You have to be quick and accurate to save people, but the enemy is not stupid and cannot just wait for you in one place, especially since this town has been controlled by terrorists, and there are no less than 500 of them. The terrorist leader listens to the report The information that came up also showed that there were only 5 people coming this time. He decided to dedicate a hundred people to intercept them. It would be best to intercept them all. It was also possible to delay their arrival here. He still needed some time. , there will be news soon.

"Amu, you lead people to intercept and kill them. Alin, you lead people to strengthen the security here. I want them to never come back."



Two people walked away from the leader in response. One person took a group of people to the door and dispersed them in various directions. The other person went in, walked out of the room and went to other places. Some people who were in the light just now turned into darkness. at.

"Asen, tell them to hurry up, the helicopter is ready to take off at any time."


The terrorist leader sat on the sofa and wiped the pistol in his hand. He also took out the magazines and bullets and wiped them carefully.

"Boss, they arrived at Pit No. 1 and looked at the people inside." A man came in from the door. He had a burly body and seemed to be different from ordinary people, but there was no obvious difference.

"Well, keep watching." The terrorist leader did not raise his head, but there was no surprise that someone would go to that place. The people in the Celestial Kingdom are very interesting. They pay attention to friendship between people. They like to help each other, and their soldiers are loyal and brave. , Dedication is the iron law, nothing else matters before human life.

He did not agree with the choice of this country as the target this time. Although all different human race blood genes must have test subjects, they can slowly find people from this country in other countries. It is a bit slow, but Insurance, so this action is very risky.

After leaving the red building, Lightning walked south. He wanted to reach the tallest building first. If possible, he wanted to go to the place where the hostages were held first. If he could get in touch with the hostages, it would be best to comfort them first.

Chen Fan walked east, and Gale Feng had already hidden in the best place he could find for sniping and set up a counterattack. The current plan was for Chen Fan and Gale Feng to eliminate the enemies patrolling and ambushing enemies to the east of the tallest building, and those on the west Thunder and Bee are in charge. Every quarter of an hour, the latest situation is reported on the communication platform.

Chen Fan leaned against the wall of the building and walked forward slowly. A group of armed men came from the corner.

"Boss is too careful. With so many people here, are we still afraid of them?"

"I heard that only five people came. These five people are not enough for us to fight."

"Hahahaha, you are right. Our wooden leader is so capable that many people are no match for us."

A few people were holding ordinary rifles in their hands and chatting while walking outside. They had been in the tallest building just now, guarding the hostages and doing security inside the building. Suddenly, they were released by the wooden leader for inspection. They were also very disapproving. There had already been a few people. More than a hundred people have been patrolling outside non-stop, and to arrange them out, it will take three steps, one post, five steps, and one sentry.

"Shut up, they are not ordinary people, they are special forces of the Chinese dynasty. Those people destroyed one of our branch organization bases by themselves before. If you despise each other, you are not far from death." The person named Amu from He walked out from another position and listened to their conversation and immediately admonished him. As soon as he arrived at this place, he had a particularly dangerous feeling, like a awn on his back. This feeling was very bad, and he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Chen Fan was hiding next to them. While they were chatting, he quietly threw a weapon there. The blast hit it with a shot. The aurora flashed. After the circle of light disappeared, several people in the circle were already dead. .

This kind of weapon is really easy to use, but the disadvantages are also very useless. First of all, there must be light, and the open space cannot be very large. That is, there is a gap between the upper and lower rows of buildings. The height of the building is not high, and the distance between the buildings is not far. The light It's still a good place to use it, so when it was developed, they were always criticized. It has to be used at the right time and place. It was lost. It would be a pity to lose such a good area-of-effect weapon.

Chen Fan just sighed and went to another place. He might as well get rid of the machine gun first. The constant firing can easily destroy the spirit of the kidnapped people. The longer they can hold on at this time, save them. The more people can come out.

"Boss, your sniper rifle has been aimed at you at 9 o'clock. Go now, I've locked onto him." Gale's voice came from the microphone.

"I'll deal with the machine gun in that position, take action." Before the voice could finish, Chen Fan jumped while dodging the bullets of the sniper rifle, and his bullets also shot at the person who fired the machine gun.

The blast's bullet hit the enemy's sniper between the eyebrows before he could change his position. A little red killed the person without revealing his whereabouts, and no one found out where he was.

"Tou's body shape is perfect." Hayate regained his form and performed to the extreme. "The machine gun in the easternmost corner was dealt with, and the sniper at the 30-degree angle was captured. Tou, there is a team of about 20 people coming directly in front of you. , they have grenades.”

"I'll take care of it, you continue to shoot." Chen Fan changed the weapon suitable for close combat. This alley is a bit small, it should be a corner. The wall here is a bit higher than the previous wall, and many Z-shapes are made to make it look more beautiful. The viewing angle is very suitable for close combat. Moreover, he wants to use this head-on confrontation to frighten the enemy and make them fearful. It is best to be willing to negotiate and create more opportunities to rescue the hostages.

Chen Fan's figure was as fast as a ghost. Every time he took action to kill one person, another person would see it. He wanted the enemies to watch their companions' lives disappear, making them nervous and afraid, and making them lose their lives in this tension. He wanted to pass this oppressive feeling of being stared at by the god of death to all terrorists, including those who had been staying in the building and had never come out.

"Boss! They, they are calling, and there is another layer of building circle coming to us." A terrorist hurriedly ran to the room from outside to report.

"Boss, Amu has lost contact." At this time, he could not be contacted, and Amu was just arranged to lead people to intercept and kill, but now he was killed first.

"Come on, drive the tanks out and arrange them at various entrances, and now start rocket launchers to bombard me. I want to see how they plan to get in here."

"Yes." Someone responded and hurried out to arrange it.

It was also at this time that the leader of the terrorists became uneasy and anxious. He thought that even if the local government could find the special forces of the Celestial Empire, it would not be the most sharp force, and the local government had a high opinion of itself and would not send this force in first.

"Boss, number one is sending a message." Little Bee called Chen Fan.

Chen Fan dealt with the more than 20 people without taking a breath. "Number one, I'm Chen Fan."

"I have contacted the local government. They recognize your ability very much. You have shocked them! According to their plan, it takes three days to explore and confirm the plan and then attack. You are very good. You have completed it in less than a day. Now I officially inform you that there are our Han compatriots among the hostages inside. I order you to organize a rescue immediately. I will negotiate with the government to send people to pick you up. I will also switch the channel and someone will cooperate with you."

"Yes, I guarantee to complete the task!" Chen Fan cut off the contact.

"Boss, I saw the hostages. There are about 50 people in a room on the second floor of the northeast corner of the tallest building. All of them are squatting on the ground. There are guards. There are 5 people in the front, 3 people in each of the 3 corners, and one corner is hidden by cloth and cannot be seen clearly. Now the 5 people in the front are beating two of the hostages." The sound of lightning came from my ears. "The enemy has sent out 3 tanks, at each entrance and exit, and there are also rocket launchers. Everyone be careful."

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