We sympathize with them, but it is useless and we cannot help them. We can only do our best to use the power of our peacekeeping forces and the technology at hand to alleviate the suffering caused by war and the environment for them, that's all! "

"The situation here has never changed for decades. Instead, it has developed with the times. Because the resources here are rich and the land is sparsely populated, it will make the frequency and complexity of wars more serious. ”

"The war in this town you saw today is just a small microcosm of Africa, the tip of the iceberg. War conflicts like this are common in various regions of Africa. You will know it clearly in the future."

"In addition to this kind of war over cities or national sovereignty, there are also many violent terrorist organizations, mercenary groups, and killer organizations hidden everywhere. They are very active in Africa. They have very sophisticated equipment. And they have received extremely professional training. They are the most terrifying demons in this land of Africa!”

"So, I hope that since you are here, you can adapt to the environment here as soon as possible. We are all Chinese soldiers, and I absolutely believe that everyone has the excellent military will of the Chinese army."

"Here, all actions are subject to command, and we must not do anything that violates the rules of our peacekeepers. You must remember that we represent China and the People's Liberation Army! We must not discredit our country and our troops!"


Everyone responded in unison.

"Okay! Everyone is tired today. Hurry up and set up tents and get ready to rest. We will spend the next few days in this town. This town should be considered relatively safe. It is impossible for rebels to attack here again. "

After Zhao Bo finished speaking, he stood up and let everyone disperse.

"Comrade Chen Fan, Comrade Shi Dafan, you two wait a moment."

Zhao Bo stopped Chen Fan and Shi Dafan, walked up to them, and said, "Thanks to you guys from Langya this time. Otherwise, this town might be controlled by rebel forces. Get there At that time, we didn’t know how many civilians would be massacred.”

Chen Fan smiled and said: "What are you talking about, Chief? We are also peacekeepers, we are just fulfilling the responsibilities of peacekeepers."

Zhao Bo nodded happily, "We in China have always only sent engineers and medical soldiers here, and rarely have combat soldiers. I'm glad that you several special forces are here this time. If we encounter similar incidents in the future, it will be inevitable Please give me some advice."

Chen Fan said: "Yes, we follow the organization's arrangements."

Zhao Bo smiled and said: "Okay, then you should go and rest. I will record this skill for you and will report it back to the domestic troops later."

"Thank you, chief!"

After the two saluted, they turned and left.

After briefly cleaning and tidying up, the two went directly back to the big tent.

"Old Chen, before you participated in the hell training in Africa, did you see many incidents similar to this kind of war? I feel that you know this place very well, and anything that happens is not surprising at all." Shi Dafan asked Chen Fan curiously.

Chen Fan folded his clothes and said calmly: "When you see the war situation in Africa a few more times, you will be like me. It's not that you are indifferent and expressionless, but you are helpless and numb. "

Shi Dafan: "..."

Chen Fan was lying on the folding military bed with his hands on the back of his head. He looked at Shi Dafan and said, "When we were treating the civilians in this town today, did you see the look in their eyes? Except for those who lost their families, among the civilians Except, everyone else has a habitual and numb expression.”

"They may have fear and fear in their hearts, but they are used to this kind of life. Once it passes, they will return to their previous life. This shows that the seriousness of the war in this land has penetrated into the bone marrow, at least in the future. It has been impossible to change for decades. The only thing we can do is to alleviate the pain caused by the war as much as possible, as the chief said, and we can't change anything else."

"This is not like World War II, where you just need to drive out the invaders. This is Africa, Africa. There is no peace, only endless war!"

When Shi Dafan heard this, he immediately fell silent.

He didn't know Africa as well as Chen Fan.

Even if I know it, I only know it from some information and news.

The two chatted and fell asleep.

For several days, Chen Fan and others continued to treat and look after patients in Wala Town.

A week later, their team returned to the base camp of the peacekeeping force.

It is said to be a base camp, but in fact it is just a camp in an almost deserted town.

The peacekeepers are replaced one batch at a time.

On the Chinese side, the older group of peacekeepers were packing their bags and preparing to leave after Chen Fan and the others arrived.

Naturally, Chen Fan and the others also need to be trained.

While Chen Fan was undergoing training, in a remote town in Africa, a woman with long hair wearing a khaki training uniform was sitting on the roof of a building, watching the sunset in the distance.

Without make-up, her long hair is flowing, and against the setting sun, she looks very beautiful.

"Kestrel. You've been sitting here all afternoon. Come down and eat."

At this time, an extraordinary and handsome man of about thirty years old, also wearing a camouflage training uniform, walked up and said to the woman.

Kestrel didn't even look back, and just said calmly: "You guys eat first. You have to rush back to America in the evening, so you don't have to wait for me."

The man sighed slightly, but did not go any further. Instead, he took off his coat and put it on the kestrel's back. "The temperature difference between day and night is huge here, and the wind is strong up here, so be careful of catching a cold."

Kestrel trembled slightly, hesitated, and finally took off his clothes, turned around, put them back in the man's hands, and said calmly: "Go down and eat."

After saying that, he walked straight towards the stairs.

The man looked at the coat in his hand with an ugly expression, raised his head and said to Kestrel: "Grandpa contacted me yesterday."

Kestrel's delicate body trembled, "Grandpa Xiao, is he in good health?"

"It's okay. I just miss you. I said I haven't seen you for a long time." When the man saw Kestrel saying this, he also showed a smile.

"When I'm done with this period of work, I'll go see his old man." Kestrel said.

"Okay, I will tell grandpa to make him happy."

The man said and paused, "Kestrel...about our marriage..."

"Xiao Nan, I'm hungry, let's eat first."

After saying that, Kestrel walked straight away.

Standing behind, Xiao Nan looked quite ugly and clenched his fists slightly.

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