A few rooms further to the left is another room where hostages are held. Someone comes in to check on this hostage room every ten minutes on average. It seems that it is not suitable for immediate rescue.

Except for these three rooms, the others were empty, as empty as if there were only a dozen people patrolling the doors and windows on the first floor.

If you only look at the bright side, people will naturally think so.

But it is worth noting that in addition to the people on the surface, there are also many secret sentries, all of which are fully armed and hidden. The positions are very secretive. Looking at the location and layout, the capabilities of the arranged personnel should be quite high.

The terrorist militants placed the key defense points on the first floor. It seems that they really do not know the special nature of this building.


In addition to the room where he is staying on the second floor, there is another room with the same staff as the room where the leader of the terrorist militants stays on the first floor.

This arrangement is indeed a decoy. If you don't have enough time to observe, you will really be fooled.

However, those who are attentive can find that although there are more people patrolling on the second floor than on the first floor, the level of security is not the same. If we use levels to distinguish, the level of security on the second floor must be extra special level on the first floor.

Probably because there is a terrace on the third floor, except for a few machine gun positions and sniper positions, there are no other people.

The sixth floor is configured the same as the third floor, and its main functions are sniping and fire support.

There are no hostages or special rooms on the fourth floor where people don't know what they are doing. People on patrol are on guard at all accessible points as usual.

The fifth floor was also Chen Fan's destination. There were a group of hostages on the fifth floor, and the room on the far side of the fifth floor was exactly where he thought he could place all the hostages and be suitable for defense.

It happened that the hostages held on the fifth floor were not far from that room. So let's rescue the hostages on the fifth floor and take them there first.

Chen Fan thought about his next plan, briefly explained a few words to the hostages on the second floor, and then went out.

He quietly groped his way upstairs along the wall, using his shadow hiding and camouflage techniques to their full potential.

Chen Fan is now more serious than ever. He has to be serious. If he is alone, forget it and run away if he is discovered. But if he is discovered here, it will cost the lives of more than 200 hostages.

So he had to proceed with caution.

He had better keep the people in the building for now, otherwise the enemy would discover the problem if any of the links in the inspection and control arrangements were not fixed in time.

Chen Fan didn't take much time to get to the fifth floor. There were twenty-three terrorist militants on this floor. There were five people in the room where the hostages were held. The others were carrying guns and patrolling the corridors and various entrances and exits.

Maybe it's because it's far away from the point on the first floor. Two of the people on the fifth floor have communication equipment on them. Let's confirm the frequency they use.

Report every ten minutes.

Chen Fan arrived at the place where the hostages were held first, and also opened the door and entered.

He waited until the situation was reported in the room before entering, and took action immediately after entering.

Chen Fan took action this time without any hesitation or observation. All the hostages here seemed to have been injured, and many of them had dull eyes, as if they were quietly waiting for death.

Therefore, Chen Fan used a different approach towards the five terrorist militants in the room.

Except for one terrorist militant who was shot and killed the moment he entered, the other four terrorist militants were first cut off in their hand and hamstrings and unable to move, and then cut off their arteries with a knife, slowly bleeding to death.

Chen Fan looked at the twitching and struggling of these people, with fear of death in his eyes, and quietly watched them desperately trying to catch something, but unable to resist the passage of life.

I felt happy in my heart.

The hostages in this room, including those in the red building, are not like this. They want to live and catch something but have nothing. They slowly lose their lives and the hope of living.

The people in this room didn't react much to the fact that someone went in and killed the terrorist militants. They were all stunned. They didn't scream or be afraid even when they saw the terrorist militants bleeding all over the floor.

This situation is not optimistic.

However, Chen Fan didn't make a sound and watched quietly with everyone. He didn't reply through the communication until he heard the report coming from outside.

He was imitating the voice of the dead terrorist militant, exactly the same!

This sound made the people in the room shiver reflexively, and it was at this time that the people in the room reacted.

The situation seems to have reversed. Have they been rescued? !

"Don't make any noise. Now we have to move to another safer room. Can we still leave?" Chen Fan asked in a different voice.

"Yes." Someone responded with a small, hoarse voice.

More people nodded, and even those lying down struggled to sit up and then stand up.

"Okay, you guys are here, count to thirty silently, and when I come back, I will take you out of here." Chen Fan looked at everyone who had regained their desire for life and explained little by little.

There was another round of nodding, and someone was already counting in a low voice.

Chen Fan paused and walked out faster.

If he doesn't leave quickly, he's afraid he won't be able to come back until thirty.

But it was just his own teasing.

There are only a few rooms on this one-thousand-square-meter floor and no one is there. It is not difficult to deal with the remaining seventeen people.

I saw Chen Fan ducking out of the way and arriving at the window closest to the room. The two people were now observing the outside of the building, and their attention was focused on the outside.

So Chen Fan had already fired a shot at one person. There was no way he could not hear the silenced gun from such a close distance. So when the other person turned around to look at him in confusion, he had no idea that the god of death was already around him.

If the gun fires again, there will be no more life.

Chen Fan made the two of them look like they were still observing the situation outside, and then killed the other fifteen people with one shot from his silenced gun.

Not thirty seconds had passed before Chen Fan opened the door to the room again.

The people inside looked over with joy, and the person counting had just reached thirty.

"Okay, everyone, come with me. Try to be gentle and don't panic. It's not far." Chen Fan saw that everyone was ready, so he turned around and walked away.

To get to the easternmost room, you have to go left after exiting. It's not far, but you have to go through the safety exit.

Chen Fan has not noticed anyone going up and down through the elevator and safety stairs for so long.

Their division of labor is very clear. In addition to regular communication reports, the arrangements for each sentry point and each floor will not change.

But if nothing else, accidents will happen.

When he reached the top of the stairs, Chen Fan made eye contact with the three people who came up from the fourth floor. Several hostages were very close to Chen Fan. It could be said that they were following Chen Fan closely. They themselves also saw the three people coming up from the stairs. of several people.

Panic suddenly emerged from the bottom of my heart, and the blood on my face immediately disappeared. It was all pale, and cold sweat broke out.

The people behind me didn't know what was going on and asked quietly what was going on.

Then a small exclamation was heard.

Chen Fan didn't turn on the radar because it was a bit mentally demanding and affected his movements. Who knew they would send someone up just a moment later? !

He really knows how to pick time to find trouble.

Chen Fan thought that these three people would really find trouble for him, so he acted with a bit of resentment, but his movements were smooth and smooth.

The three terrorist militants did not send out the warning and were killed by Chen Fan without even making a sound.

There was no danger, everyone looked at Chen Fan with a little more eagerness, and they insisted that he could take everyone out safely.

After this unexpected incident, Chen Fan quickly led everyone to the eastmost room and asked everyone to take a seat by themselves.

The radar detection was turned on again. Chen Fan wanted to find out why the three people went to the third floor. They had no communication tools, so what were they doing here?

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