Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 876: Expectation! The two parties collided!

After Chen Fan returned to his temporary dormitory in the Western Military Region, he thought about it and decided to transfer a few assistants to him. He couldn't let him set up the stage alone.

Moreover, he wanted to go to Sakura Country to collect intelligence information later. He could draw a few members of the information support team who were training and bring them with him. It would be like actual combat teaching.

He did it right away. After Chen Fan found Staff Officer Lu to explain the situation, he quickly contacted Li Feng.

"Instructor! Did you finally know to contact us? I thought you had forgotten us." Li Feng's always mature and cold face was now so excited that he lost his expression control.

Fortunately, he was alone in the communication room now, otherwise he would definitely think he was crazy.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, I'm on a mission, it's not convenient to contact you." Chen Fan touched his nose helplessly, feeling a little guilty.

"What about now? Is the mission completed? When will you come back?" Li Feng asked anxiously.

"Ahem, well, I can't go back in a short time." Chen Fan said in a weak tone.

Li Feng narrowed his eyes, his aura changed, and asked in a cold tone: "What are you going to do? Don't you know that there are a bunch of students waiting to be fed at home?"

"Don't worry, I have left a plan for the students, and I have arranged people to go over to train, and the training will not be delayed." Chen Fan could feel that Li Feng was not right even through the phone.

He hurriedly said: "I have a training exchange here, and I will go abroad to collect intelligence later. I am looking for you to discuss arranging a few people to come."

On the other end of the phone, Li Feng's expression was stunned, and soon, the frost on his face melted, and he immediately became springy, and his voice was excited again: "Me, I am suitable!"

Chen Fan listened, and he was happy here, and said: "I know you are suitable, I want five or six people, you arrange it."

"What kind of people do you want? What kind of exchange?" Li Feng has already picked out candidates in his mind. There are all kinds of talents among the students. It depends on what Chen Fan needs.

"Well, let me see. Martial arts? Disguise? There is another one who can shoot arrows, oh, there is another one who can do ancient martial arts, this one is good at shooting, can beat me in computers, this one is a doctor of psychology, that's all, our people will be arranged according to this." Chen Fan said to the microphone while flipping through the personal file materials he just got.

"Okay, I know, I'll arrange it. When will we leave?" Li Feng asked impatiently, not only was he anxious to ask for leave, he was also anxious to act.

"You arrange it, leave immediately, there is a helicopter in the base, you find someone who can fly a plane to take you here." Chen Fan said.

Li Feng was shocked again, there is a helicopter in the base? ! Where is it hidden? How come he doesn't know? "Where is the helicopter hidden? Why don't I know?"

"In a valley in the back mountain, haven't you reached that stage of your training yet?" Chen Fan was also a little hesitant when Li Feng asked. According to the plan, they should have carried out the training in the valley. Did he remember it wrong?

"Ahem, our training tomorrow will be held over there in the valley." Li Feng said a little shyly.

"That's great, you take your people and set off right away, drive a helicopter away, and they won't notice that there are fewer people." Chen Fan said jokingly.

"Huh, do you believe what you said?" Li Feng didn't want to pay attention to him anymore. After asking if there were any other arrangements, he hung up the phone and went to call the people he had chosen.

Time was tight, and they missed their instructors very much. Of course, they had to rush to the instructors as quickly as possible.

A training base in the Western Military Region.

The camouflaged simple barracks stood at the foot of the mountain, almost separated from the hills behind.

In the open space at the door of the simple barracks, a flagpole stood, with a fluttering red flag on it, and the August 1st logo was the most dazzling. Under the flagpole were several steps made of concrete, and the steps were dust-free.

Chen Fan stood under the flagpole with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the steps. He looked at the steps in front of him, and a picture seemed to appear in front of him.

A soldier with a tired face and a disheveled appearance staggered from a distance, walked to the steps, and slowly took off the armor on his head. He was reluctant, confused, and perhaps expectant.

Gently wiped off the dust on the armor, put the armor in the middle of the highest step, pulled the bell, stepped back, stood at attention, and saluted the national flag!

Then turned around and left, rushing to her own battlefield.

Then another soldier did what he had just done, one by one...

The picture was so real, Chen Fan knew that it was all true, everything he had experienced, and everything every special warfare member had experienced.

Everyone who had a special warfare dream but could not go to the end had an original intention to contribute to the country.

Withdrawal may not belong to them here, but they are one of the millions of soldiers in the Celestial Empire, and they have the will of loyalty, perseverance, and courage.

The selection of withdrawing from combat is not a denial. As a soldier, they have their own better role. The encouragement and firm eyes of the sentinels on duty nearby are an affirmation of them.

Behind Chen Fan, there stood seven people standing in a row, forced to face the sun and breeze with Chen Fan, looking at the steps and reminiscing about the past.

They stood in a row with upright posture, as if they were measured with the same ruler. They were dressed in neat uniforms, and their shoulder straps shone with a majestic light in the sun. Everyone's eyes were firm and focused, looking straight ahead, revealing fearlessness and loyalty.

The straight chest, like a steel-cast spine, carries the mission and honor. The feet are firmly rooted in the ground, motionless, as if integrated with the earth. The hands are close to the trouser seams, and the fingers are slightly bent, showing strict discipline and well-trained posture.

They stood quietly, like guards waiting for inspection. The solemn atmosphere was filled with an invisible force, as if this row of soldiers was not flesh and blood, but an indestructible fortress, ready to stand up and fight bravely for the country and the people.

Chen Fan was very satisfied with the momentum created by these seven people, like a company, a battalion, a regiment, and thousands of troops.

Just looking at the surface, Chen Fan knew that these seven people were very strong. What was written in the information should be less than seven points of their personal strength.

The seven people in front of him gave Chen Fan a new interest in the task of bringing new people this time. He had a hunch that when Li Feng brought people over, they would have a lot of interesting things.

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