"Are you sure all the medicinal materials on this must be ten?!"

The clerk took the prescription and didn't think there was anything special about it at first.

But when I saw precious medicinal materials such as ambergris and chalcedony later, my eyes widened instantly.

The medicinal materials on this prescription cost tens of thousands just to purchase.

He immediately returned ten portions!

This is a million-dollar business, a big customer!

"Gentlemen, please come with me and we will go inside to talk."

The clerk's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, and he made a very respectful gesture to Chen Fan and the other two.

Then he took them to a very retro-decorated reception room.

"Gentlemen, please wait a moment. I'm going to invite the boss over right now."

The clerk made Chen Fan and the others a pot of tea, arranged for them to sit down, and then hurried upstairs.

The drug store owner was also shocked when he saw this prescription. He sat up from the Grand Master's chair and said excitedly.

"Come on, come on, take me to meet these two guests."

This is a big business. His pharmacy's annual turnover is only three to four million.

Chen Fan's business can last three or four months, but he can't let him run away.

"Chen Fan, can you do this?"

"Western medicine uses the most advanced instruments to operate, and the recovery can only be 80% at most. You can make my hand completely recover with just a compress of herbal medicine?"

He Chenguang asked still somewhat disbelievingly.

After all, traditional Chinese medicine is in decline and Western medicine is in vogue.

More people believe in Western medicine than Chinese medicine.

"We must have confidence in what our ancestors left behind."

Chen Fan took a sip of tea and said calmly.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit appeared at the door of the reception room.

"well said!"

He looked at Chen Fan with admiration and said, "Young man, Chinese medicine is a treasure that has been passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years. It is many times better than Western medicine."

"Many medicines in Western medicine are extracted from Chinese medicinal materials. There are many cases of difficult and complicated diseases that cannot be cured by Western medicine, but can be easily cured by Chinese medicine."

"Don't blindly worship foreign things. Look more at our own things."

Hearing what the boss said, He Chenguang hurriedly explained.

"Boss, I'm not saying that Chinese medicine is not good. The main reason is that in my case, I feel that neither Chinese medicine nor Western medicine can cure it."

With that said, He Chenguang presented his scarred and atrophied hands in front of the boss.

"so serious?"

The boss frowned instantly.

He didn't expect the injury to be so serious.

But then I thought about it, if the injury was not serious, why would I use such expensive medicinal materials?

"Young man, is that old Chinese medicine doctor who prescribed this medicine? Can you tell me? Can you recommend me to meet him?"

The boss looked at Chen Fan and the others with a sincere face and asked.

"His old man has been dead for many years. I'm afraid he can't help you anymore."

Chen Fan answered.

This is the golden jade intermittent ointment developed by the miracle doctor Hua Tuo. How can he recommend it to Hua Tuo?

"Is that so? That's such a shame."

The boss instantly showed a disappointed expression.

"Boss, do you know this prescription?"

Chen Fan asked curiously.

"It's not like we know each other. It's just that several of the herbs in this prescription are the same as those used in the White Jade Jinshang Powder recorded in Chinese medicine."

"So I wanted to ask, what effect does adding safflower, comfrey, and ganoderma to the medicine have?"

The boss replied.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that this boss was also an expert.

But he didn't explain because he didn't want to cause trouble.

"I don't know about this. It was like this when the old man gave me this prescription."

"You should have all the medicinal materials above, right? Prepare ten portions according to the quantities above."

An old fox like the boss could tell at a glance that Chen Fan knew, but didn't want to tell.

His eyes rolled around, and an idea came into his mind.

"Young man, I have all the medicinal materials you want. Ten portions are no problem, but the price is quite expensive."

"One copy costs 150,000, and ten copies cost 1.5 million."

"Are you sure you want this much?"

He Chenguang, who was drinking water at the side, heard the price and was so surprised that he almost spit out the tea in his mouth.

"W-What? Just these medicinal materials, one and a half million?"

"Boss, are you planning to take us as two of us because we are young people?"

He Chenguang frowned and said dissatisfied.

"Young man, I don't want to blackmail you. The chalcedony and dragon bone powder in this prescription cost several thousand per gram. He wants more than ten grams at a time."

"Add some other medicinal materials, do you think the price will be this?"

The boss said seriously.

"You should be cheaper. We are also ordinary people. How can we get so much money?"

He Chenguang frowned and bargained.

"Young man, even if I give you the cost, it will cost you 1.3 million. Do you have that much money?"

The boss said it very honestly.


He Chenguang didn't know what to say for a while.

Although the conditions of his family are not bad, more than one million is still a lot of money.

Although there must be so much money in the card given by the old man, He Chenguang does not want to spend this money because it is the old man's pension money.

If something unexpected happens to him in the future, the old man will really be alone.

There should always be some money left for him for retirement.

"Young man, how about this, you sell me this prescription."

"I'll give you these things for free, and I'll give you another three million as compensation."

"Do you think it's okay?"

Seeing that He Chenguang was being tricked, the boss offered his own conditions.

"Is this prescription worth so much money?"

He Chenguang asked in surprise.

"It's not really worth much, but I just want to figure out what the difference is between this prescription and Baiyu Jinchuang Powder."

The boss naturally wouldn't admit how valuable this prescription is, which is the most basic psychological tactic when negotiating business with people.

If you show too much interest in something, or tell others that this thing is of great significance and value to you.

Then some people will raise the price and drive up the price.

"I won't sell this prescription. Since it's so expensive, then you can give me three copies first, and I'll buy it later when I make money."

Chen Fan refused without even thinking about it.

Although he also wanted to promote Chinese medicine, he only wanted to hand it over to those real Chinese medicine practitioners.

Although this boss is also a Chinese medicine practitioner, his heart is no longer pure.

In his heart, profit is higher than his original intention.

He now spends more than 4 million to buy this prescription, which seems to be a lot of money.

But once this prescription is used to start mass production of Jinyu Duanxu Paste, the profit it brings will be immeasurable.

And buying out the prescription means that even in the future, Chen Fan himself cannot use it, only the boss has the right to use it.

This boss really has a good calculation.

"You don't sell it?"

The boss was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Chen Fan to not be tempted by money.

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