Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 753 Instructor Qin teaches a special trick!

Chen Fan did not speak, he just stared at Instructor Qin expressionlessly.

Instructor Qin felt a little embarrassed by being stared at. Why was he stared at like this by this kid? He felt a little bit bullied by the big guy, and was almost shy of being stared at.

"Well, that, come in, I will teach you something. You better watch carefully, I will only teach you once!" Instructor Qin said to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan had actually calmed down, he coaxed himself.

He came to learn things, and he did see a lot of real things in the less than two hours since entering the mountain. For the sake of learning, everything can be tolerated!

"Yes, Instructor Qin." Chen Fan said.

Instructor Qin nodded, turned around and set his sights on another human target about 300 meters away from the deep pit.

The smile on Instructor Qin's face was instantly put away, and Chen Fan could clearly feel that the aura around Instructor Qin had completely changed in an instant.

Instructor Qin, who was just naive, now looked like a beast, with extremely sharp eyes. In this forest with only a few beams of sunlight, there was only a cold and dim light.

The momentum on his body made people breathe hard and feel oppressed.

Chen Fan felt the breath released by Instructor Qin at close range, which was more powerful than before when he felt it from a distance!

He held his breath unconsciously, and his eyes could no longer accommodate anything else. He only focused on Instructor Qin who was aiming.

At this time, Instructor Qin was extremely focused, abandoning everything around him, as if he had released a net to isolate everything around him. The whole world was left with only him and the target he was aiming at.

With such concentration, Chen Fan felt that the pressure he had felt when he was aimed at by Instructor Qin before came again. Although he was not aimed at him this time, the dangerous aura of Instructor Qin, like a beast, made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

It felt that all creatures in the forest were frightened by the dangerous aura of the strong and became quiet.

Chen Fan also tried his best to control his breathing. He thought he had adjusted his state well before, but now he knew he was still far from it.

The powerful and fierce aura of Instructor Qin could make people feel scared even if they didn't look at him. At this moment, Chen Fan admired Instructor Qin from the bottom of his heart.

After all, let alone the previous one, just by using this aura, people can feel fear and timidity. You can imagine how terrifying his strength is.

A cool breeze blew, and Chen Fan only felt a gust of wind blowing past. Instructor Qin had already rushed out nearly ten meters away.

Chen Fan's heart trembled. Instructor Qin could charge so fiercely with such a figure, and his aura of not looking back at death made people feel that even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, he would rush forward without hesitation, and no one could stop him.

Instructor Qin's charge did not have many fancy movements and moves, but just rushed forward bravely.

Chen Fan frowned as he watched this development, feeling puzzled by Instructor Qin's charge.

No! Rushing forward without evasive action, what's the difference between this and the live target standing there now? Can't this be solved by a good shooter?

Suddenly! Instructor Qin suddenly changed his trajectory. He actually used the inertia of the original straight sprint and swooped down.

He actually rolled himself into a circle, relying on his fat body, and rolled on the ground like a ball. The huge inertial impact made a loud landing sound, but because he had a body of flesh, he was not hurt at all.


Get up!

Instructor Qin pulled the trigger the moment he rolled up, and there was almost no time to aim!

Bang, bang, bang!

Three bullets flew out of the barrel with three sounds, and the next second, the human-shaped target 300 meters away shook slightly. But all three bullets hit the vital points.

Instructor Qin did not stop, he was like simulating a battle.

He turned around, pounced, rolled, and shot again! The whole person was extremely flexible, which did not fit the image of a fat man at all, and I couldn't believe that a fat man could be so flexible.

After each pounce and roll, Instructor Qin would fire three shots at the moment of jumping up, and each shot hit the target.

This whole set of movements was smooth and the speed was so fast that it was dazzling. Every pounce, roll and shoot was clean, fast and steady.


Chen Fan was already stunned.

If this set of movements was done by Li Feng, Instructor Tang, or even the head of the school, Chen Fan would at most admire and admire it.

However, this is the strength of Instructor Qin! The flexibility of a fat man is more flexible than that of a person with a standard body shape who has trained a lot of skills.

Breaking the traditional misunderstanding of obese people, Instructor Qin is much heavier than ordinary people, but his body is extremely light, fast and flexible.

Chen Fan couldn't hide his excitement. He turned on the radar detection. Instructor Qin's figure was in his eyes, heart and mind. He wanted to engrave every action and detail of Instructor Qin on himself.

Watching Instructor Qin simulate fighting with more than a dozen enemies, he just flew and rolled, left and right, three forward and one back, attacking backwards... constantly changing the direction of movement, fighting and shooting.

Although the actions are repetitive, they often seem simple after watching them too much, but it is this simplicity that contains many details.

The simulated battle is even more difficult. Every position and every move has been practiced. Dodging and jumping, as well as attacking and shooting, these require millions of trainings to practice them well and to the point of perfection.

Chen Fan was excited. If he could understand all of Instructor Qin's moves thoroughly, he would definitely be able to improve his tactical avoidance.

However, Chen Fan also knew that it was difficult. It was a boring training and accumulation. But once you learn it, you will be invincible in battle!

Such assault tactics can perfectly avoid the enemy's attack, and at the same time, it can effectively and quickly strike the enemy.

And the rolling shooting, which is already shooting at high speed at the same time. Learning this trick can also accurately kill the enemy and improve his shooting skills.

Over there, Instructor Qin finished the last set of rolling shooting. At this time, he is now about 40 meters away from where he started.

This speed, this distance, this accuracy, who can do it!

Instructor Qin looks fat like a ball, but he has more flexible movements than a monkey. He can shoot accurately while moving quickly. His strength is completely inconsistent with his appearance!

Chen Fan can no longer express his surprise. He found that Instructor Qin's speed was a little faster than when they were chasing just now.

So he was hiding something just now!

"If anyone tells me again that Fatty is slow and inflexible, I will cut him." Chen Fan muttered to himself.

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