"No need."

Chen Fan shook his head and refused Wang Yanbing, and stubbornly reached out to pick up the chopsticks that fell on the table.


Just then, I saw Goutou Laogao clapping his hands.

Then several soldiers from the kitchen squad brought up two stainless steel buckets.

"This is our freshly made tofu pudding, with salty and sweet flavors. If you want to eat it, come and get it yourself."

The squad leader of the kitchen squad shouted to everyone.

Many students were delighted when they heard this.

During this period of time in Langya training, let alone eating delicious snacks such as tofu pudding, it was a luxury to eat steamed buns in the morning.

But thinking of Zhuang Yan and Goutou Laogao's foxy faces, everyone was a little unsure of their intentions.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal, and they don't believe that Goutou Laogao would be so kind.

"What are you all standing there for? Come and eat quickly."

Zhuang Yan saw that everyone was unmoved and raised his eyebrows and said.

"What? Are you afraid that I will put laxatives in your tofu pudding?"

"A bunch of cowards."

Zhuang Yan cursed contemptuously, and then took a bowl and filled it with sweet tofu pudding.

Of course, the other members of the commando also filled a bowl.

The trainees did not take action until they saw Zhuang Yan eat the tofu pudding with their own eyes.

I couldn't wait to fight for the tofu pudding next to the stainless steel bucket.

"Hey, you actually eat sweet tofu pudding, it looks so unappetizing."

"Bullshit! Sweet tofu pudding is the soul, okay? Your salty tofu pudding is hard to swallow."

There has always been a dispute between sweet and salty tofu pudding in the north and south, and this time is no exception.

While eating, everyone argued about whether sweet tofu pudding or salty tofu pudding was more delicious.

"Chen Guang, Chen Fan, do you want sweet or salty? I'll serve it to you."

Li Erniu looked at the others eating with relish, and you had to stand up quickly.

Chen Fan blinked his eyes, feeling that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

Tofu brain?

It seems that there is also this plot in the TV series.

Thinking of what will happen next, Chen Fan shook his head and said: "I won't eat it, and I advise you not to eat it either."

Hearing Chen Fan's words, several people looked puzzled.

"Why? How is this tofu poisonous?"

"They didn't poison it, but they have a more harmful trick behind it."

Chen Fan replied.

"But I haven't eaten tofu brain for a long time..."

Li Erniu looked at the steaming, white tofu brain and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Chen Fan, I'll just eat a bowl to satisfy my craving, okay?"

He looked at Chen Fan pitifully and asked.

At this time, Zhuang Yan suddenly walked towards them.

Seeing that Chen Fan and the others didn't eat the tofu pudding, he mocked: "Two useless people who can't even hold chopsticks, even if you bring the bowl to them, they can't eat it, right?"

"Tsk tsk, what a pity, such delicious food."

Li Erniu was immediately dissatisfied when he heard this.

"Who said they can't eat it! I'll go and serve them now!"

After that, he walked towards the stainless steel bucket.

Seeing that Li Erniu was stimulated by his words, Zhuang Yan's eyes flashed with cunning.

Chen Fan sighed in his heart, forget it, it's coming.

Many students ate with relish, and some even ate two or three bowls.

Soon, the two buckets of tofu pudding were blown away by the wind.

"Hehe, eat it, eat more, eat more, only when you are full will you have the strength to vomit."

Dog-headed Lao Gao looked at this scene with a sly smile, and laughed secretly in his heart.

Chen Fan and He Chenguang didn't ask Li Erniu and the others for help until the end. Although the process of eating was very difficult, they also filled their stomachs smoothly.

When everyone had almost finished eating, Goutou Laogao gathered them at the entrance of the camp.

"Today I will take you to a fun place and show you a good show."

"When you arrive at the scene, follow the instructions. Don't walk around or talk nonsense."

"Anyone who violates the discipline will be eliminated directly!"

Before departure, Goutou Laogao shouted to the students.


Everyone answered loudly.

At the same time, they were also curious about where Goutou Laogao would take them.

Since they came to Langya, they have not been out for a long time.

Sitting on the bus, everyone looked out the window with curiosity.

The bus drove out of the barracks, passed through the city, and drove onto the highway.

After driving for about an hour, they suddenly arrived at a prison in the suburbs.

"Why did Goutou Laogao bring us to the prison? What good show is there to watch here?"

Everyone was confused and didn't know what they were about to face next.

At this time, dozens of criminal police and armed police were stationed at the entrance of the prison. Seeing that they were all fully armed, it seemed that something incredible was about to happen.

He Chenguang, who was standing by, felt something was wrong, and nudged Chen Fan with his elbow, whispering.

"Chen Fan, you said they brought us here, wouldn't they want to..."

"Hush, don't tell me."

Chen Fan replied indifferently.

He Chenguang's face changed immediately, and he was also glad that he had just eaten a few mouthfuls of tofu pudding.

Under the leadership of his old friend Mr. Wen, Chen Fan and his party quickly entered the prison.

After walking in the dim and narrow corridor for about ten minutes, passing through iron gates, they finally came to an execution ground in the back mountain of the prison.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and recalled the plot in the TV series.

He knew that a drug lord was going to be shot here today. Although Premier Wen had deployed a large number of police forces around, the drug lord's subordinate Scorpion still came to cause trouble.

If nothing unexpected happened, Scorpion should be lying in ambush on a hill at this time.

"Fuck, what do Goutou Lao Gao and the others want to do? Why did they bring us to the execution ground? Don't they want to shoot us?"

"How is that possible? We haven't broken the law. But why do I feel creepy in my heart? I always feel a sense of foreboding."

"Me too. He just said he wanted to take us to see a good show. Don't he want us to see the execution scene?"

"Oh my god, is it so exciting? I have never seen a dead person in my life. It's scary to think about it."


Many students were talking in a low voice, and the atmosphere became tense and weird.

"It's almost time. I'll ask them to bring the person up."

Present Premier Wen glanced at the time, and then waved to a criminal policeman beside him.

The criminal policeman retreated with a serious face. Not long after, two criminal policemen appeared in the execution ground with a short and fat middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked around calmly, without a trace of fear on his face.

It seems that he knew that Scorpion came to save him.

"Did you see the man on the execution ground? He is the biggest drug lord in South China and the protagonist today."

"Today is the day of his execution. I brought you here so that you can watch him get his head blown up with your own eyes."

"Everyone, open your eyes and see clearly! This is a compulsory course for every special forces soldier!"

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