Chen Fan was startled when he saw several medical soldiers from the United States approaching.

Although they are both peacekeeping medical teams, they each complete the tasks assigned by the peacekeeping headquarters.

There is rarely any intersection.

Today, the American peacekeeping medical team is treating civilians in this town just like them.

It's just that they are in the east and the American medical team is in the west.

There are still traces of blood on the peacekeeping uniforms of these American medical team members. Obviously, they have also treated many people.

"Hello, I am the captain of the American peacekeeping medical team. My name is Dana. These are some of our team members."

Dana, a blonde American female soldier, politely extended her hand to Chen Fan and smiled.

"Hello, I am Chen Fan, the captain of the Chinese Medical Team."

She was so polite, so naturally Chen Fan couldn't be rude and stretched out his hand to shake her.

Dana said: "I didn't expect Captain Chen to be so young. We came here just to see if you need help? We have enough people over there, so I brought a few people over here to see if there is anything that needs help. ”

"We're fine here, there shouldn't be any problems. Thank you."

Chen Fan said.

Chen Fan treats civilians very quickly. He can handle five or six people by himself.

The number of injured civilians on their side was not particularly large, so they could naturally cope with it.

"Okay. If you need anything here, you can contact us and we will try our best to assist!"

Dana smiled.

"Okay. The same goes for you. If you need anything, just come to me."

Chen Fan answered.

Although they each represent different countries, now they are all peacekeeping medical soldiers and shoulder the same mission, so there is nothing different about them.

But there was no other place to communicate.

The civilians here are mostly injured due to trauma. Even if they have other serious illnesses, such as those that require major surgery, they cannot handle them here and can only be sent to their Peacekeeping General Hospital for treatment.

After the two communicated for a while, Dana was about to leave.

However, when they were about to leave, a Chinese medical soldier ran in with an anxious expression and shouted to Chen Fan: "Captain! It's not good! Doctor Shi stepped on a mine!"


Chen Fan's expression changed, "What's going on?"

The medical soldier swallowed hard and said quickly: "After we followed Dr. Shi to treat civilians in a building, just a few meters out of the door, Dr. Shi accidentally stepped on a mine buried in the ground. Now the engineer The team has sent people to clear the mines, but the chances of them being cleared are very low!”

"This Shi Dafan, a special soldier, why is he so careless! Quick, take me there!"

After Chen Fan told the remaining medical soldiers to continue working, he quickly ran out following the medical soldier who came to report.

Dana could understand a little Chinese and probably knew what was going on.

"You guys, help them here, I'll go take a look!"

After Dana finished speaking to her soldiers, she ran out after Chen Fan and the others.

In a relatively dilapidated area of ​​the town, you will soon see several engineering and soldier comrades anxiously discussing plans from a distance.

The remaining medical soldiers were hiding more than thirty meters away.

At this time, Shi Dafan had sweat on his forehead and his face turned pale.

Engineer captain Wu Feng was also here at this time.

There was also an anxious look on his face, which was very ugly.

"what happened?"

Chen Fan rushed over at this time.

"Captain Chen, don't come close! The mines will explode at any time! Leave this to us!"

Wu Feng saw Chen Fan running over and said quickly.

"Old Chen, don't come here! I stepped on a mine! It's an anti-infantry mine! It will explode at any time!" Seeing Chen Fan coming over, Shi Dafan's face became more anxious.

"Stop talking nonsense! Why are you so careless!"

Chen Fan scolded: "Before we come out, I told you to be careful! There are a lot of mines in these towns! You idiot, why are you stepping on them! You are still a special forces soldier!"

Shi Dafan smiled bitterly, "You know these bastards would bury mines next to the house!"

Wu Feng also explained: "It's not Dr. Shi's fault."

As he spoke, he pointed to the ground and said with a wry smile: "Look at this area, it is all gravel roads, which are relatively soft. There is no grass or soil. Covered with gravel, unless there is a demining detector, it will not be detected by the naked eye!"

Chen Fan said: "It's useless to talk about it now. What's the situation now? Can it be safely discharged?"


Wu Feng shook his head and said with an ugly expression.


Chen Fan was anxious, "You are professional demining engineers. Isn't demining your specialty? Can't even an ordinary mine be cleared?"

Wu Feng smiled bitterly and said: "Captain Chen, this is an ordinary Songfa Di Lei. However, its outer layer has been completely stuck with glue, and we cannot dismantle it to drain it."


When Chen Fan heard this, he immediately knew how terrifying such land mines were.

The enemy used glue to seal all the peripheral incisions in order not to give the opponent a chance to clear mines.

And this kind of loose mine will explode immediately if there is a big deviation in the force of the foot.

When the time comes, the thousands of fragments inside can tear the human body into pieces.

Because this kind of mine is too sensitive, the outer layer is glued together. If you want to forcibly remove the mine, you must use a lot of strength, and the power will definitely be unbalanced.

At that time, not only will the person who stepped on the mine die, but the comrades who are clearing the mine will also be implicated.

"What should we do now?" Chen Fan said in a deep voice.

Wu Feng shook his head and looked at Shi Dafan, "There is only the worst way. Jump away as fast as possible. If you are lucky, you may be able to save your life. If you are unlucky..."

Wu Feng did not continue, but everyone knew the power of this mine.

When the Songfa mine explodes, thousands of shrapnel will burst out from two thousand directions, with almost no dead angles.

Even if a person survives, the lowest injury is that his legs will be blown off.

This is still the highest possibility.

In this case, the chance of surviving the explosion of this mine is very low.

This is a new era mine, and its power is many times stronger than those mines during World War II.

Chen Fan's face was extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that this would happen after they had been in Africa for less than half a month.

"Old Chen, Captain Wu, you should evacuate first."

Shi Dafan tried his best to suppress his fear and smiled at the two of them: "Now that things have come to this, life or death, leave it to fate."

"Fuck his life! I really don't believe this!"


Chen Fan shouted and took off a mine-clearing knife from Wu Feng.

"What are you going to do?"

Wu Feng's face turned pale and he stopped Chen Fan!

"You want to exchange your life for his life?"

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