In a smaller aspect, Chen Fan is keen on weapons research. He has studied submachine guns, machine guns, assault rifles, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, 97-type sniper rifles, 79-type sniper rifles, 95-type light machine guns, rocket launchers, etc., and modified the design of many gun parts.

He provided some of these design drawings to the National Academy of Engineering, and some to his eldest father, a former special forces old man who was successfully fooled by him to run a military factory!

Military factories and military pharmaceutical factories, rise up!

Relying on his previous military exploits and the recovery of the black box and his contributions in the border defense in the past two years.

Of course, the biggest reason is his contribution to science and technology, and the honorary title of academician given to him by the National Academy of Engineering. Since he wanted to build a military factory, he directly approved his application.

Therefore, it took half a year from the time he had the idea to the official start of the military factory. At present, the design drawings he provided in the past have been manufactured in an orderly manner.

He also successfully reached a cooperation with Dongfanghong Military Industry Group through Mr. Qi of the National Academy of Engineering, and improved and modified bulletproof vests, small and invisible radar detection, thermal imaging equipment, individual night vision equipment, encrypted military communication radio stations and communicators that his military factory could not directly produce, and started his third wave of small treasury. His account is now increasing every day.

Chen Fan himself does not have very high material requirements. He can be happy every day even if he eats steamed buns and pickles every day. Therefore, when he wrote about how to use medicinal plants as weapons and use them for soldier training, he had the idea of ​​setting up a military pharmaceutical factory.

Drug research costs money, and he has money!

Moreover, his research and contribution in military technology have reached the peak. If he hadn't strongly requested not to make it public, he would have been pulled back to the Academy of Engineering for worship.

Don't think he doesn't know that the people of the Academy of Engineering praised him as a young and unparalleled national scholar in the military! He has to get something else to prevent the big guys above from forcibly taking him back, so that he can make other contributions to the country outside!

So Chen Fan secretly used his mother's connections and persuaded Zhang Jinjin, the former secretary general of the General Hospital, to come and set up a military medicine factory for him.

He felt that the effects of some military drugs could be improved. He had medicinal books in his knowledge reserve, and perhaps he could ask someone to study them. If the maximum effect of the drugs could be achieved without his personal operation, it would open a new journey in the medical field.

In addition, there were benefits to having a medical research institute. When he wanted some strange powders, he no longer had to work hard to make them himself. Someone would send them to him as soon as he gave an order. How great. Now that he was old, he could do as little as possible.

Secretly happy.

Chen Fan left all the military medicine factory affairs to Zhang Jinjin to deal with. Chen Fan completely trusted him and believed in his ability. He gave him money and power for the prescriptions, and whatever he wanted.

Speaking of Zhang Jinjin, Chen Fan had a very strange relationship with him. This was the person his mother praised every day. The two of them also knew each other through fighting, and they became the most trusted people after fighting.

So in order to convince him to start a military pharmaceutical factory as quickly as possible, he had to use his mother's relationship, otherwise he would have to work hard.

Chen Fan didn't care about anything, but the research results of the military pharmaceutical factory were his, so when the first hemostatic powder came out and passed the clinical test, the superiors were excited again.

This hemostatic powder is much better than the best medicine used before. It can increase the hemostasis time of wounds less than ten centimeters that do not hurt the aorta to ten times that of the original medicine; the hemostasis time of large wounds over ten centimeters is increased to more than six times; the hemostasis speed of cross-section wounds can be maintained at more than three times!

Such special medicines can be called magic medicines. In the future, soldiers who go on missions will be equipped with such powders. As long as they don't die on the spot, the hope of survival will be increased by more than 50% compared to before!

This is more than any precision and high-end weapons! They regard the life of every soldier as a treasure. The country needs them to perform missions and needs them to come back alive!

So when Chen Fan said that he would donate the formula of this medicine to the country for free, the director of the Military General Hospital came to talk to Chen Fan on behalf of the country.

Chen Fan actually didn't like to meet these national leaders, it was too depressing! He just wanted to be an ordinary special warfare soldier, don't talk to him all the time!

Whenever he talked face to face with these big guys, as long as he was not asked to do research full-time, he would not be able to get out of their trap. In the end, he said whatever he was asked. He had no choice but to agree to what he was asked to focus on in the future research.

Fortunately, he really had some reserves in pharmacology, otherwise he would definitely disappoint the big guys if he took on so much.

In short, according to the requirements of the country, he gave Zhang Jinjin the detailed information related to these research contents and then ignored it, happily engaging in his confrontation.

Yes, after two years, he returned to Longci headquarters with the Seventh Squadron.

In order to verify his training results in the past two years, Long Shou arranged for him to confront Longci's ten squadrons respectively.

Chen Fan was very happy. It was a good confrontation. In the past two years, he had been concentrating on training and research and had never been on a mission, nor had he participated in military confrontations or military exercises. His bones were sore.

Then the other nine squadrons of Long Ci were so angry that they vomited blood.

The people of the seventh squadron were the reserve members of Long Ci. They were supposed to be trained and selected at the headquarters, but in order to find other stronger training methods, Long Shou specially approved Chen Fan to be fully responsible for the training of the seventh squadron.

Now they are back, and they have defeated all nine of their squadrons!

This is like a ghost story!

The third squadron of Longci is recognized as the strongest squadron of Longci. Longci has been established for many years and their strongest has never been taken away.

Now, this strongest is taken away by Chen Fan's seventh squadron.

The captain of the third squadron was so angry that he vomited more blood than the other captains, but no matter how many times he fought, no matter what kind of scene he faced, he just couldn't beat him!

So the current situation of Longci is that the captains of each squadron started training desperately, and all the captains joined hands to force Chen Fan to hand over the training method. The first captain also found Chen Fan privately, and acted cute... No, acted pitiful! Forced to join the training of the seventh squadron.

The result is that the overall strength of Longci has been improved, but the training intensity exceeds the limit of the human body, and everyone has some physical discomfort.

The number of people with back pain, leg pain, muscle strain, etc. has increased significantly. If the Dragon Head hadn't found something wrong, they would not say anything and just bear it.

Sometimes things just happen by chance. A team at the military factory accidentally succeeded when they were researching the healing ointment given by Chen Fan.

The effect was amazing. Long Ci and his people's back pain, leg pain, muscle strains, and other problems were relieved in ten minutes and cured in an hour.

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