Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 775 Determine the location of the wooden stake!

"Come on, tell me, how do you determine the position of the wooden stake?" Chen Fan put his hand on Zhang Ping's shoulder and pulled him to his side.

The other students also gathered around Chen Fan and Zhang Ping, and Ouyang and Li Yu also moved over here quietly, listening carefully.

"Zhang Ping, you are really amazing." Zhang Tao praised generously, with a proud smile on his face.

"Zhang Tao, don't smile like that, as if I am your elder son, and you are taking advantage of me!" Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Tao's smiling face and got goose bumps.

"Stop it, Zhang Ping, tell me." Fang Lin calmly interrupted the fight between Zhang Ping and Zhang Yuan, just like the first time the three of them discussed the problem.

Tired. Zhang Tao's entry point is different, and Zhang Ping always likes to make trouble.

The other students were secretly surprised. Is this how the three of them get along in private? They are so relaxed.

"I can't see the position of the wooden stakes clearly. I'm looking at the grass, the grass we just cut." Zhang Ping answered honestly.

"So that's what it means, to use stillness to create movement?" Chen Fan said with a sense of enlightenment: "It seems that I have been chasing more intense things in the past two years, but I have forgotten the origin of objects."

"Senior?" Zhang Ping asked doubtfully.

"The shape of an object is still first, then it moves. But people have limited energy, and they always pay attention to one side and forget the other. When there is a bright spot in front of you, you will keep chasing it, but forget that it has another side." Chen Fan said.

"This plum blossom 36 piles, in addition to training speed and flexibility, can also test your character. The purest and simplest can really be applied everywhere."

Chen Fan let go of Zhang Ping, clapped his hands and tidied himself up, and turned over the plum blossom pile.

He was going to start his second round of trials.

At this time, Chen Fan, who had the plum blossom pile, had a different aura. He was no longer as majestic and domineering as before, and became very peaceful.

Just now, Chen Fan was a sharp-edged warrior with a gun in hand, but now Chen Fan is a scholar who is eager to learn, and the whole person is warm and elegant.

Instructor Tang and Instructor Qin have been watching Chen Fan and a group of students on the other side.

He was not surprised that Chen Fan could pass through thirty piles, and was even a little surprised that he would fall from the plum blossom pile. They thought that with Chen Fan's ability, it was possible to pass it in one go.

But they still underestimated the excitement that Chen Fan was pursuing and the impact of the battlefield on him.

As a soldier, it is the soldier's duty to be ready to fight for the motherland and the people at any time. However, if you blindly take this as your goal, it will inevitably shape your psychology into a fighting mode, making you excited, impetuous, and radical.

And this group of young students actually had someone who could break through to twenty for the first time, which made them even more excited.

There are still many talents among the younger generation.

Chen Fan started to move. This time his speed was faster and more stable.

Take off, land, take off again, and land again. All the movements were done in one go, without any redundant or fancy movements.

This time, Chen Fan had passed the 36 Plum Blossoms ten seconds ago, and only eight seconds had passed.

After he realized that there was something wrong with his mentality, he quickly calmed down and completed the change of mentality when his breath changed.

This is Chen Fan's ability and confidence, and it is also due to his sensitivity to crises. If this mentality continues, the consequences will be serious.

"The senior is really amazing. This time he didn't hesitate at all, and he was fast and accurate." Zhang Ping admired.

"That's right, and the senior's whole feeling has changed. He has become so gentle and has no aggressiveness at all." Zhang Tao said.

"Yes, he looks a bit like Instructor Zeng." Ouyang said thoughtfully.

Instructor Zeng is full of momentum except when teaching tactics and grabbing methods. At other times, he is smiling and amiable.

Fang Lin glanced at Ouyang and was too lazy to talk to him. He went to queue up by himself.

Ouyang glanced at the three parties in front of him, gritted his teeth and snorted in his heart. He wanted to see if what Zhang Ping said was true. Why didn't he think of it.

On the first, second and third days, everyone was training in this plum blossom pile.

Everyone's observation and understanding were different. After three days of training, only six people could pass the thirty-six plum blossom piles, and only four people could pass the middle twenty-four piles.

When Chen Fan was about to finish the third day of training, he rushed out of the twenty-one movable piles of the plum blossom pile.

Compared with the embarrassment of the previous two days, his situation today was slightly better.

At least he could avoid the attack of the moving piles and the attacks of the random fireworks, potions, oil, paint, mud and other "hidden weapons", and he was no longer covered in oil and red, green and various unexpected items.

Chen Fan was a little happy. He spent two days groping in the twenty-one moving piles, and it seemed that he had figured out a little bit of the door to condensing qi.

Just now, he tried it specifically, letting the moving pile hit him, and then he fought against the moving pile that was coming at a high speed. He used the condensed energy he had learned to punch and kick, and moved the gas around his body to resist and attack. It was indeed a little stronger than his previous strength, and the stick hitting his body was not so painful.

"Senior! You actually did it!" Xu Yang ran towards Chen Fan.

Yes, he was one of the other three who passed the twenty-one piles.

Now he is Chen Fan's newest little fan.

During the three days of training, Chen Fan not only trained himself, but also answered questions for the students. He was just like an assistant teacher.

Alas, Chen Fan sighed in his heart. Who made this training instructor his teacher? The teacher didn't want to talk much, so the work was naturally handed over to his apprentice.

He had no choice but to take over.

"Senior, you are so awesome." Zhang Ping also flew towards Chen Fan like a young swallow, shouting as he ran.

"Stop, don't shout, my ears hurt." Chen Fan saw that the third of the three people who were running was about to speak, so he hurriedly stopped him.

As soon as the voice fell, the three people came to Chen Fan in unison, with expressions on their faces saying "Teach me quickly".

Chen Fan was ashamed. Why did he feel like he was working hard outside just to come back to feed the hungry children.

Chen Fan touched his chin, which seemed to be a good feeling. Chen Fan was amused by his own thoughts and smiled silently.

"Senior, please stop laughing and tell us how you did it." Nong Le said pitifully, looking at Chen Fan pitifully.

The other two also nodded vigorously.

Chen Fan was helpless again. These young boys really have different personalities. There are all kinds of them.

Who can stand this?

He thought that the military education and training in the past ten years had smoothed their nature and childishness, but he didn't know that he could still see this side of them.

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