to perform this time, Mr. Zhang once again felt a hint of gloom in his heart.

The enemy we encountered this time was so insidious and cunning!

I'm really afraid that Chen Fan won't be able to bear it!

"Then how do we respond?"

The military must give a clear answer to this incident to facilitate official personnel to deal with some complex news media inquiries.

"Let the bullets fly for a while first!"

Mr. Zhang frowned: "I'm even more worried about Chen Fan's safety now!"

Although this time the mission was completely handed over to Chen Fan and the Huaxia Base Force Special Operations Group, it was impossible for the military headquarters to ignore it.

"If the Chinese Dragon Special Forces Group is still strong, we must invest in other national special forces!"

"Notify them and get them ready!"

"The enemy is pressing us step by step, so we must fight back!"


The staff member took note of Mr. Zhang's reply and left.

Other Chinese special forces also started preparations for war immediately.

at this time.

Chen Fan on the civil airliner still didn't know that the enemy was targeting him again and launched a new round of conspiracy.

He didn't have time to think about it that much.

A civil airliner is flying at high speed, and the luggage compartment is full of bombs!

Chen Fan himself is an expert in bomb disposal, but after seeing the 10-minute countdown on the bomb and the dense wiring.

He decisively gave up the idea.

It is now nearly 3 kilometers above the ground.

It is impossible to survive in a mortal body with a physical body.

There is no other choice!

Chen Fan returned to the cockpit heartily.

He had never flown a commercial airliner before, but the ace pilot's driving skills allowed Chen Fan to immediately understand the function of all the instruments and equipment in the cockpit when he saw them.

The current location is too far from the next alternative airport.

Chen Fan understood that there was no other choice!

"This is the first time tnnd is flying a commercial airliner and he has to make an emergency landing on the highway!"

It is impossible to say that I am not nervous!

Chen Fan took over the cockpit manually, and the plane flew towards the nearest highway as fast as possible!

"Damn! What the hell is this?"

As Chen Fan piloted the civil aviation passenger plane, it quickly descended into altitude.

When the passenger plane was less than 1 kilometer above the ground, an abnormality was discovered by vehicles on the highway.

Nearly 2 minutes have passed at this time.

The passengers in the cockpit have also discovered this abnormality.

What's even worse is that there are no stewardesses left to explain to passengers.

All the passengers sat in their seats with ashen faces, preparing to welcome the arrival of death!

Some passengers quickly approached, shouting wildly from the cockpit.

"Faq! Where are you damn guys taking us?"

"Damn it! I don't want to die!"

"Woooooo! Mom..."

"Shut up!"

Seeing this, Chen Fan had to use the communication system to broadcast to the passengers: "If you don't want to die, just sit still!"

"Our crew will do our best to ensure everyone's safety!"

He couldn't say that the plane had been hijacked.

He could only pretend to be a crew member to comfort the passengers.

In contrast, as the altitude of the civil airliner continued to drop, the cars on the highway on the ground became more terrified!

"No, no, no!"

"Oh my God! What did I see?"

"Oh, no! Oh, get out of the way!"

It has been discovered that the civil airliner may drop in altitude, and the drivers of the cars that made an emergency landing on the highway actively adjusted their speed.

And some cars that did not pay attention to the civil airliner continued to drive normally on the highway.

Seeing this, Chen Fan had no choice.

The civil airliner must complete the emergency landing at the fastest speed.

Otherwise, the entire civil airliner will bloom like fireworks.

The passengers inside, including Chen Fan, will die without a burial place!

300 meters!

200 meters!

As the altitude continues to drop.

The roar of the civil airliner's engine finally woke up most of the car drivers on the highway!

They slowed down one by one and slowly stopped in the emergency lane!

Some passengers took out their mobile phones and started recording.

100 meters!

Chen Fan opened the landing gear of the civil airliner!

Whether he lived or died depended on the final forced landing!

Altitude 50 meters!

Chen Fan prepared to start the forced landing.

At this critical moment, he found that his encrypted phone rang.

This time node was just too coincidental!

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