Information building of the training base.

Large screen information center.

Chen Fan was still sitting in front of the giant screen. In front of him was a row of offices. Right in front of him was his computer.

Li Yiyu and Fan Zhicheng sat on the left and right sides of Chen Fan respectively.

The three of them folded their arms in unison, leaned back against the back of the chair, and sat comfortably, watching the real-time videos of all the trainees being played on the giant screen.

"Boss, it's been three days. When will anyone approach the base? It's a bit boring to watch them running around in the mountains every day." Fan Zhicheng yawned, looked up and wiped the tears from his eyes and said.

"Still no one has arrived? Twenty-three drones have been controlled by them. According to the time of the fastest drone being controlled, even if he walked slowly, he has come here." Li Yiyu suppressed the physiological reaction of wanting to yawn, and said very boredly.

"Don't worry, we haven't even activated the hidden program yet, how can we get here so quickly?" Influenced by the two people beside him, Chen Fan also wanted to yawn and find a place to sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A series of rapid warning sounds instantly dispersed the three people's sleepiness.

Bouncing and sitting up, the three people quickly and unanimously approached the radio in front of them and leaned in to see the prompt content on the computer.

"Ah." Fan Zhicheng looked disappointed, looked up at the screen again, and said, "I thought the hidden program had been activated."

"Acheng, it has been activated, look." Li Yiyu pointed at the screen and said.

Fan Zhicheng then looked at the screen carefully, and his eyes slowly opened into an O shape.

He pointed to one of the pictures with a shaking hand and asked Chen Fan, "Boss, this, this, are you serious!"

In the picture that Fan Zhicheng pointed to, Li Feng and his four-man team somehow triggered the infrared laser hidden in the forest.

That's right, it's a laser! Still the kind with lethality!

"Be careful!" Li Feng shouted, stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Zhen on the left, a beam of red laser brushed their clothes and fell on the ground on their right.

A small hole was pierced in the place, black, and a small branch that was hit before landing was now lying on the ground.

"What the hell is this?! I almost died here." Ye Zhen was horrified, cold sweat broke out on his back, and he screamed.

At this time, Chen Fan's voice came from the headphones of all the students in the forest: "Congratulations on starting the hidden program, with lethal infrared lasers, it will appear from time to time, it has no rules and no entity, the only way is to crack it, the faster you crack it, the safer you will be, I wish you good luck."

Except for the team that Li Feng had already encountered, the other students were still confused and didn't understand why the instructor said that.

But soon, they didn't have time to entangle Chen Fan's words, because they suddenly realized that if the instructor could control the headphones of their communication, it also meant that the instructor could actually hear what they said all the time.

Those who had complained about the instructor so happily before, now have constipated faces as beautiful as they smiled before.

"What are you doing? Don't be distracted. Stay alert at all times." A student raised his head and patted Gao Wenhe's head, who had been stunned since the instructor spoke, and reminded him.

Gao Wenhe touched his head and smiled back at the person who hit him. Then he and the other three students formed an offensive formation and moved forward steadily.

"Is there a lethal infrared laser? Or it's random. The instructor won't really play such a big game. What's the difference between this and indiscriminate strafing?" The student complained.

"In field operations, anything can happen. Everyone stay alert." Lai Runjiang said with a serious face. His body was tense and he had entered a combat state. He reminded the team members.

The other three students looked at Lai Runjiang's solemn face and his defensive look, and they all became serious unconsciously. They took out the determination to seriously crack the enemy's offensive and exert all their strength to deal with the crisis in front of them and the coming crisis.

"Brother Li, this won't work. The attack is too strong. We must find a way to crack the program." Ye Zhen panted. They had already run for five kilometers.

The backpack is not heavy, but the drone is heavy. Although they know that they can't get rid of the infrared laser, they can't find a way for the time being. They can only run to reduce the attack.

There is a red mark on Ye Zhen's face, his body, arms, and legs that were scratched by the laser. However, their skills have been strictly honed in school, otherwise, it would not be just a red mark.

Although there is no blood, it hurts. Now they have been messed up. If they don't think of some ways, no one can reach the base.

"The program can't continue every time it attacks there, and the infrared laser attack becomes stronger every time it attacks. If we try a few more times, the whole forest will be difficult to move." Li Feng also panted a little and said.

Although he was not as embarrassed as Ye Zhen, he was not in good shape either. He was covered in various paints sprayed by the drone and was wet. He had walked in the forest for three days and had lost his composure.

"We have to find someone else. We can't try it in every team. It's too dangerous." Huang Youzhao said.

"But Brother Zhao, we have been walking here for three days and haven't met anyone else. We don't know where they came from." Zhang Pingshun asked while sitting on the ground.

This is also what is strange about them. Even if the mountain is really big, they can see everything clearly. Even if there are occasionally fat-footed grass under their feet, they can find people nearby.

It is precisely because of this that they have not tried to find other people in the past three days. Instead, they have been diligently carrying their drones all the way to the base.

Since the instructor has the ability to isolate all the teams, no matter what, everyone's goal is the same. As long as they wait near the base, they will definitely find their friends.

However, their plans are always no match for the instructor's arrangements. Once the lethal infrared laser comes out, and its program is launched more and more densely every time it is attacked, it will be impossible for these students to act independently.

Unity is strength.

Brainstorming. The 44 of them should be able to resist the instructor, the mutant Zhuge Liang, if they unite.

Moreover, they had a vague feeling, including the clues from the various attack attempts they had made in recent days, that joint coordination and integration of resources would be the key to whether they could decipher all the problems and successfully reach the training base.

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