"Evacuation? Impossible!"

The rebel leader snorted coldly: "We can occupy this town in half an hour at most! We have sacrificed so many people and fought for so long. How come a few Chinese peacekeepers come and let us evacuate? What a beautiful idea!"

"Besides, the Chinese peacekeeping force has always advocated peaceful resolution of conflicts and will basically never end a war with war. Even if we don't stop the exchange of fire, I guess they won't be able to take up arms and attack us! Even if they end up over there at the peacekeeping force headquarters The peacekeeping force will not arrive so soon. As long as we can occupy this town and end the battle before they arrive, according to the rules, the peacekeeping force cannot interfere in our internal affairs! "

"But what if the Chinese peacekeeping forces really take action? Do we have to fight them too?"

The subordinates asked hesitantly at the rebel commander.


The subordinate was directly trampled down by the rebel chief, "You are out of your mind. How dare you fight against the Huaxia Kingdom, one of the five permanent members? If you accidentally kill one of them, even if we win the final victory, we will not be able to win." If we cannot gain sovereignty within the United Nations, we will still be labeled as rebels!”

"Now we can only bet that the Chinese peacekeeping forces will not dare to take action against us!"

"Give me the order and continue the attack. Ignore the Chinese peacekeeping troops! Give me the courage to wipe out all the political and military forces and capture this town!"

the rebel commander shouted loudly.


Zhao Bo, on his side, thought they had stopped fighting, and was about to split into two groups to hold peace negotiations with the rebels and the government army respectively, when gunfire rang out again.

"What's going on? Haven't they stopped fighting yet?"

The major's expression changed.

Zhao Bo's face was also as gloomy as water.

They picked up their binoculars and looked at the situation inside the town, and found that there was another fierce exchange of fire between the two sides.

Innocent civilians were still being killed inside the houses and outside the streets.

At this time, the government and the military could no longer protect the civilians inside. They had too much to take care of themselves.

As for the rebels, regardless of whether they were civilians or not, as long as they saw someone who was not from their side, they would shoot wildly.

Various jeeps, grenades, bombs, mortars, 40 rockets, etc., continued to explode in the town.

"Damn it! These bastards! They don't take our Chinese peacekeeping troops seriously at all!"

The major cursed angrily: "If this were the peacekeeping forces from Europe and the United States, they would probably not even dare to say anything now and just leave in despair!"

Chen Fan on the side said: "They just saw that our Chinese peacekeeping force is not a combat force, so they dare to do this."

"I guess they just want to quickly push back the political army and seize the town in a short period of time. In this way, even if our peacekeeping troops come and see that the war has stopped, they no longer have to be afraid. We We have no right or qualification to attack them again!”

"What should we do? Are we just going to watch them exchange fire inside and let those innocent civilians be massacred by them?" the major asked anxiously.

"My suggestion is that we take action and fight the rebels!" Chen Fan said.


Zhao Bo said in a deep voice: "First, there are only a dozen of us here, so there is no way we can fight against the rebels!"

"Second, without the approval of the peacekeeping force headquarters, we have no right to use force to make them stop the conflict!"

Chen Fan said: "Then apply to the higher authorities!"

"Can you bear to watch these civilians being massacred by them? Although they are not our compatriots, we wear peacekeeping uniforms and have an obligation to protect them. Moreover, I am more than 90% sure that if we rebel Even if the military launches an attack, they may not dare to fight back against us! Don’t forget, we are the Chinese nation! If they want to win the sovereignty of this country, they must please our Chinese nation, one of the five permanent members!”

"Taking a step back, even if we can't use force to stop them from fighting, at least we can rush forward to protect those civilians first."

"That's what I say! But you have to understand that our capabilities are limited now!"

Zhao Bo said to Chen Fan in a deep voice: "If the rebel forces also launch a counterattack against us, the dozen of us will not even be able to fill the gaps in their teeth!"

Chen Fan also knew about Zhao Bo's dilemma.

The lives of the civilians inside mattered, and so did their Chinese comrades.

What's more, there are more than two hundred unarmed medical soldiers and engineers behind them.

Once the rebel forces go crazy and launch an attack on their side, they will also become the target of massacre. Of course, the chance of this happening is extremely slim.

"Why don't we try the water?"

Chen Fan hesitated for a moment and said, "We, the four of us, Langya, will go over with weapons to see what's going on with them first."

"No! If just the four of you go there, wouldn't it be more dangerous?" Zhao Bo refused.

"We have rich combat experience! It's okay. Moreover, we are only launching a force attack on the rebels. The political and military sides should support us."

Chen Fan said: "As peacekeepers, we can't just watch the civilians inside being massacred by them, right? Even if we don't do it for them, we have to consider the image of our country's troops, right? If this gets out, we Chinese soldiers will Your image will be greatly affected!”

Zhao Bo suddenly fell silent.

Indeed, wearing this peacekeeping uniform, their mission in Africa is to maintain peace here and protect the safety of civilians here as much as possible.

Now, right under their noses, civilians are being slaughtered continuously, and they can't just watch so many civilians die in front of them.

Once the rebels seize control of this town, I'm afraid none of the civilians inside will survive!

Moreover, what Chen Fan said is not wrong.

If the peacekeeping soldiers see civilians being killed and do nothing, once the news spreads, the image of the Chinese army will collapse, which is a consequence they cannot bear!

"Contact the peacekeeping headquarters immediately and request force to stop them from fighting! Rescue civilians!"

Zhao Bo said decisively to the major.

"Yes!" The major ran over in person and began to contact the peacekeeping headquarters.

"Check weapons and prepare for battle!" Zhao Bo said in a deep voice.


A minute later, the major ran back quickly and said to Zhao Bo: "Commander, the peacekeeping headquarters agrees that we can use force to contain the conflict and rescue civilians. At the same time, the peacekeeping combat force is also coming and is expected to arrive at the battlefield within an hour!"

"Very good!"

Zhao Bo nodded, "In that case, let's get started!"

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