"Nani? What's going on now?"

"Why does the boss value this newcomer's opinion so much?"

"This has never been done before."

"You must know that the boss has carefully considered the combat instructions for each operation. Our opinions are only for reference. In the end, the boss's decision will take priority."


"Okay, don't make any noise yet!"

Kestrel interrupted the group's murmur.

She frowned and turned to Chen Fan: "Are you sure you want to go alone? You must know that you are going to a place where the surrounding environment is unfamiliar to you. If you don't have backup, you will be discovered if you don't have backup." . Then you will be in danger."

"Don't worry, since I said it, it proves that I am fully prepared. If I am alone, if I encounter danger, I can quickly and safely evacuate at any time. If there is someone with me, I cannot guarantee his safety!"

Kestrel thought for a moment.

"Okay, just as you said. You must pay attention to safety. If you find there is danger, evacuate first and then make plans."


Chen Fan responded, quickly checked his equipment and left.

Several other people felt very aggrieved when they saw this scene.

They can also be considered veterans who have been on many missions. Every time it is a very risky task.

No matter how difficult the process is, the task is completed perfectly every time.

Now, they were nakedly despised by a new recruit in the regular army.

Holding back? It’s hard to say who is holding back.

Kestrel could tell what they were thinking from their expressions.

"Okay, everyone, stop acting like a resentful woman!"

"I can confirm one thing with you! Chen Fan is very strong. Ridiculously strong."

"Don't take what he says to heart. Because he is qualified to say that!"

Lei Hu and the others looked at each other in shock after hearing what their boss said.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Chen Fan had his own radar system, so he didn't stop at all during the journey and quickly reached the outskirts of the base.

Soon, Chen Fan discovered through radar that the base was heavily guarded. There are both open and hidden whistles.

There are three teams in Mingshao. Every four people form a team. He was wearing night vision goggles and an AK. Constantly patrol the base.

There are three snipers in the secret sentry. At various high points on the base.

It can be said that once you enter, you will really have no chance of escaping!

This is still the armed force that can be detected within the scope of Chen Fan's radar system. Even Chen Fan himself was blinded by the range that the radar system could not detect.

Chen Fan thought for a moment and realized that this bit of information was not enough and could only be regarded as peripheral. We can only take risks!

Although the base is heavily guarded, fortunately, the base is located in a valley, surrounded by dense trees and flowers, which greatly facilitates Chen Fan's concealment.

With the help of the powerful weapon of the radar system, Chen Fan took advantage of the darkness of the moon and the high winds. Under the cover of the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, he secretly climbed up without making any sound or alerting the open or hidden sentry. Found a commanding height with snipers.

You must know that the radar system is not omnipotent, there will always be places that cannot be detected.

That's right. Chen Fan just wanted to kidnap a secret sentry without anyone noticing. It is always faster to get information from a living person than to fumble alone, although the risk factor rises sharply. But sometimes high risk always comes with high reward.

Maybe it's because it's late at night and people get very tired after a certain period of time. In addition, the sniper was also very confident in the armed strength of the base and felt that it was impossible for anyone to get in without being discovered in such an environment.

So his alertness has dropped to its lowest point. Chen Fan had sneaked up behind him without him even noticing it.

By the time he felt something was wrong, it was too late, before he picked up the walkie-talkie that he had put aside.

There was a "pop" sound!

Chen Fan took the first step and slashed the sniper on the back of the head with his knife, knocking him out instantly.

Chen Fan quickly removed all the equipment from the sniper, then easily lifted him up and carried him on his shoulders.

Use the radar system to evacuate quickly.

Over in the cave, Kestrel and the others were also anxiously waiting for news about Chen Fan.

Thunder Tiger kept walking around the cave.

He kept mumbling:

"Why haven't you come back yet? Is everything okay?"

"This kid shouldn't be allowed to carry out this mission alone!"

"Okay, can you calm down a little?"

"Do you really not believe in the abilities of your comrades?"

Kestrel shouted a few words to Lei Hu with a cold face.

I saw Lei Hu sitting down angrily.

"Hey, boss. I'm worried about this kid too."

Lei Hu said with a forced smile.

At this time, rapid footsteps came from outside the cave.


Kestrel pulled out his pistol and quickly hid among the rocks inside the cave.

Several other people also quickly opened the safety bolts of their guns, found cover, and pointed their muzzles at the hole!

A figure walked in from the entrance of the cave, it was Chen Fan.

"it's me!"

After Chen Fan finished speaking, he put the prisoner on the ground.

When the Kestrels saw that Chen Fan had returned, they all breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Kestrel stepped forward and looked at Chen Fan. When he found that he was intact, he said:

"Is everything going well?"

"Who is this? Why did you bring back a person?"

Hongshun looked at the captive on the ground and asked Chen Fan in confusion.

When Chen Fan heard Hongshun ask him this, he told him all the information he had just detected.

When Lei Hu and the others saw that it was Chen Fan, they also put down their guns and walked out.

When they heard Chen Fan say that he had captured a secret sentry in order to get a deeper understanding of the situation inside the base.

Everyone was not calm.

It was already an over-fulfillment of the task to be able to detect that there were sentries and secret sentries in the base and the terrain conditions.

Now you can bring back a prisoner without alerting the enemy. So terrifying.

"How did he do it?"

"This guy's individual combat ability is too strong."

"Sure enough, we underestimated his ability before."


Chen Fan took out a military kettle and poured the water in the kettle on the face of the captive lying on the ground.

After a while, the prisoner lying on the ground groaned a few times, opened his eyes, and slowly supported himself with his hands to half sit up, his hands still stroking the back of his head.

When he came to his senses, he looked at everything around him and saw several soldiers pointing guns at him. Suddenly his face turned pale.

In this situation, even a fool would know that he was captured.

But wasn't he on guard at the base before?

I only remember that the back of my head hurt, and my eyes went black and I didn't know anything.

When I woke up again, I was in this situation!

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