As the order was issued, Yang Rui led seven members of the Jiaolong commando team and immediately drove quickly to the capital of Vilia.

At this time, most of the entire capital city had been occupied by rebel forces and the Zaka organization.

In the consulate, dozens of Chinese expatriates, as well as many civilians from Vilia and family members of high-level political and military officials gathered.

Within fifty meters outside the consulate, there were fierce exchanges of fire between the political and military forces and the rebels and the Zaka organization.

The political and military sides are obviously almost overwhelmed. It is only a matter of time before they are defeated by the rebels and the Zaka organization.

In such a large-scale war, peacekeeping forces cannot intervene.

We can only negotiate with them through other channels through the United Nations.

But now that Zaka, a violent terrorist organization, is involved, the United Nations is obviously at a loss.

Now, all we can do is condemn and condemn at press conferences or in the media.

This has no effect on the people of Vilia.

When Yang Rui led seven people there quickly, the consulate was already in crisis.

However, fortunately, the Jiaolong Commandos were brave and good at fighting, and with the cover of the government and the military, everyone in the consulate was safely taken out by them.

When they returned to the port, the captain called Yang Rui over again.

"Now there is a more difficult task!"

The captain looked a little ugly.

"Captain, what's wrong? Do we still have compatriots left inside?"

Yang Rui said in a deep voice.

The captain said: "The thing is like this. There is a Green Valley Energy Company in Vilia. They have developed a mysterious energy item. We don't know what it is specifically. We only know that once this thing falls into Zaka In the hands of violent terrorist organizations, it will definitely bring a catastrophe to the world!”

"The Zaka organization also wanted these things, so it joined the rebel alliance to attack the government and the army! The problem now is that Green Valley Energy Company has been attacked by the Zaka organization, but the secret information has not been obtained by them. So, The Zaka organization is still hunting down important core employees of Green Valley Energy Company!”

"Currently, many employees of Green Valley Energy Company have been killed and captured by them, including one of our Huaxia employees, Deng Mei, who has been captured by them!"

"Moreover, the Zaka organization has sent us a video, threatening our Chinese Navy and asking us to hand over the acting secretary's family so that they can threaten the people over there and get the supplies they want!"

"But this is obviously impossible. We will never compromise with the violent terrorists. Therefore, the only way now is to rescue our overseas Chinese ourselves! But this is very dangerous!"

"Where are they now?" Yang Rui asked.

"It's not clear yet. But there is one person who may have a clue. It is Xia Nan, a French-Chinese journalist working here. She was with Deng Mei at the time. Deng Mei was taken away, but she escaped by chance and survived. Come down. She reported it through channels before, but the clues about Xia Nan are still unclear. You need to go to the place where Deng Mei was arrested to see if you can find Xia Nan."

"Okay! Let's go now!"

Yang Rui said.

The captain said: "This time, the government and the military will not be able to assist you too much, but to cross the war zone, you need to follow their vehicles. They want to escort a group of civilians with status to an area, which happens to be Passing the place where Deng Mei was arrested, we have already contacted them. You can go over and meet them and set off immediately!"


"Yang Rui, remember! No matter what the cost, we must rescue Deng Mei! No Chinese compatriots can be left behind! This is our responsibility and mission!"


Yang Rui stood at attention and saluted, "I promise to bring Deng Mei back safely! The mission will definitely be completed!"

The captain returned the greeting, "Be careful!"

After saying goodbye to the captain and replenishing his equipment, Yang Rui set out again with the Jiaolong Commando.

Soon they found the two dozen political soldiers and followed them to escort a bus of dozens of civilians away.

Before they arrived at the place where Deng Mei was arrested, they were on the road when they suddenly saw a yellow woman with a dusty face and a very downcast appearance.

Seeing the vehicle, the yellow woman waved to them excitedly.

It can be seen that this woman is very tired, obviously she has walked a long way.

"There's a situation!"

The political and military forces in the car in front picked up their weapons and stared at the woman warily.

"What's going on?" Yang Rui and the others also became alert.

The car stopped, and several people from the political and military armed forces got out and walked quickly towards the woman.

"Hello, I am a reporter. My name is Xia Nan. We were attacked by the Zaka organization and all my team members died. Please help me." Xia Nan quickly said to the political and military armed captain.

After Xia Nan finished speaking, she quickly took out her ID.

At this time, before the political and military commander had finished speaking, a voice came over, "Are you Xia Nan?"

Yang Rui quickly ran over with seven members of the Jiaolong Commando.

When Xia Nan saw the Chinese special forces here, she was immediately happy and said in Chinese quickly: "Yes, I am Xia Nan. This is my ID!"

Yang Rui took Xia Nan's ID and looked carefully, confirming her identity, and said, "Great! We are here to find you! Do you know Deng Mei?"

"Of course I do. I have already reported the video of the Zaka organization kidnapping people!"

Xia Nan said quickly: "Deng Mei and I were in the same car at the time, but the car fell into a cliff of more than ten meters. I was in a very drowsy state at the time, and vaguely saw the people from the Zaka organization took Deng Mei away!"

Yang Rui nodded, "We came here this time to save her! Do you know where the Zaka organization captured them?"

"I know! They have a temporary base camp in a town in this city! All the captured hostages are locked up inside!"

Xia Nan said.

"Great! Can you take us there? Don't worry, you don't need to go in with us, just take us to that place."

Yang Rui said.

"Of course, but that's their base camp. Preliminary estimates show that there are at least 300 terrorist armed forces inside. If you only have a few people, it will be difficult to rescue them!" Xia Nan said.

"No matter how difficult it is, we must go!" Yang Rui said in a firm tone.

"Okay! Since you dare to go, I will take you there! My assistant has also been captured by them! There are more than a dozen other hostages inside. I hope you can help me rescue them all." Xia Nan said.

"Rescue them all?"

Yang Rui frowned slightly and shook his head slightly, saying: "I'm afraid that won't work."

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