The leader of Country Y glanced at Chen Fan. His impression of Chen Fan was that he and Long Lin's communicator cracked the door together, and everyone was able to break through and attack. His computer skills should be quite powerful. From what Long Lin said, he was going to kill the people who were hiding well in front. Could he have this ability?

"Captain, this person doesn't have much outstanding strength." The Y team member said.

"Besides, we can't kill the hidden enemy in this position without sacrificing our own people. Can Long Lin's people do it?"

"But we can't get through without solving it. The more time we waste, the harder it will be."

"Captain, let them go. Sacrifices are inevitable in war."

The Y team members each expressed their opinions. The joint action was for their own purpose. They united to fight against certain organizations. They were soldiers and were prepared to sacrifice, but sometimes they didn't have to sacrifice their own people.

Moreover, they themselves proposed to do so.

"Long Lin, although they are few in number, their lethality is not small. You should be careful." The leader of Country Y agreed to Ji Li's request, but also politely reminded him verbally.

Ji Li nodded and raised his hand to call the team members.

"I will attack directly towards the enemy on the opposite side, and you will help me suppress them. The main purpose is to hide my footprints. I don't want others to see the next thing clearly." Chen Fan said.

Chen Fan told his teammates in detail about several points on the wall. He asked his teammates to cooperate with him. Every time he called a number, his teammates would shoot at that point, firstly to confuse the enemy, and secondly to confuse the people of Country Y.

"Then how can you get through? It's too narrow here. You don't have a support point, and it's difficult to even turn around," Mimi Long said worriedly.

Yes, the passage is only 80 centimeters wide and the height is only about 2.5 meters. There are two consecutive corners here, and the terrain is Z-shaped. You can't turn around no matter what.

The teammates' worried eyes are about to overflow from their eyes, and they always feel that it is impossible to do it.

Chen Fan knows their worries. If it is two months, he can't do it, but now, he has the confidence to try.

Instructor Tang and Instructor Wu did not teach him in vain. He also learned some skills in the special school during this period.

"Listen to me, I can do it." Chen Fan released his aura completely.

Suddenly, a strong pressure in the narrow passage crushed everyone. At that time, it was the breath of a strong man, strong, full of aggression and killing.

Everyone was crushed by this aura and felt that it was difficult to breathe.

A shudder emanated from the heart, as if he had taken care of the god of death.

Chen Fan's aura was fully open, and his perception of the surroundings was also a little more sensitive. He clearly felt that the aura of the enemy in front of him had changed.

Right now.

Chen Fan moved, and he was seen pulling up from the ground. His body was like a leopard in an attacking posture, and his body gathered and rushed forward. In just a moment, when he looked at Chen Fan again, he was already against the wall on the left.

"1." Chen Fan shouted.

Bang bang bang.

A few gunshots rang out, and the Dragon Scale team members fired at a point on the left wall in unison, and fragments were scattered all over the ground, leaving several bullet holes on the wall.

"2." Chen Fan shouted.

When he finished speaking, he had already reached another place. He also jumped up from the ground, with amazing speed and strength. Others could not see clearly how he did it, as if he had already reached there in the blink of an eye, just like playing, unreal.

The sound of gunfire sounded again, and a row of bullet marks were left on the wall, and fragments were scattered all over the ground.


The third sound sounded, and the enemy seemed to have just reacted from the pressure just now, shooting at Chen Fan who was almost in front of him.

Such a close-range shooting, and the narrow space, if it were other people, it would probably be impossible to dodge. But Chen Fan is not other people.

He can.

The shooting of Long Lin's teammates overlapped with the enemy's shooting, and the gunshots sounded together. Chen Fan's position was also tricky, and the enemy's bullets came over and collided with the bullets shot by Long Lin's teammates.

Miraculously, a way was left for Chen Fan, a way to success.

The people of the dark forces didn't know how Chen Fan got to them until they died, and they didn't even know how they were shot and they were out of breath.

It's no wonder that the enemy didn't know. Even the Dragon Scale team members who were in the game and the Y country team who watched the whole game didn't see Chen Fan's movements clearly. They only knew that after the bullets of both sides intertwined, Chen Fan's speed was so fast that they could only see a shadow. When they saw Chen Fan clearly, he had already solved 4 enemies.

Shocked can no longer represent the mood of the crowd. Their eyes when they looked at Chen Fan changed. It was a kind of emotion that combined admiration and incomprehension.

After solving the enemies here, Chen Fan and his team did not delay and hurried forward, fearing that something might happen if they were late.

Walking along the narrow passage all the way, no enemies were found, and the joint action team caught up one after another.

The personnel gathered and got closer and closer to the place marked on the map, indicating that the final battle was also here.

The final location of the battle between the two sides was in the underground garage.

When the joint action team arrived, the people of the dark forces were moving in the garage.

When the two sides met, there was no conversation and they fought directly!

Some of the people in the joint operation fought fiercely with the stubborn members of the dark forces, while others chased the people who were about to leave the basement by car.

Chen Fan used the car as a cover and shot at the enemy.

He easily dodged the line of bullets fired at him by the enemy, and then shot back at the enemy several times, killing one person with each shot.

A car drove straight towards Chen Fan's back.

"Chen Fan! Be careful." Ji Li exclaimed.

All teammates raised their guns and aimed at the driver who hit them. However, they ignored their own safety and gave the enemy on the opposite side an opportunity to take advantage of them.

"Don't worry about me, be careful." Chen Fan shouted.

Chen Fan turned around, jumped, and jumped over the car that hit him. When he jumped, he shot and killed the driver of the dark forces accurately.

The car rushed to the corner of the basement at a very fast speed.

There was a loud bang.

The car crashed into a wall of the basement.

Chen Fan and the people inside looked at each other, Chen Fan was dazed and rushed over quickly.

The man also raised his gun and aimed at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan jumped, jumped, shot, knocked down the man's gun, and then jumped up. He was already there, controlled the man, and snatched the controller from his other hand.

Chen Fan looked up and looked towards the corner.


What's going on with this row of people with bombs tied to their bodies?

If this bomb explodes, not only this building, but even this city will cease to exist.

"Captain Ji, there is explosives, enough to blow up this city. It's safe for now, let them send someone over."

Ji Li's heart sank when he heard Chen Fan's words, but he quickly calmed down and reported the situation immediately.

At the same time, all the dark forces in the basement and those who had already driven out were shot dead.

The local government sent people to remove the explosives from the hostages. The hostages were trembling with fear. The person who was left alive by Chen Fan was still cursing at first, and then he shut up.

As the explosives on the hostages were taken off, the Hewei Hotel was confirmed to be safe, and the joint operation ended.

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