After confirming that Chen Fan was fine, Kang Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he thought of something and continued: "Sister, you told me last time that I have already reported to my superiors about Chen Fan's discharge from the army."

"What the leader means is that as long as Chen Fan is willing, we can arrange an easy job for him in your local government department."

"While ensuring Chen Fan's future life, we will also give you another pension, which can be regarded as a small contribution from our army."

Because Chen's mother had called him several times to discuss Chen Fan's retirement.

So Kang Lei naturally thought that she would also tell him this this time.

"No, no, no, leader, you misunderstood. I don't want you to arrange a job for Xiaofan or give us a pension."

"I made this call today because I want you to take us to Xiaofan."

"That kid is stubborn and refuses to be discharged. Now he is outside and we can't find him."

"So I wanted to ask the leader to help and take us to meet him."

Mother Chen explained.

"Isn't he at home?! Then where is he now?"

Kang Lei asked in surprise.

"As soon as the child was discharged from the hospital, he said he wanted to find his comrade, another young man who was fighting fires with him."

"I stayed outside for a month and a half without returning home. I just called him and he said he would continue to stay in the army as a soldier."

"I really had no choice, so I disturbed you, the leader."

Speaking of this, Mother Chen sighed helplessly.

"He went to find He Chenguang? What are these two people doing?"

Conley had no idea about this and was full of doubts.

"Sister, don't be anxious. I'll have someone check it out first. Once Chen Fan's location is determined, I should take you to find him immediately."

After hearing Kang Lei's promise, Chen's mother finally felt relieved.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, the leader. If you're busy, I won't disturb you."

After saying that, Mother Chen hung up the phone.

After learning that Chen Fangen and Chen Guang were together, Kang Lei immediately called Fan Tianlei.

"Fan Tianlei, do you know where Chen Fan is now?"

Kang Lei asked straight to the point.

"Chen Fan? He is with He Chenguang now. What's wrong?"

In the office, Fan Tianlei said while checking the red-headed documents.

"Then you also know that he will continue to stay in the army without being discharged?"

Kang Lei narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"I just learned the news that Chen Fan has made another great contribution and used his superb computer technology to resist the hacker invasion of Country M."

"I was praised by Commander Li Bin, and at the same time, Commander Li personally issued orders."

"Let me rearrange Chen Fan and He Chenguang into the Wolf Fang assessment team. They will not be treated differently and will be trained and assessed as usual."

Fan Tianlei told the truth about the situation just now.

"Did Commander Li personally give him the order? I don't know what else this kid has!"

Kang Lei looked surprised.

"The most important thing is that Commander Li said that Chen Fan and He Chenguang's injuries have been greatly healed."

"Especially the scars on He Chenguang's hands have almost all recovered."

Fan Tianlei continued.

"Really? Didn't they do any repair surgery? It's only been a month and a half, how come it's recovered?"

Kang Lei said in surprise.

"I'm not sure. I heard that it was a miracle medicine developed by Chen Fan himself."

"The two of them will report back the day after tomorrow. I will ask them carefully then."

Fan Tianlei was also full of doubts and questions.

He was already ready for Chen Fan and He Chenguang to retire from the army, and even went to his old comrades to arrange a good job for Chen Fan.

Unexpectedly, this boy did not retire from the army, and even told him that his body was almost recovered.

This is really shocking and surprising.

"I will take Chen Fan's parents there the day after tomorrow. In order to continue serving as a soldier, this kid simply refused to go home."

"His parents called me, and his mother was very opposed to him continuing to stay in the army."

"We have to give his parents an explanation for this matter."

Conley said.

"This is natural. You can bring them here the day after tomorrow. This matter must be explained clearly in person."

Fan Tianlei did not refuse.

"Okay, let's talk about it the day after tomorrow."

Kang Lei hung up the phone and then arranged for someone to pick up Chen Fandu's parents.

Soon, Chen Fan and He Chenguang returned to Langya.

Fan Tianlei and Chen Shanming were waiting at the entrance of the camp in person. When they saw them getting off the bus, they hurried up to greet them.

"You brats, you are really back! Come and see how your injuries are!"

Chen Shanming said with concern.

"Instructor, I'm almost healed! Look at the scars on my hands, all of them have been repaired."

He Chenguang excitedly spread his hands and presented them in front of the two of them.

Seeing He Chenguang's almost invisible scars on his hands, both Chen Shanming and Fan Tianlei opened their mouths in surprise.

"Isn't your kid just trying to trick us with plastic surgery? Are you sure this is a real hand?"

Fan Tianlei said dubiously.

"It's guaranteed to be fake! It's 100% real! If you don't believe it, No. 5, you can touch it and see."

He Chenguang assured.

Although Fan Tianlei was curious, he didn't really get started.

He touched and looked at the hand of a big man, wondering what he was talking about.

"Where are you, Chen Fan? How are you recovering from your injury?"

Fan Tianlei looked at Chen Fan and asked.

"My injuries are more serious than Chen Guang's, especially the scars on my face."

"It will take a little longer to heal than Chen Guang's, but it should be fully recovered in another month."

Chen Fan replied.

Because he has injuries on his face, Chen Fan now wears a mask and a hat almost every time he goes out, so that others can't see the injuries on his face.

But the injuries on his hands have improved a lot, and the scars have disappeared visibly.

It finally doesn't look like a burnt chicken claw.

"Are you sure you want to stay?"

Fan Tianlei looked at Chen Fan and asked again.

"Yes! Being a soldier is my dream, I want to stay!"

Chen Fan answered very firmly.

"Well, I naturally hope you can continue to stay, but you still have to discuss it with your parents."

"Captain Kang Lei brought them here in advance, in my office, you go and have a good talk with them."

Fan Tianlei sighed, and then took Chen Fan to his office.

Chen Fan didn't expect that his parents would actually come to kill him.

Now he has to face it even if he doesn't want to.

"Xiao Fan! You've lost weight and become darker."

When Chen's mother saw Chen Fan at the door, her eyes instantly turned red, tears welled up in her eyes, and she said with great distress.

"Dad, Mom, you really came."

Chen Fan said helplessly.

"Who told you to hide from us? In this case, we have to come to find you."

Chen's mother glared at Chen Fan and said angrily.

The child she had carried for ten months and gave birth to has now learned to talk back to her and resist her.

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