The car stopped in front of a big gate.

The colonel got out of the car and smiled at Chen Fan, who was staring at the school gate in a daze in the back seat.

"Comrade Chen Fan, we're here, get off the car."

Chen Fan came to his senses and got out of the car quickly.

It's not his fault. This gate with only a plaque is very old.

The plaque is old, the door is old, and it creaks when the wind blows, as if it will collapse at any time.

There is no one guarding it, which is too different from the secret sentry and the obviously increased sentries on the roadside.

Chen Fan pointed to the vague words on the door and asked, "Sharp Knife Smelting Plant?"

Colonel Jiao laughed and replied, "That's right, after going out, they are all sharp knives of various departments."

Chen Fan nodded.

Okay, it's a special school, so it's okay to have a special name.

And there is only one base in this mountain, so naturally there is no need to hang a real name to inform everyone.

Colonel Jiao continued, "As soon as we entered the mountain, the secret sentry over there had already sent back the news. No one would come out to check and ask questions when we were in and out. With such intensive monitoring and protection, no one could enter this core area without alerting the sentries."

Chen Fan nodded and followed Colonel Jiao inside.

Walking three hundred meters from the gate, it seemed as if we had finally walked through the narrow path, and the scene suddenly became clear.

Rows of houses built with mountain stones appeared in front of us, and there were green belts in front of the houses! The roads were also paved with stones, and after years of baptism, they were still smooth and bright.

Further in, the road was flat and endless, stretching away, like an ancient town, detached from the world, mysterious, giving people a very heavy sense of history.

Soon, this sense of history was broken, and the training grounds on both sides that were obviously out of place came into view.

From the various equipment next to it, such as single and double poles, high and low racks, obstacle runway devices, etc., this is obviously a physical training ground.

"It would be great if we put some scarecrows and plum blossom piles here, so that they can blend into the environment." Chen Fan whispered.

"What?" Colonel Jiao didn't hear clearly.

"Nothing." Chen Fan answered quickly.

There weren't many people on the training ground at this time. They looked like children of seven or eight years old, and they were doing physical training.

Every eight children formed a team, and there were two adult instructors standing next to them to guide them.

One looked at the children and gave orders, and the other was holding a pen and paper to record something.

The instructors' faces were expressionless, their expressions were stern, and their eyes were full of severity.

The children in training all had serious expressions on their faces, and they were all training hard. In such occasions, they could all take it seriously.

The training ground was like being in the classroom, listening carefully and studying.

There was no playfulness of children at all.

Colonel Jiao said, "These are junior students. They have to do this kind of training every day, so they are used to it."

Colonel Jiao continued, "Students who can enter special schools are more mature in mind, and the school management is strict, and the instructors are also strict, so they dare not be presumptuous."

Chen Fan nodded.

Looking at the team of children closest to this side. This set of movements cannot be sustained without strong physical strength and strong will.

Chen Fan retracted his gaze and looked at Colonel Jiao, "Where are we going now?"

"The principal's office." Colonel Jiao said, "The principal wants to see you, and your arrangements must be known to the principal."


Chen Fan followed Colonel Jiao for more than ten minutes and came to a small building with blue bricks and small tiles.

The small building is built in an irregular shape, six stories high. In front of the building is a small square with a small flag-raising platform and a flagpole with a five-star red flag flying on it.

The two walked into the building. People passing by greeted Colonel Jiao.

They also looked at Chen Fan, who was with Colonel Jiao, with a bit of surprise. They had never seen this person before.

Everyone in the school knew each other.

Those who worked together saw each other every day, and those who worked in different jobs could also see each other at the monthly analysis meeting.

While Chen Fan let others look at him, he was also observing them slightly.

These people were all instructors. The youngest one he met was a major! He should be only three or four years younger than himself, and he looked like he had just graduated.

This school was a major! He had fought hard and escaped from the hands of the devil many times, but he was only a major.

It was really difficult to compare people... I envied him so much.

"Newly recruited instructors?" A lieutenant colonel asked Colonel Jiao curiously in a low voice: "But aren't the instructors of the school all people from our school? Can those selected from outside be better than our people?"

"Don't ask around, this is a new student in our school." Colonel Jiao said without reservation.


The people who left were whispering in low voices, and Chen Fan could hear their conversation.

"This guy is over 20 years old, and he is still a student?"

"Fuck, I think he is over 20 years old. If he is a student, he will be the oldest student, right?"

"No, Colonel Jiao is not kidding us, right?"

"Don't discuss it casually, Colonel Jiao should not be kidding us, they are going to the principal's office."

Then the voices faded away and Chen Fan could not hear them.

He felt bitter, thinking that at the age of 22, he had become a captain in one of the best front-line troops. Everyone would say that he was young and promising.

But people here complained that he was so old, depressed, and closed.

Colonel Jiao also heard some of it. He said a little embarrassedly, "Comrade Chen Fan, it's really a bit old for someone of your age to come in, haha."

Chen Fan was open-minded and said, "I can't help it. I can only blame you for not finding my gold when I was young. You came to me when I was already shining."

Colonel Jiao looked at Chen Fan in surprise and said, "How can you be so narcissistic?"

Chen Fan grinned at Colonel Jiao and said, "It's easy. Just be thick-skinned. Comrade Colonel, try it too."


Colonel Jiao couldn't bear to look at it.

Outside the principal's office, "Colonel Jiao, you're back. The principal is waiting for you inside." A young major came up to greet him, and then looked at Chen Fanfeng on the side and said, "This is our new recruit, right?"

Colonel Jiao nodded and Chen Fan said, "This is the principal's secretary, and an outstanding student who graduated from our school. You can call him Senior Li Feng."

Senior, Chen Fan looked at the major.

He looks very young, around 20, definitely not as old as him. Calling him "senior" is a bit awkward...

But he is flexible. Since he has come to someone else's territory, he should follow their rules.

"Hello, senior Li Feng. Please take care of me in the future." Chen Fan greeted politely with a smile.

Li Feng did not feel embarrassed to call Chen Fan senior because he was older than him. He said to Chen Fan in an elder brother tone: "Junior Chen Fan, everything depends on yourself in a special school. No one can take care of you, not even the principal."

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