The battle continues.

However, this was very busy for Chen Fan.

Whichever direction he goes, the enemies in that direction will be pushed back by him.

But the other three directions will accelerate.

Soon, it had advanced a hundred meters in four directions.

There was less than a hundred meters left from them.

This time, although the hit rate of the peacekeepers was much higher.

But the armed thugs here are not vegetarians. The distance is close. Although their accuracy is not as accurate as yours, they are more valuable because they have more people. If they shoot at your position swarmly, they can also force you to open your eyes. If you don't open your eyes, you won't be able to aim!

"Report, captain! The third group is almost out of bullets! There is only one shuttle of bullets left!"

"The second group only has one and a half shuttles here!"

"A group……"

At this time, each group began to report the amount of ammunition.

On the roof of the building, Chen Fan was also a tall man.

If you continue to fight like this, it will indeed consume a lot of money.

"Old Chen, this is not the way to go!"

Shi Dafan's voice sounded, "We don't have much ammunition left, and we can't last long!"

Chen Fan said in a deep voice: "There is nothing we can do. Attention, each team, save ammunition and give me five minutes! Don't let the enemy rush into our fifty-meter range at the latest! Also, be careful on the east side, here There is a very powerful sniper nearby, don’t expose your bodies to the east!”


Chen Fan took a deep breath, then jumped directly.

He had to go down and kill the enemies at close range and get back their weapons and equipment.

But this will make the enemy advance faster, but there is nothing that can be done.

It all depends on the sniping ability of your comrades.

Now, on the Dongfeng Armed Forces side, there are fifty or sixty people killed by them in total.

On their side, three comrades were also hit and missed their vital points, but they also lost their combat effectiveness and were pulled into the house for rescue.

They pulled a few people from the US peacekeeping force to support him.

Chen Fan quickly rushed towards the direction where he had sniped before.

These Dongfeng armed men were all cautiously groping along both sides of the house.

But the reason why they were scared of being beaten by Chen Fan was that their speed was not fast, it could even be said to be very slow!

Although there was a house as an obstacle, there was nothing they could do against a super sniper like Chen Fan.

This is also the reason why the enemy advanced more than 100 meters in the other three directions in less than ten minutes.

Because they don't have Chen Fan's shooting ability.

Fortunately, Chen Fan could support the other three sides on the top of the high-rise building. Otherwise, those Dongfeng armed men would probably have advanced to a distance of dozens of meters away from them!

Now, as soon as he leaves, the peacekeeping force's lack of ammunition will naturally reduce the intensity of fire suppression against Dongfeng's armed thugs, giving them a chance to charge!

"Sir, please pay attention in all directions! The enemy's sniper has left and has probably moved his position. I will find him as soon as possible!"

Dongfeng armed snipers saw that Chen Fan was not on the top of the high-rise building and quickly reported to their superiors.

"Okay, we must find him as soon as possible! This man is too harmful to us! Nearly half of the people in the Fourth Squadron have been killed by him alone!"


Chen Fan locked his radar skills on the remaining nearly twenty people in the east direction.

His body quickly climbed inside each house and soon appeared on top of them.

But these Dongfeng armed personnel didn't know that Chen Fan had already arrived in front of them.



Finding their figures, Chen Fan quickly fired.

Those Dongfeng armed personnel did not react at all and were already shot and fell.

However, after several people were killed, the captain of the Fourth Squadron and other thugs finally discovered Chen Fan.

"Quick! He's over there, the man on the top of the tall building, kill him!"

The captain of the fourth squadron roared loudly.




When his voice fell, those men started shooting wildly at Chen Fan's figure.

As Chen Fan turned over and entered a relatively large house, bullets burst from behind, all hitting the mud bricks next to him.

"Quick, rush in!"

The captain of the Fourth Squadron rushed inside with his men.

They hated Chen Fan deeply.

Along the way, Chen Fan firmly held this direction and killed his men one after another.

If this continues, he, the captain of the Fourth Squadron, will become the polished commander.

"Well done! This way, I won't have to go look for you one by one!"

Chen Fan rushed directly to the second floor, then turned over and jumped out of the window, clinging to the outer wall.

At this time, inside the house, these armed thugs were searching for Chen Fan in every room.

Suddenly, a figure hung upside down from the window, shocking the three armed thugs in one of the rooms.

But before they could react, gunfire rang out.

Bang bang bang...

Three gunshots rang out, and three people fell down.

They didn't even have time to shoot.

Armed thugs who were searching the room next door heard screams and gunshots and rushed over.

However, when a few of them entered the room, they saw a grenade with the fuse drawn.

"Grenade! Get back quickly!"

An armed thug's face changed drastically and he shouted loudly.


But almost as soon as he finished speaking.

The grenade exploded.

Several thugs in the room were directly killed.

In less than half a minute, half of the armed thugs who rushed into the house had been killed by Chen Fan.

They didn't know where Chen Fan was and where he came from.

If they rushed up, there would be only one way to die.

The captain of the fourth squadron was pale, "Quick, retreat! This is a master! Get out!"

The captain of the fourth squadron shouted loudly.

The remaining armed thugs rushed to the door downstairs.

However, when they rushed out of the door in a panic, they saw a man standing opposite the door, holding a machine gun and pointing it at them.

The machine gun was naturally what Chen Fan had just taken from them.

When they saw Chen Fan standing outside with a machine gun pointing at them, the faces of these armed thugs changed drastically, and they subconsciously wanted to raise their guns and shoot.

However, their speed was not as fast as Chen Fan's.

Da da da...

A series of machine gun fire rang out, and the remaining armed thugs fell down like harvested wheat, without even a chance to fire.

The captain of the fourth squadron was the only one who reacted, and he fired at Chen Fan.

However, Chen Fan immediately made a quick tactical evasive move, and after a few jumps, he had already rushed in front of the captain of the fourth squadron and grabbed his throat. He looked at him expressionlessly.

The captain of the fourth squadron looked pale and looked at Chen Fan in great horror.


Chen Fan didn't even give him a chance to speak, and directly broke his neck!

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