Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 769: Group fight one, single fight a group?

Chen Fan still went south with Fang Lin, Zhang Tao and Zhang Ping. In the following time, Chen Fan did not plan to go around the mountain to find the instructors who were assigned to chase and beat today's students.

After all, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still two hours before it would get dark at seven o'clock. They kept going straight ahead. Although they had a little extra time, they had to leave time for the instructors to rest.

The four backs were stretched out in the sunset.

They walked briskly in the jungle full of dead leaves. The sunset shone on them from the left through the woods, on the road they walked on, and on the road they were walking on.

At this time, there was no noise of people in the jungle, only the chirping of birds and animals, the gentle sunlight shone in the jungle, and butterflies and bees were chasing each other. If they ignored the training ahead, the four of them seemed to be out for an outing, leisurely and comfortable.

"Don't think that today's battle is just to let everyone climb a mountain, get beaten a few times and then successfully reach 671. Anti-attack training has always been a test of everyone's limit of endurance." Chen Fan said.

"If it was just such a simple test, there would be too many people dispatched today, and the battle was too big. Along the way, when you were attacked, did you feel anything else besides pain?"

"Besides pain, what else? But, I think it still hurts." Zhang Tao said.

"They chose the time and place of attack very well, and they hit the target in one shot. I calculated that the time of attack was almost the same." Fang Lin said.

Zhang Ping pushed Zhang Tao aside and approached Chen Fan, saying anxiously: "Senior, I know. Although the location of their beatings varies each time, there are a few locations where they hit you every time! After being beaten, your body will hurt more and more, and the more you run, the more painful it will be."

"Also, they hit you faster and harder each time than the last time, and hit more places. It should be that the force is getting stronger, but the duration of each beating is the same."

Chen Fan looked at Zhang Ping in surprise. The young boy in front of him had a very accurate perception of this aspect.

Chen Fan said to Zhang Ping: "Your feeling is right. Then do you remember what they used to confuse you during the seven times you were beaten?"

"Tear gas, smoke bombs, ultrasound, infrared, smoke, traps and ropes!" Zhang Ping said loudly.

Chen Fan nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, these things have trapped our eyes, mouths, ears, noses, throats, hands and feet. The force and position of each hit are increasing, just to make people feel more pain when their senses are unclear."

"Some people with a strong sense of pain, or people with strong senses, will reach the peak of pain under the repeated and intensified hits. This pain will be several times stronger than the usual fighting training."

"No wonder, they said they couldn't stand the pain even though they were only beaten a few times, with less than half the strength and time of the training intensity." Zhang Tao murmured as if he had suddenly realized something.

"Senior, is the sensitivity of pain also related to the environment we are in now?" Fang Lin asked.

Chen Fan continued, "Yes, this forest is like a secret room. They told us the purpose of letting us in and where we were going."

"Then we kept walking in this secret room, because we already knew that it was a training to resist being beaten, and being beaten was inevitable, so we had the subconscious intention of being beaten."

"But each beating was more painful than the last time. We had to be beaten every once in a while, and it was getting more and more painful. This pain turned into pain, which became more and more painful. The longer it took, the longer it took to reach the destination. Thinking that there would be more beatings ahead, the psychological and physical pressure would be doubled, and the pain would become more obvious."

"Is that so? I always thought that as long as I could hold it in, I would be fine when I reached 671." Zhang Ping said with his eyes wide open.

Chen Fan smiled and looked at Zhang Ping, and said, "You haven't experienced this kind of psychological and physical dual training yet. You will be exposed to it when you become senior students. At that time, there will be more new ways waiting for you."

"Senior, I feel that you are gloating, although I have no evidence." Zhang Tao said sullenly, looking at the obvious smile on Chen Fan's face.

"Hey, everyone has to go through this, don't be afraid." Chen Fan waved his hand, not caring about the boy's little emotions.

"Senior, I still don't understand why you chased them to get beaten?" Zhang Ping asked with a curious face close to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan pulled Zhang Ping's face away from him and said, "Don't you think they seem to have missed the time to attack?"

"Yes, I have been paying attention just now. According to the previous time, they should have attacked us a minute ago. Why didn't they come?" Fang Lin said coldly with a frown on his face.

But no one answered him every time, because he saw the dozens of people lined up in front of him.

They were all in combat uniforms, with hoods on their faces, and each of them held a stick in their hands. The momentum on their bodies was fully open at this time. The powerful aura made the few people who were still a football field away feel nervous and scared inexplicably.

If they didn't have the school bracelets on their hands, the three of them would have suspected that some gangsters had broken into the school.

But looking at their figures, I don’t feel familiar with them. Could they be people the school brought from outside specifically to beat them up?

Looking at the sticks in their hands, thinking of the beatings they had experienced, Fang Lin and his companions could not help but tremble, and felt that the parts of their bodies that had been specially taken care of were getting more and more painful.

Heart-piercing pain.

"Senior, what are they doing here?" Zhang Ping's voice was trembling a little.

"It's okay, some are here to test you for the last wave, and more should come for me." Chen Fan said calmly.

"Come for you? Why?" Fang Lin said in a somewhat anxious voice.

"Because after I was beaten, I beat them too." Chen Fan said with a smile.

"What! You beat them?" Zhang Ping exclaimed.

"All of them?" Fang Lin said in disbelief.

"Is there still time to beat them?" Zhang Tao murmured with his mouth wide open.

Chen Fan smiled but said nothing.

At this time, there was no need for him to say how he found them and beat them up, and the time was not right.

But in fact, he was really curious about the way these people beat people and the accuracy of their shots. He just kept chasing them, and after running back and forth a few times and discovering their patterns and the strength of their attacks, he couldn't bear it anymore and beat them all up one by one.

Don't ask, if you ask, it's just petty, it's not okay to beat me unilaterally!

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