"Hey, Comrade Li Feng, don't think too much. We are happy today. Let's go outside to practice shooting." Chen Fan didn't know how to enlighten Li Feng, so he simply asked him to go outside to shoot a few guns and vent.

"Ah, let's go." Li Feng said.

"You finally spoke. I'm not used to not saying a word all night." Chen Fan and Li Feng walked out of the hut arm in arm, laughing to make him laugh.

"Chen kid is really happy today." Instructor Qin looked at the two people who went out and said with emotion.

"It is really a happy thing to comprehend and enter the hard qigong in a short time." Principal Lin said.

"Not entirely. In the past half month, I have seen Xiaofan calm down. For him, learning hard qigong is not only an improvement in strength, but also a cleansing of his personal mind." Instructor Tang said.

"Young people, impetuousness and arrogance are allowed, but he is different. Everyone has made the highest expectations for his expectations." Principal Lin said with feeling.

Li Feng's snatching method is very good, and Chen Fan's snatching method is even better.

The two of them shot several rounds of fixed targets, and the results were the same. The movements were also very standard. It was hard to tell who was the winner, and there was no point.

Chen Fan suggested that they shoot on the move, put wine bottles, and hang some items on the surrounding trees, and then rush and shoot from 300 meters away. Within one minute, the one who hits more wins.

Li Feng naturally agreed. He didn't dare to compete with Li Fan in subjects such as scientific research, computers, or hard qigong practice.

He was not afraid of shooting.

The two were excited and didn't want help from others. They put some wine bottles on the grass, big rocks, and tree trunks 300 meters away, and also hung more than 20 fruits of different sizes with ropes, which were hung on several trees around.

It was a little windy tonight. When a gust of wind blew, the bottles didn't move, but the grass next to the bottles swayed from time to time, blocking the bottles.

The fruits hanging on the trees kept swaying. Well, it was a bit like a moving target.

Li Feng came first. He was a little depressed today and didn't want to do anything to relieve his mood. Being dragged and pulled by Chen Fan, he also had some intention of competing.

Li Feng took the rifle and immediately loaded it.

He stared at the branches and bottles placed over there three hundred meters away with burning eyes. The expression on his face changed and became sharp, with murderous intent.

Chen Fan was amazed. Such a person who usually does things like dealing with people and handling some documents beside the principal also has such momentum. Chen Fan had to admire the school's foundation.

A gust of wind blew, and Li Feng moved.

The speed was very fast, as fast as a gust of wind. Chen Fan didn't react before Li Feng was already ten meters away.

It was really amazing!

Suddenly, Li Feng, who was charging, changed direction and simulated the imaginary enemy in front of him and made evasive movements in the way of assault.

Chen Fan thought that Li Feng's high speed would cause a lot of noise when he changed direction to evade. If he was on the battlefield, he would definitely attract the attention of the enemy and become a live target.

But Li Feng broke Chen Fan's doubts. His movements changed very lightly. From the extremely fast charge to the stop, there was not much noise. With the sound of the gun, there was no movement at all.

Two gunshots rang out, and the two water bottles hanging on the tree in the distance shattered.

Li Feng did not stop, turned in a direction, continued to charge, and then made tactical evasion, and then fired.

Either aiming at the fruit on the tree, or shooting at the wine bottle on the ground, but no matter what it was, the gun hit the target, and the bullets hit the target.

The essentials of the assault were also done very well. When charging, imagine the enemy's position, dodge and attack.

One minute, Li Feng shot and advanced. When the time was up, he was already 200 meters away from where he had just started.

He fired 30 guns, and each one hit the target.

Chen Fan walked over there, muttering as he walked, this gun is fired by counting, right? There are 30 targets, and you have finished shooting them all, so what is he looking for?

"Comrade Li Feng, you are awesome." Chen Fan walked towards Li Feng, clapping his hands and saying.

"Average, it's the school level." Li Feng said with a smile.

Chen Fan was relieved to see Li Feng smile. Unless he was on the battlefield, he was not used to having a stern face, whether it was himself or the people around him.

The two hung some more bottles of wine and fruits, and Li Feng handed the gun to Chen Fan and said, "Comrade Chen Fan, it's your turn."

"Okay, with Comrade Li Feng's example, I naturally can't fall behind." Chen Fan took the gun and said without any modesty.

Chen Fan directly released his aura, and in an instant, the whole person changed from the gentleness just now to a beast ready to go, and his eyes became sharp.

Li Feng's breathing stagnated unconsciously, and he was shocked by Chen Fan's focused and serious expression and the dangerous aura like a beast emanating from him. He dared not breathe too loudly, for fear of affecting Chen Fan.

Li Feng felt Chen Fan's momentum at close range for the first time, and his strength was strengthened from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Fan's momentum now was a few points stronger than when he competed with Instructor Tang.

Li Feng was secretly surprised. In just over ten days, his momentum improved so quickly. It was already modest to say that he was a genius. I'm afraid that only monsters could have such a speed of improvement.

When Chen Fan rushed out like an attacking beast, Li Feng was still willing to negotiate, but he was not willing to negotiate after seeing Chen Fan's movements clearly.

"Instructor Qin's trick! How could he know Instructor Qin's trick?" Li Feng opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

Chen Fan rushed out so fast that it did not affect his subsequent movements at all.

Taking advantage of the forward inertia of the general striker, he pounced, rolled, stood up, and shot.

The target in the distance shattered with a sound.

No need to aim, pounced, rolled, stood up and shot in one go, without any redundant action.

Li Feng thought, if he was the enemy, he would not be able to react in time after Chen Fan's set of actions, how could he survive.

After firing the gun, Chen Fan continued to move forward, imagining the direction and position of the enemy, making evasive actions, and pounced, rolled, stood up and shot again.

The gun fired, the bottle broke, and the fruit bloomed.

Another extremely simple action!

When Chen Fan turned around for the third time to avoid the enemy in front, he imagined that the enemy was in a high place.

He ran straight forward, then pounced and rolled, and the gun sounded when he rolled.

Chen Fan shot three shots at the fruit on the tree while rolling on the ground, and the fruit shattered into dust after the shots.

Li Feng's eyes, which had just returned to normal size, widened again. What kind of operation was this? Did he upgrade Instructor Qin's trick? !

Is he still a human? It would take a normal person several years or more to learn Instructor Qin's trick and become familiar with its use. He upgraded it in such a short time? !

"Instructor Qin, did you hide your secrets and give the trick of the trick to Chen Fan?" Li Feng said angrily to Instructor Qin who walked to his side.

"Humph, this is obviously something I don't know either." Instructor Qin was also shocked. Chen Fan, this kid, is really hard to see through.

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