Zhang Qicheng was born in a martial arts family. He had been trained by his elders in the training ground since he could not even walk properly.

He did not have time to stare at the person on the other track, nor could he see and study his movements clearly. However, judging from the low wall, high plank platform, and ladder, he was a little behind.

The opponent's body movements were very clever and shocked everyone, which was known from the exclamations of the spectators outside the field.

"Is Qicheng going to lose?" Che Guohua said to Zhang Qicheng, who was obviously behind.

"Not necessarily, Lao Zhang should still have some strength left." Huang Yuejun said.

As they said, Zhang Qicheng caught up with Tan Zhaofeng in the five-step pile. He was confident in his endurance. Moreover, the single-plank bridge tests balance. He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he has never fallen behind in balance.

When crossing the wire mesh, Zhang Qicheng was on all fours like a spider. He was moving close to the ground, but his speed was amazing, as if the setting that bound his body had no effect on him.

"Hiss. He was too fast when crossing the wire mesh. His body was shrunk like that, but he was still so fast. He must be a spider!" Jiang Zhiyue was chattering over there.

"Maybe it's true. I was surprised when he crossed the high board diving platform. He seemed to have no weight and passed it very quickly. Their strength is really worth looking forward to." Zhong Liqun said, touching his chin.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Lao Tan, you have to speed up. Don't hide it. This is disrespectful to the opponent!" Li Pengyu led the team to shout and cheer.

"Yes, yes, Lao Tan, you haven't even exerted half of your strength. Hurry up, beat them." Jiang Zhiyue's brain was actually out of the situation, but it didn't affect his mouth.

Two loud voices, shouting words that could be heard throughout the playground.

"What are you talking about! How can you beat us?" Li Zutan couldn't stand anyone looking down on them.

"Yes, we are the only ones who can beat you!" Che Guohua and Fu Yuanhang were also speaking with all their strength.

"Come on! Old Zhang, you must beat the other party!" Liang Yuanzheng also said to Zhang Qicheng who returned to the starting point for the second round.

"Yes, beat them to the point of being convinced." Li Zutan said.

Over there, Tan Zhaofeng also returned to the starting point for the second round. In the obstacle race, everyone runs two rounds and then ends the timer.

"Old Tan, keep up the speed, and there will be no problem in winning." Li Feng encouraged Tan Zhaofeng in a gentle tone when he arrived. The voice was neither loud nor soft, but it could be heard by people on the track next to him.

"Qi, you are so shameless. You are not as fast as us, but you dare to say that you won. Who gave you the courage?" Li Zutan said unconvincedly.

"Confidence comes from ability. Whether you are shameless or not, the result will show." Li Feng answered calmly.

"Hey, you outsiders, you don't know how powerful our troops are, right?" Liang Yuanzheng's temper was unbearable. He angrily lifted his sleeves and looked like he was going to fight.

"Don't make trouble, calm down and prepare for the competition." Huang Yuejun said while holding Liang Yuanzheng's arm.

Li Feng stood aside steadily, without any expression to Liang Yuanzheng's anger, nor to Huang Yuejun's holding him. He just stood there calmly, not even giving them a glance, which was really the highest contempt.

Liang Yuanzheng was so angry that he wanted to break free from Huang Yuejun's hand holding him, and wanted to rush over to fight with Li Feng.

This idea has never been so strong at this moment!

After seeing Liang Yuanzheng's actions, Li Feng looked at his arm that was being held and turned his head away.

"Huang Yuejun, let me go! I must fight him. It's really that my uncle can only tolerate it, and my aunt can't tolerate it." Liang Yuanzheng shook off Huang Yuejun's hand and said.

"If you go over now, not only will you not be able to hit anyone, but you will also be punished by the instructor. It's better to beat them in the competition and training." Su Lanchen said.

"That's right, when did we become people who need to care about other people's opinions?" Che Guohua said.

Chen Fan's voice suddenly came from the sidelines: "Okay, second place, get ready. Start."

The seven-member team selected by the Western Military Region also stopped arguing. They realized that during the competition, their emotions just now were indeed inappropriate. They let the emotions of the outside world affect themselves and their observation of the surroundings.

Because they didn't see Zhang Qicheng's last first run!

If they were on a mission now, the mistakes they made might bring disaster to the mission, the team, and the team members.

Lu Fei, who appeared second, also shocked the seven-member team. After all, the way he passed the obstacle was exactly the same as Tan Zhaofeng, which refreshed their cognition.

When they thought that skill was just Tan Zhaofeng's specialty and trick, they used another person's method to tell them that it was just an ordinary trick that they all knew!

So Lu Fei brought them a bigger shock, of course, it also brought tension and faint excitement.

These people still have real skills, they must learn from them well, and when they return to their original unit, they can show off to the boss!

Li Feng's team used Lu Fei and Li Pengyu, relying on the light body method of hard qigong, to shock the other team and successfully control the advantage in their own hands.

But Zhong Liqun and Jiang Liyue, who appeared two times later, were just like their people, trained by the regular army, and their methods and time to pass obstacles were the same.

"They only have one person left. Do you think their captain can use the hard qigong light body method you mentioned?" Zhang Qicheng whispered in Huang Yuejun's ear.

Huang Yuejun looked at Liang Yuanzheng on the obstacle course and Jiang Zhiyue on the other side. Their movements were the same, and all the movements to pass obstacles were very standard, without any dragging: "I don't know. Some of their people's movements are very similar, and some movements are completely unrelated. It's hard to say." "Wait a minute, don't go up first, and see what new moves their captain can have." Zhang Qicheng said.

"Yes, I'll go up first, Lao Huang, you should take a closer look." Gong Lanchen said.

"Okay. I have some questions that I haven't thought clearly, so let's wait and see." Huang Yuejun agreed.

Tan Zhaofeng also leaned close to Li Feng and whispered: "Assistant Instructor Li, will you use your full strength later? Their person who knows ancient martial arts should not have played yet."

Li Feng nodded and said: "Of course we must go all out. We must take every training seriously. The instructor said that we sweat more in normal training and bleed less in battle. This sweat does not only refer to the sweat we sweat, but also refers to the degree and intensity of our training."

"As for whether to use ancient martial arts, I think it is not necessary here. The usual body movements can smoothly pass the obstacles, and it will not sacrifice speed."

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