Sometimes there are surprises and you don’t know when tomorrow will come.

Just when Chen Fan thought everything was calm.

However, one wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

There was a "buzzing" sound of electricity in Chen Fan's ears.

Chen Fan looked around and saw a walkie-talkie placed next to the dead boss, and the sound came from the walkie-talkie.

"Boss, boss. Do you hear me?"

Someone is talking on the other side of the intercom.

"Boss, we heard an explosion here at the base. Did something happen?"

"Boss, please answer."

"Boss, let's rush back from the outside right now."

Intermittent sounds came from the intercom from time to time.

have to! Everyone in the base, including the boss, was killed. Unexpectedly, there were still people in the outer areas of the base.

Chen Fan understood that this should be the main force of the entire base. No wonder he felt that the base with only a few dozen people was too few. It seems that the boss should send more armed forces to the farther and outer areas. Local patrol.

It was also the boss who was arrogant and overestimated the defense in the base, so much so that he sent out half of the main force.

Otherwise, it would not have been so easy for Chen Fan and the others to sneak in and be eliminated.

"No, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

"We can't take the risk of continuing to be this hard steel."

"Previously, we could eliminate them when they were unprepared."

"The reinforcements coming back now are obviously aware that something happened at the base and are already prepared. They are not so easy to deal with. I want to evacuate immediately."

Chen Fan listened to the words coming from the intercom, analyzed the current stakes and made a decision.

Of course, it is a bit unrealistic to run out of the base and return to Kestrel's meeting place.

Because according to Chen Fan's inference, before he reached the entrance of the base, the people at the walkie-talkie might have rushed back, and the two sides might encounter each other by then.

At this time, the radar system suddenly scanned a building next to the base headquarters.

"Is it a weapons arsenal?"

Chen Fan thought that Danren had already followed the radar system's scan and ran towards the building.

Soon Chen Fan came to this bungalow. Open the door and take a look.

"Oh, what a weapons arsenal!"

Moreover, there is a high-powered armed motorcycle parked inside the house.

Fortunately, the success rate of evacuation will be greatly improved.

The two Kestrels had returned to the meeting point under the cover of Chen Fan.

On the way to evacuate, the two heard the explosion of landmines and the black smoke emitted by the RPG after it hit the object.

"Boss. Isn't this noise a big deal?"

"Can Chen Fan handle it? How about we go back to pick him up?"

Lei Hu said anxiously.

"No need! Chen Fan has a beast-like intuition for danger."

"I believe he won't play with his life."

"What we have to do now is to immediately retreat back to the assembly point and wait for news from him. We will make a decision based on the rest of the situation."

Kestrel was actually very uneasy inside, but he didn't want to show it in front of his subordinates, so he could only pretend to be calm and analyze it with Lei Hu.

It is said that the terrorists outside the base quickly gathered from all directions and rushed into the base. As soon as they saw the bodies on the ground and the wreckage of the pickup truck blown up by the mines.

Looking at such a tragic battle scene, I knew something serious was going on.

One of the leaders shouted to the people around him:

"Everyone be on alert and search carefully for me."

"Don't let me out even a single mosquito!"

"If you see someone who is not one of your own, shoot to death!"

As soon as the order was given, everyone "hooted" and scattered in all directions to search for people.

But what the enemy didn't know was that Chen Fan's camouflage skills were very powerful.

It can be said that this skill has been used to perfection by Chen Fan.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to detect it with the naked eye unless they use high-tech assistance.

But the question is whether everyone has a radar system like Chen Fan.

Therefore, the enemy's large-scale search also ended in failure.

After a while, everyone gathered around the leader from all directions with their heads down and reported:

"Second Chief, no trace of the intruder found?"

"Could it be that he has already run away?"

"The big leader also died in the room. All the brothers who were guarding him also died."

"Yes, it was very tragic to see the battle scene."

Everyone was talking about it.

It turns out that this leader is the second-in-command in the organization who was sent out by the boss.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the second-in-command's expression was uncertain.

"Shut up, everyone."

The second in command shouted angrily.

"It was noisy and noisy like a vegetable market. It made my head hurt."

"damn it."

After saying that, the second-in-command stretched out his hands and rubbed his temples.

After a while, the second in command put down his hands and braced himself.

"The intruder shouldn't be able to escape very far. It should be too late for us to chase him down the mountain now."

"We must avenge the boss and kill these bugs."

"Yes, kill them to avenge the boss."

"We must not let these bugs go."

Everyone agreed.

Just as these enemies were discussing in a lively manner.

Where is Chen Fan?

No one would have thought that there was a figure in the dense branches of a towering tree next to their group of people.

That's right, Chen Fan hid in it with his camouflage skills.

Chen Fan held his breath and squatted motionlessly on a thick branch.

The enemy could not imagine that the intruder they had been looking for was right above their heads.

You can't look up at the sky to find someone, right?

Chen Fan's unconventional hiding method allowed him to stay safe under the eyes of a large group of enemies.

Chen Fan also listened to the enemy's next steps word by word.

Now he is safe, but he is afraid that if they chase down the mountain and expand the search area, they will find the hiding place of Hong Falcon and others.

At that time, the disadvantage in numbers will be revealed, and they have to think of a strategy.

At this time, the group of enemies under the tree have begun to run down the mountain.

Chen Fan climbed down the tree in a flash and stared at the distant enemies from a distance.

After making up his mind, he decided to use the base's armory to lure the enemy back.

The real and fake strategies confused them and forced them to run back and forth.

Chen Fan immediately ran back to the armory, where there were armed motorcycles and various firearms.

What surprised Chen Fan even more was that there were several military TNTs.


Chen Fan immediately calibrated the time of the military TNT.

Then he placed two of them in the armory, and then ran to the base headquarters to place a few under the load-bearing columns.

He rode on the armed motorcycle, stepped on the accelerator, and drove quickly towards the gate of the base.

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