Headquarters of the terrorist organization.

Chen Fan successfully completed the task of kidnapping Gu Qinqin without much manpower and successfully showed his face in the high-level of the terrorist organization.

With Ito's strong protection, he was successfully allowed to go to the headquarters with Ito to attend the meeting.

Even with Ito, Chen Fan was blindfolded all the way.

Ito saw that Chen Fan was a little depressed and said, "You don't have to have any ideas. Everyone has come this way. If you want to gain the trust of the organization, you have to make achievements."

Chen Fan looked down and saw Ito holding his hand in the car. He really didn't think anything. Can he say that even if you blindfold me, he can clearly see everything in front of him.

"I know, I will work hard for those who need me." Chen Fan said softly.

Ito didn't say much. She walked on this road full of blood and violence with a gun on her head and on the road paved with corpses and blood. She advocated blood and violence. Those who had not crawled on this road did not agree with her in her heart.

Let's see how Chen Fan performs in the future.

After the black cloth was removed, Chen Fan looked at the building in front of him carefully.

It should be said that it was a complex of buildings, like a military base. There was a checkpoint at the entrance, and a company of people patrolled the entrance with weapons. Moreover, many people had Western faces, and their strong and powerful figures were no different from those mercenaries.

The entire base was built on a plate surrounded by mountains, and it occupied an entire plate. Chen Fan showed surprise on his face, letting Ito see his surprise and yearning, and he also re-evaluated the organization in his heart.

They may not be just a simple terrorist, holding Gu Zhong and his daughter hostage just to get the anti-cancer pathogens. If they are not used to treat their senior staff, then they are used to study something.

Researching anti-cancer drugs to make money is not something they would do. Could it be a virus? Infectious and rapidly carcinogenic?

The vehicle drove all the way to the tallest house in the base, and Ito led people out of the car and walked in.

This time, Ito brought people around her, including her most capable assistant Gray Eagle, the scarred man, two other bodyguards, and Chen Fan.

"Boss Ito, the boss wants you to come over." A tall and burly man with a fierce face said to Ito.

Ito paused, turned around and told Gray Eagle: "You take people to my place, I'll go see the boss."

Ito and the tall man left, and Chen Fan followed Gray Eagle and the other three people to another direction.

Gray Eagle was quite annoyed with Chen Fan. He looked down on Chen Fan who used beautiful women to get to the top, but he seemed to be quite obedient during the time he was with Ito.

And seeing that he had successfully fooled Gu Qinqin, he opened up his new thinking that he could make meritorious deeds without fighting, so he patiently told Chen Fan the rules of the base.

"Here, every boss has his own area of ​​responsibility. Don't be curious about other things, otherwise Boss Ito won't be able to protect you."

Chen Fan couldn't stop the curiosity in his eyes. He was stunned by what Gray Eagle said, and looked very dumbfounded.

Gray Eagle's impatience became a little more, and he said angrily: "Do you really think that you can come to the base and walk sideways in the base? What a beautiful dream, don't look around, follow me."

Chen Fan touched his nose. This person didn't like him. He was still practical and didn't say anything. He just looked at the road in front of him honestly, and no longer looked left and right.

Base, terrorist organization meeting room.

"Boss." Ito went in and greeted the person sitting in the upper seat.

In addition to the boss, there were three other people in the meeting room, including Sasaki, who didn't get along with Ito. When he saw Ito come in, he snorted and his expression was very bad.

Ito ignored him and walked to his seat and sat down.

Seeing that everyone was present, the leader of the terrorists said, "The research in the laboratory has reached the most critical moment. Gu Zhong's wife will come with the original strain of the anti-cancer virus that Gu Zhong is testing to exchange for hostages in two days."

"You must withdraw all the people in the next two days, and make sure to surround the base like an iron barrel. I will not allow any accidents. Zuo Mu, you must also keep an eye on the other hostages. The time to pay the ransom cannot be too early or too late."

"Boss, since we are all going to make a big deal, why don't we do the same with the Chinese boss and his daughter?" said a leader.

The boss looked up at the man and said, "I will think about the Chinese side, let's go first."

"Yes." Everyone stood up and answered in unison.

Ito also left the meeting room with several people. She walked behind, and the two people in front huddled together and whispered, "Why do you keep staring at the Chinese boss? You always want to use the reagent on him."

"The Chinese population is large, and they contact many people every day. The spread will be fast, which can best achieve the effect that the boss wants."

"The Chinese are also the most united. If you touch them, they will fight to the death."

"Kidnapped one of their famous businessmen, which has already touched their people. The Chinese must have started to take action. Instead of passively taking a beating, it is better to take the initiative."

"What you said makes sense, but you still have to think about it. It's better not to touch them if you can."

Ito returned to the building in the area she was in charge of. Chen Fan was walking around with Gray Eagle.

They followed closely. Although neither of them spoke, Ito could see that Gray Eagle must be getting annoyed to death. After all, he was most impatient with people following him.

"Boss Ito!" Gray Eagle was sharp-eyed. When he saw Ito, he immediately went to meet him. He had never been so enthusiastic before.

"Gray Eagle, go and call back all the people under your command. Scar, go find Jin Biao at the boss' place and cooperate with him in personnel security." Ito ordered.

"Yes." Gray Eagle and Scar left in response, leaving Chen Fan looking at Ito eagerly.

Ito smiled and said, "You, follow me."

Chen Fan was taken to Ito's room.

It must be said that after having power, Ito, who pursues enjoyment, has a very high-tech room layout, which is very convenient and full of experience.

The door is pupil recognition. After entering the door, the whole house is intelligently turned on. The temperature, humidity, light, etc. are automatically turned on. According to Ito's habits, after Ito entered the door, the bathroom has started to automatically drain water.

The exaggerated pink water bed in the room is very obvious. Chen Fan opened his mouth very cooperatively and successfully pleased Ito again.

"Angel, open a bottle of champagne. I want to have a nice drink with someone." Ito said to a humanoid robot in the room.

"Okay, my goddess Ito." The robot responded and went to the bar to get the wine and the glass, and then went to the bathroom again!

Chen Fan was sweating...

I want to say dirty words, but I don't know if it's okay.

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