After more than two months, Chen Fan devoted himself to intensive training.

The trainees also studied hard and acquired various knowledge and skills.

Every day, all the people who participated in the training in the base had simple and fast meals, which was in line with the style of a soldier, but it didn't seem to be very good for the body.

But the trainees were so happy that they were eager to learn. They were very interested in the various academics arranged by the instructors for them, and they were happy to learn. If they didn't have to replenish energy and rest to learn better.

They didn't even want to eat or sleep!

Every day and morning, the instructors took them to learn more advanced computer knowledge, scientific research, emergency rescue, and how to think and judge from the perspective of national enterprises, and also to learn education and training.

They also had to devote themselves to the Internet to integrate into the simplest and plain life of the people.

Their admiration for the instructors became deeper and deeper, because these things that they couldn't understand before and were difficult to learn now, the instructors could do it easily, and no matter what questions they asked, they couldn't stump him.

They thought that the instructors who were academically powerful were the ceiling of human beings, but in the afternoon training of physical fitness, fighting, assault, reconnaissance, camouflage, etc., the instructors' terrifying strength was the height they could not reach.

As a result, the students were like chicken blood. During class, they were full of energy and stared at Chen Fan with big eyes. They remembered every word and every movement of Chen Fan.

After class, whenever they could spare a little time, they were unwilling to let it go. Students often chased Chen Fan to ask questions and discuss. Whether Chen Fan was smiling, scolding or angry, he didn't care. He had to ask when he should.

After two months, the students made rapid progress. Even Li Feng, Lu Fei and others who had the best foundation and came from the special academy, as well as Huang Youzhao, Zhong Liqun and others who were originally from the special operations force, their progress was visible to the naked eye.

In this way, they also rolled up. In Ouyang Feng's words: I thought that the intense study was over and I could live in the future, but I didn't expect that it was still a long way to go.

The higher the position, the harder it is to improve. They thought that with their abilities, they should have reached their peak, but the result broke their understanding. Sure enough, when it comes to the importance of instructors, this is very important.

That day, Chen Fan took all the students to the back mountain, where he later had people renovate it. He made something that was somewhat similar to the training equipment in the special school.

Halfway up the back mountain, in a place where the trees were sparse, Chen Fan made a large plum blossom pile with a slope and trees in the middle.

I saw those thick wooden piles that seemed to have no end and were of different heights. Except for Li Feng and other students from the special school who did not have any particularly big reactions, everyone else stared with their eyes wide open, as exaggerated as Jiang Zhiyue, with his mouth wide open.

The students' eyes were full of surprise and curiosity. Everyone exchanged glances with each other, and then looked at Chen Fan in unison.

"Today, the training will be carried out here. Li Feng, you take the seven of them and try it first." Chen Fan said to Li Feng.

"Yes." Li Feng answered and stepped out: "Lu Fei, Zhang Mingyuan, Ouyang Feng, Li Pengyu, Ye Zhen, Zhang Pingshun, Xiao Anping, step out."

"Yes." The seven people answered loudly, each took a step forward, then ran to the side and gathered into a team.

"Report, instructor." Li Feng shouted to Chen Fan.

"Tell me."

"Instructor, how do you try it?" Li Feng looked at Chen Fan with burning eyes, as if he wanted Chen Fan to tell them some martial arts secrets so that they could understand.

"Try it according to what you know and have learned. This plum blossom pile is a little different, but you have to try it yourself to know." Chen Fan said.


Li Feng led the seven people to the plum blossom pile. They simply observed the layout of the plum blossom pile. It was different from the plum blossom pile they learned hard qigong in school. It seemed to have added some flexible and dynamic things.

They exchanged some ideas and decided the order immediately. Zhang Mingyuan was the first, followed by Ouyang Feng. These two were the best at practicing hard qigong, but they were relatively incomparable to Chen Fan.

"Zhang Mingyuan and Ouyang Jian go first. Xiao Anping, your observation and micro-movement identification are the most outstanding, and your summary is also very good. You will be the last to observe and summarize." Li Feng said to the three of them.

Zhang Mingyuan and the other two nodded.

Xiao Anping's expression became serious and said, "We are not familiar with this terrain and pile shape. I may not be able to see anything at the beginning."

Zhang Pingshun moved his hands and feet and said, "One or two people are definitely not enough. I will be the third one. Lao Xiao, you watch carefully."

"Then I will be the fourth one." Lu Fei said.

After that, Ye Zhen, Li Pengyu, and others also arranged their positions. In the end, only Li Feng and Xiao Anping were left. Xiao Anping had to go last, and Li Feng was naturally the seventh.

Li Feng exchanged glances with Xiao Anping and said to everyone, "Switch positions. I'll go up sixth, Lu Fei, you'll be after me. Although I haven't condensed my Qi yet, I'm still good at light jumping. I'll try it first to see if I can come up with something else."

Everyone thought about it and figured out the reason. When they were in school, Lu Fei was not only the apprentice of the dean of the Interrogation Academy, but he also learned 70% of the skills of the martial arts instructor. He could definitely use what everyone had tried and concluded and discover new things.

Zhang Mingyuan has already started to prepare, and the other seven people came over. They used to take care of their own affairs, and most of the time they fought alone. Later, they met Chen Fan, and unconsciously used team combat.

Until now, they still subconsciously use the team combat method. It can be said that they are becoming more and more mature.

The other students who were a little further away here, at Chen Fan's order, moved a little closer, half surrounded, and dispersed on both sides of the eight people. They came to watch.

Zhang Mingyuan stopped one step in front of the first plum blossom pile. The first plum blossom pile was about 1.5 meters high to his chest.

Zhang Mingyuan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and then his knees and the whole body were slightly bent, his feet exerted force, and he inhaled upwards. The whole person was on the plum blossom pile and stood upright steadily.

"Hiss!" A gasp sounded from the students.

Their eyes, which had just returned to their original state, widened again. This time, Jiang Zhiyue was not the only one with an O-shaped mouth. Many students were shocked by Zhang Mingyuan's move.

He didn't run up, didn't use the power from the side, and didn't even have any obvious changes in his body. He just jumped onto a 1.5-meter wooden stake so easily? If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you would have thought it was a martial arts scene.

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