Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 867: Danger lurks on every side! Imminent!

"This beautiful lady, may I know your name?" Chen Fan smiled and talked to the lady, his manners were confident and decent, and the temperament of a noble man was undoubtedly revealed.

He stood in front of the beautiful lady with a gentle smile on his lips. The lady was wearing an elegant dress, as beautiful as a flower.

"Of course, you can call me Meiling, who are you?"

"Yuanye Zuolu, it's nice to meet you, Ms. Meiling." Chen Fan made a Japanese gentleman's salute and successfully saw a satisfied look in Meiling's eyes.

Chen Fan deliberately talked with Meiling. He led Meiling to talk about everything from the north to the south, from the topic of the cherry blossom country to the world, to life, etc. The two of them talked more and more deeply and happier.

They stood face to face, Chen Fan leaned slightly on the handrail of the deck, the lady raised her head slightly, her eyes were bright and smart, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and they talked softly.

The people around him also wanted to talk to Chen Fan, but they were just one step behind. They didn't leave because they wanted to see if there was still a chance.

But when they saw who was talking to Chen Fan, they changed their minds again. They stood aside in groups of three or two, not far away, just to listen to what they were talking about.

But their voices were lighter than others. Only the lady's sweet voice like a silver bell could be vaguely heard, floating gently in the air. The man listened attentively to the lady's words, nodding in response from time to time, with sincerity and respect in his eyes.

Their conversation was relaxed and pleasant, as if everything around them had become particularly peaceful and beautiful. The breeze gently brushed their hair, adding a touch of romance to this beautiful picture.

At this time on the deck, their conversation was like a beautiful piece of music. Although the sound could not be heard from time to time, it was also intoxicating.

Chen Fan saw the actions and expressions of everyone around him. Of course, he would not pay attention to everyone who wanted to talk to him.

He was still thinking about how many people he had to reject before he could meet the person he was looking for, but he never thought that he was so lucky that the first person who found him was his target tonight.

The daughter of the cruise ship owner, Kujo Mirei!

This cruise ship went to the high seas. No matter what shameful transactions were to be carried out in private, it was nominally to celebrate the twentieth birthday of the cruise ship owner's daughter, Kujo Mirei.

So most of the people on the cruise ship were businessmen and celebrities from Sakura Country, and there were also many politicians, and some daughters and sons of chaebols were also on the cruise ship.

After Chen Fan boarded the cruise ship, he was not in a hurry to find Gu Qinqin but was in a hurry to use radar to detect and observe the layout of the cruise ship. It was also because there were many distinguished guests on this cruise ship today, and the security must be very strict.

He came alone, and he must use everything he can, otherwise, in this endless sea surrounded by water, even if he had the ability to reach the sky, he would not be able to bring all the people back safely.

Human power is insignificant and terribly small in the face of the might of nature.

A middle-aged man in a tuxedo walked towards the two people on the deck and said to Meiling respectfully: "Miss, it's almost time, you have to go back to the banquet hall."

Meiling nodded to the middle-aged man and handed the wine glass in her hand to him. She turned around and said to Chen Fan: "Mr. Yuanye, can I invite you to be my dance partner and choose the first dance with me?"

Chen Fan was almost stunned for a moment, and soon he accepted Meiling's invitation politely and said: "Of course, I am honored. It should be me who invites Ms. Meiling to dance. How can a lady ask for it? It's rude."

"It doesn't matter. Today is special. It's reasonable for me to invite Mr. Yuanye." Meiling said elegantly and generously.

The two walked towards the lobby of the cruise ship together.

At this time, the hall was beautifully decorated. On the big screen in the middle of the hall, there were photos of Jiujo Meiling from childhood to adulthood. Each photo was very beautiful, and even the background was famous buildings and utensils.

"Ms. Meiling, are you the birthday girl today?" Chen Fan asked in surprise.

"Don't you know?" Meiling led Chen Fan to the aisle where the crowd automatically dispersed, all the way to the dance floor in the middle of the hall.

"My family arranged for me to come here, but I didn't have time to understand it clearly." Chen Fan was stared at by countless people all the way. Facing countless people's jealous, envious, or resentful eyes, he was not afraid at all, but just talked to Meiling beside him in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter, it's more meaningful for me to tell you in person." Meiling said happily.

"Yes, I am very honored to be invited by the birthday girl to dance the first dance."

The two stood in the middle of the dance floor, and the voice of the emcee sounded: ""

Chen Fan made a standard gentleman's move, stretched out a hand to Meiling, and waited quietly for her response.

Meiling gently placed her hand on Chen Fan's hand, and the music sounded, and the waltz music sounded. The two danced to the music. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women was very well matched and dazzling.

As the second section of the music sounded, the people around the dance floor also followed their partners to slide onto the stage and dance. The banquet officially began.

The hall was very lively. In the cruise ship, in some secret rooms, many transactions that could not be made public were quietly taking place.

The transaction between the terrorists and Mrs. Gu will also take place in an inconspicuous room.

The terrorists were very careful on the cruise ship this time. Their mission was to get the virus strain first, and then kill Gu Qinqin, Mrs. Gu, and all the people she brought on the high seas, leaving no one alive.

The terrorists and the cruise ship owner had worked together many times. They got what they needed from each other, and the previous cooperation was also very pleasant. This time, they thought it would be foolproof.

But before the transaction started, the terrorists received a message from the headquarters that L, who Ito had brought back to the headquarters, was still alive and had been confirmed to be an undercover! Moreover, he had successfully boarded the cruise ship and approached the daughter of the cruise ship owner, and they had a good chat!

The headquarters was worried that he would bring some variables to the exchange of the virus strain and hostages this time, so that the terrorists on the cruise ship would be more vigilant and take action in advance if necessary.

However, the cruise ship owner, as a person in the underworld, could not easily let people kill people from other countries on his cruise ship before reaching the high seas.

The cruise ship owner actually had power, but he didn't want to cause any trouble, especially the people of China. As for people from other countries, if you give them more benefits, you can just kill them. There may be some trouble but it won't be big. However, China is notoriously protective of its people and difficult to deal with, so don't provoke them easily.

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