The morning exercise bell rang.

The people in each dormitory were still confused.

"What's wrong? Why do I hear the morning exercise horn?" Jiang Zhiyue was still confused on the bed with his eyes half open.

"Hurry up, wake up!" Jing Xi had already gotten up and started to dress.

"Ah? Didn't you say that there would be no combat training during this period?" Jiang Zhiyue jumped up in a hurry and hurriedly looked for clothes to put on his pants.

"No combat training does not mean no training." Huang Youzhao tied his belt, took his hat, and left after saying a word.

"Hey, wait for me." Jiang Zhiyue's shoes were not put on yet, and he wanted to take his belt and hat. Seeing that the two people in the dormitory were also going to follow Huang Youzhao's footsteps to go out, he hurriedly chased to the front door and almost fell down.

Downstairs, Chen Fan was wearing combat uniforms, standing with his hands behind his back facing the dormitory building.

In front of him, Li Feng, Lu Fei, Zhang Mingyuan and seven others had already lined up.

The eight were also wearing combat uniforms, standing upright, with their hands behind their backs, their faces expressionless, and their eyes looking forward with clear and bright eyes.

The other thirty-six students ran down from the dormitory building one after another, with various expressions and appearances.

Some were dressed neatly, with steady and fast steps, some were dressed messily, with fast steps, and some were dressed and arranged while running.

When the last student returned to the team, Li Feng stepped forward and arranged the team.

"Everyone, stand at attention! Count!" Li Feng ordered.

"One, two, three, four... full five!"

"At ease!" Li Feng said to the team members, and saluted Chen Fan to report: "Report, the training students have assembled, there should be 44 people, there are actually 44 people, over."

"Return to the team." Chen Fan saluted Li Feng and said.

Li Feng returned to the team, and Chen Fan also walked to the front of the team at this time.

He looked at everyone in the team one by one, and remembered everyone. These people thought they would be members of the new army and an important part of building a strong army in the new era.

"Stand at attention, at ease!"

All members kicked their heels, and their bodies were like a fully drawn bow, full of strength and momentum.

Chen Fan looked at everyone with satisfaction, full of energy and radiance, and said: "My name is Chen Fan, and I am the chief instructor of your training camp. From now on, the training and selection of the pioneer team of the information support force will officially begin."

"Two points to be made clear: the training time is not fixed, and the training method is not fixed! There is no elimination system for the training camp. The only requirement is that everyone must make progress every day!"

"But there is one thing. Every day when the wake-up call sounds, I want to see you here in ten minutes, dressed neatly. Ten kilometers each morning and evening, light running in the morning, and weighted running in the evening, twenty minutes!"

"Li Feng."

"Here." Li Feng replied, took a step forward, and turned to face Chen Fan.

Chen Fan continued, "Li Feng, student, temporarily serve as my assistant. Li Feng, lead the team to run, eat after running, and gather in the classroom yesterday."

"Yes." Li Feng responded, saluted and said to the students, "Everyone, turn right. Run along the wall of the compound, nine laps, twenty minutes, start!"

Lu Fei, Zhang Mingyuan, Li Pengyu, and Zhang Pingshun led the team to rush out.

The students ran very fast. They had all gone through the hard physical training of the army. It was a bit difficult to run 10 kilometers with weights for 20 minutes, but running with light equipment was not difficult at all.

They even thought that this was just a way to wake up in the morning, and running was over.

Li Feng ran behind the team members. As expected, the physical fitness of these students was still very good. Of course, Huang Youzhao and Zhong Liqun from the Tiger Team and King Kong Company performed particularly well.

Even Tan Zhaofeng, who was a guard, Jiang Zhiyue and Deng Jingxi, who were communicators, and Private Gao Wenhe were all very good. After ten kilometers, their breath was just a little messy.

"Brother Lai, what do you think we'll do in the classroom yesterday?" While the students were changing and undressing, Gao Wenhe took the opportunity to gossip with Lai Runjiang, who shared the same dormitory.

"You'll know when you get there, why are you so gossipy?" Lai Runjiang said a little impatiently. This kid is really too talkative. Yesterday, after finally returning to the dormitory after the newcomers' dinner, this kid still hasn't talked enough. He dragged the people in their dormitory to talk for a long time.

I regretted being easily dragged to the same dormitory with him.

"No, I'm just curious. Everyone is curious. Brother Tan is curious, Xiaojian is also curious, but you just don't say it." Gao Wenhe retorted. He didn't admit that he was gossiping. He was a normal person and had a normal reaction.

"I'm not curious. I plan to go and see for myself." Tan Zhaofeng quickly changed his clothes and ran towards the dormitory door as if he was escaping.

"I'm not curious either. You'll know what it's going to do when you get there. There's no need to guess here." Xiaojian also finished packing and followed Tan Zhaofeng's footsteps to run towards the classroom.

"You didn't tell me, I'll go ask Xiao Jiang later." Gao Wenhe muttered, his hands were not vague at all, and he quickly changed his clothes. He also wanted to see if Jiang Zhiyue from the next dormitory had left. If not, they could chat along the way.

In this dormitory, Jiang Zhiyue also chatted with Deng Jingxi, whether they would play the virus attack game together like yesterday.

In their dormitory, Jiang Zhiyue was the only one left. The other three were cold and quiet. However, they didn't respond to Jiang Zhiyue's words, nor did they dislike his talkativeness. Deng Jingxi was even more used to it. Jiang Zhiyue had been talking to him for as long as he had been in the army. He had been trained to be immune to it.

"Xiao Jiang!" Gao Wenhe called Jiang Zhiyue, one of the four people who went out together from the next dormitory.

"Xiao Gao! Come on, let's go together." Jiang Zhiyue heard someone calling him, and when he saw that it was Gao Wenhe, he smiled even happier. This little brother really got along with him. They had chatted for an afternoon yesterday and had developed a deep relationship.

Deng Jingxi looked at the two people in front of him who were talking happily about what they would do next, and shook his head. Sure enough, people who talk a lot can always play together, and they can become close friends just by talking about the same topic.

Jiang Zhiyue was very curious. Why didn't they delay their actions just now? Why were Assistant Li Feng and his seven-member group from a certain military academy always faster than them?

Well, I'll have a good chat with Xiao Gao someday and find out more.

In the computer training classroom, Chen Fan turned on all the equipment, connected the two instructors through video, and turned on the loudspeaker: "Let's play a little game today, virus war!"

"I will randomly select through the program, and the selected people will also be randomly assigned viruses. As long as you successfully plant this virus on the computer of the person selected at the same time, you will win."

Jiang Zhiyue winked at Deng Jingxi, with an expression that it was as expected.

Deng Jingxi raised his eyebrows. Jiang Zhiyue and the others guessed the virus correctly, but they let the students do it.

This method can not only allow students to enhance mutual understanding, but also allow instructors to understand the strength of students more quickly. It is indeed convenient and effective.

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