"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt."

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "Mom, are you in pain?"

Although Chen Fan didn't see the scene of Chen's mother committing suicide, he could guess that the injury on his head was caused by himself.

Thinking that his parents were so sad because of him, they even wanted to die with him.

Chen Fan felt particularly guilty and self-blame.

"Mom is fine, I just bumped it accidentally."

"Are you hungry? Mom cooked millet porridge for you, do you want to feed you some?"

Mother Chen said, and she was going to get the thermos bucket on the table.

"I'm not hungry, where's Dad? Where did he go?"

Chen Fan shook his head and asked.

"We came in a hurry and didn't bring anything. After knowing that you were fine, I asked him to go back to pack his things and ask for leave from school."

Mother Chen explained.

In fact, Mother Chen only said half of it. Chen Donghai went back this time not just to pack his luggage.

He was going back to sell the house at home.

Because Chen Fan's follow-up treatment will cost a lot of money, he is worried that his savings are not enough.

Although Fan Tianlei and others promised that the cost of Chen Fan's follow-up treatment will be borne by the army.

But Chen Donghai and his wife did not intend to accept it.

In their opinion, although their family is not rich, it is also a well-off family.

There are many people who need money more than them, and they don't want to occupy the country's resources.

"Mom, the fire is out now, right? No one is injured, right?"

"How is the uncle I saved?"

After waking up for a long time, Chen Fan remembered the middle-aged man he saved.

When mentioning the middle-aged man, Chen's mother's face suddenly became a little ugly.

"The fire is out, no one is injured except you two, and even the bastard who wanted to harm you is fine."

"He has been taken away by the police now, and he will probably be sentenced for murder."

Chen's mother said angrily.

Going to jail may be a very serious matter for ordinary people.

But for Chen's mother, it is still too easy for him.

After all, he is the culprit who almost killed her son!

Any mother, when seeing the murderer who hurt her child, will have a heart that wants to kill.

"It's good that no one is hurt."

Hearing this answer, Chen Fan finally felt relieved.

He was not surprised by the result of the middle-aged man, nor did he feel pity.

They are all adults, and they should be responsible for their own actions.

"Son, you can't continue to serve in the army now. When you are discharged from the hospital, just retire directly."

"I asked, your student status is still retained, and you are still young. We can continue to go back to school."

"Of course, if you don't want to go to school, you can also recuperate at home."

"Anyway, Mom and Dad will retire this year. As long as we don't spend money recklessly, the pension is enough for our family of three."

Chen's mother said her thoughts softly.

"Mom, I don't want to retire."

Chen Fan said.

He also wants to join Langya, become the strongest special forces soldier, and serve the country.

How can he retire?

"But you are so badly injured, what can you do if you stay in the army?"

"Be obedient and go home with mom. When your face is healed, mom will find you a girlfriend."

"Get married, have a child, and live a plain life."

"Mom doesn't want you to take risks anymore. I've lost you once, and I don't want to lose you a second time."

Hearing Chen Fan's answer, Chen's mother sat up straight instantly and said with some excitement.

She didn't agree with Chen Fan's enlistment, but she couldn't beat Chen Fan's insistence, so she had to let him go.

Now that this happened, she would never agree to let Chen Fan stay in the army.

Even if he took an easy position in the army.

Because she was afraid.

She was afraid of receiving another call late at night one day.

Telling her that her child was dying.

"Mom, I'm only 20 years old. I don't want to rely on you and dad to take care of me and raise me at such a young age."

"Besides, being a soldier is my dream, I don't want to give up."

Although Chen Fan could understand Chen's mother's good intentions.

But as he said, he was only 20 years old. Although he was injured, his arms and legs were intact.

He didn't want to rely on his parents at such a young age, and he didn't want to be a burden to his parents.

What's more, he might be able to recover, so he couldn't retire.

"There is no room for negotiation. I won't agree to let you stay in the army!"

Chen's mother said with a very firm attitude.

Chen Fan didn't know what to say for a while, pursed his lips and lowered his eyes.

"Xiao Fan, don't blame your mother."

"If you were not injured and in good health, your mother would never let you retire."

"But you are like this now, and your mother is really worried about you staying in the army."

Seeing that he didn't speak, Chen's mother thought that Chen Fan was angry with her, and said with a bad taste in her heart.

"Mom, do you mean that if I can recover to be a normal person, you won't let me retire?"

Chen Fan asked when Chen's mother was talking.

"Yes, if your body is no different from that of an ordinary person, wouldn't it be like deserting if I forced you to retire?"

Mother Chen was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't know why Chen Fan asked this, she still answered.

"You said it yourself. Give me three months. After three months, I will definitely give you a normal son!"

"You can't force me to retire by then!"

This is what Chen Fan wanted.

Although it takes half a year for the universal repair factor to be completely absorbed, Chen Fan can promote absorption through exercise.

As long as he exercises well, he is confident that he can return to normal in three months.

"How is it possible..."

"Okay, as long as you can return to normal in three months, Mom will agree that you can stay in the army."

Mother Chen looked at Chen Fan, who was wrapped in gauze, and wanted to say how he could return to normal.

But seeing Chen Fan's confident expression, she felt extremely distressed and agreed to it as he wished.

Because in Chen's mother's view, Chen Fan was not confident and cheerful, but unwilling to accept the fact that he could not serve in the army.

After Chen Fan rested in the hospital for a week, he felt that his body had recovered a little, at least he could be awake for seven or eight hours during the day.

And during this week, his heroic deeds with He Chenguang were also known to the military headquarters.

The headquarters immediately commended them, awarding Chen Fan the first-class medal of honor and He Chenguang the second-class medal of honor.

Chen Fan was promoted to lieutenant and He Chenguang to second lieutenant.

They also constantly sought opportunities for He Chenguang and Chen Fan to work in the military headquarters art troupe.

They tried their best to arrange their future.

At the same time, Gao Shiwei learned that Chen Donghai was going to sell his house to raise money for Chen Fan's treatment.

He immediately contacted Chen Donghai and told him that the army had sent a sum of money specifically for the follow-up treatment of Chen Fan and He Chenguang.

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