
boom! boom!

As the car was moving forward rapidly, suddenly, gunshots began to be heard in the distance.

"Everyone, be careful, there are armed groups fighting nearby!"

At this time, Zhao Bo's nervous and serious voice suddenly sounded inside the bus.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Each of the more than two hundred new medical soldiers became nervous and looked out the window.

Only Chen Fan and Shi Dafan who came out of the Wolf Fang and other special forces soldiers who had participated in actual combat were relatively calm.

Chen Fan directly used the radar to scan, and immediately found a small town on the left front. This town was not big, with hundreds of houses, and was surrounded by slopes and valleys.

The route their car took happened to pass by this town.

On both sides, there are gravel or rugged areas, and the car cannot go around it. Otherwise, the tires will be scrapped within a few kilometers of driving.

"Chief, what should we do? The gunfire came from the town of Wala in front. It has obviously been occupied by armed groups. We don't know which armed group they are. And we have no other way except this road. The road can be gone without returning."

On a jeep in the middle, a major said to Zhao Bo.

Zhao Bo snorted coldly: "What are you afraid of? We are members of the peacekeeping force. I don't believe any armed organization dares to attack us! Besides, our five-star red flag is hanging here. Unless they are violent terrorists, see We and them all need to stay away!"

"But what if they attack us?"

The major frowned slightly and said, "We only have a dozen or so people with light weapons. None of our comrades brought from the mainland are armed."

Zhao Bo thought deeply: "This town is not big. Even if there are violent terrorist armed forces, they may not take action against us. To take action against the peacekeeping troops is purely to seek death! They do not have the courage. Even if they take action, we can still call for support."

The major nodded, "Now, there is only one situation left. A war breaks out ahead, do we want to go down and coordinate?"

Peacekeeping troops are here just to promote peace.

If there is war in the region, the peacekeeping forces will use various methods to get both sides to stop fighting first, and then send representatives to negotiate and stop the war.

Peacekeeping troops in Africa have always been a symbol of peace, even if those "the situation is unclear." Zhao Bo frowned, "In this case, you immediately notify the camp and let them investigate what is going on here. The convoy is leaving Three hundred meters away from the town, stop first!”


Soon, the car stopped.

"Attention everyone! No one is allowed to get out of the car without orders!"

“A gunfight is breaking out ahead, and we may have to go up to negotiate a truce!

Please don't worry! "

Zhao Bo's voice rang out from the buses behind.

"Old Chen, what should I do?"

Shi Dafan asked Chen Fan.

Chen Fandao: "What else can we do? The peacekeeping force has the rules of the peacekeeping force. When the troops see an armed conflict occurring somewhere, they have the obligation and responsibility to mediate. Otherwise, wouldn't the word peacekeeping be just a decoration?"

"We don't have to worry too much. Unless those armed groups are brainless, they will not dare to shoot at our peacekeepers. What's more, we in China are still one of the five permanent members, and our rights in the United Nations are self-evident. This Unless the armed organizations are seeking their own death, they will be much more frightened when they see us than when we see them."

Shi Dafan said: "We were trained on these rules and sayings when we came here, but in reality, will this really be the case? What if these armed organizations have no humanity and kill everyone on sight?"

"Then start a war? What else can we do? Once they attack us, we have the right to fight back. However, if they don't attack us, we must not fight back!"

As Chen Fan spoke, he couldn't help but cursed: "This damn rule!"

Shi Dafan also felt that this was a damn rule.

But there is nothing to do.

When they were in the army, even when they were performing missions, there were many restrictions.

Just like the police, when arresting a prisoner, you cannot shoot if the prisoner does not do anything unusual.

Even if you commit any act of resistance, you must fire a warning shot first. Only when the prisoner threatens the policeman's life can the policeman be qualified to shoot him back.

The fundamental meaning of the existence of peacekeepers is to contain conflicts and use language coordination skills to stop conflicts and restore peace.

Regardless of whether this is a short-term truce or a long-term peace, their task is to ensure that there will be no further conflicts in the present.

A medical soldier on the side asked Chen Fan: "What if the peacekeeping troops go up to coordinate and the other party does not agree to a truce? Just like before, if both sides do not agree to a truce and shoot civilians, what should we do? Use force to contain conflicts and protect civilians, or remain neutral and stop caring about these things?”

Chen Fan glanced at them and sighed: "It seems that you didn't do enough homework before coming here."

"Under special circumstances, if the two sides in the war zone insist on continuing to fight after the peacekeeping troops arrive, and cause a large number of civilian casualties, the peacekeeping troops must immediately apply to the joint force headquarters to use force to force the conflict The two sides stopped fighting."

"But remember, even if the peacekeeping forces use force to force them to stop the exchange of fire, they cannot necessarily kill both of them. They can only suppress their firepower as much as possible to prevent them from fighting. They can only kill people when they have no choice."

"After forcing them to stop fighting by force, we will send representatives to persuade and coordinate with both sides to let them withdraw. Once they withdraw, our peacekeeping forces can no longer stay in this war zone and must withdraw. And here, there will be international peacekeeping police to manage public security temporarily."

"In other words, during the war, it is the peacekeeping soldiers who fight for peace. After peace, the international peacekeeping police will manage public security. Do you understand?"

When everyone heard this, they all understood these rules in an instant.

Chen Fan also knew that perhaps it was because China basically sent medical soldiers and engineers, and peacekeeping soldiers from the combat troops were rarely sent by China, or in other words, only a small number of them came. As for the reason, everyone knew it in their hearts, so there is no need to say more here.

Therefore, the use of force to force the conflicting parties to stop fighting is usually done by combat and peacekeeping forces from other countries. China will basically not care and does not have the ability to do so.

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