Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 884 Jiang Zhiyue moved! Three shots in a row!

The assault training ground is located in a corner of the base training ground. On both sides of the entrance are "walls" made of bags filled with sand and gravel, which separate the alleys. Going deep into the training ground along the alley, there is a trench dug down, 120 cm wide and half a person high.

The entrance is first five meters straight, and the terrain gradually sinks. Suddenly, there is a left and right fork in the road in front. There are irregular small spaces on both sides, with or without doors. Some of them have tables and chairs, and sometimes there are disguised enemies or bound hostages.

The terrain and topography before changed a lot, sometimes turning, sometimes going straight, and sometimes at right angles, and there were moving targets that suddenly appeared, irregularly and without rules.

The entire assault training ground is as big as a football field, with many trenches dug inside, and the routes are connected in all directions. A layer of military green camouflage net is carefully laid above the training ground.

At this time, Jiang Zhiyue and Liang Yuancheng had just separated from the fork in the road at the entrance. Suddenly, a puff of smoke rose from the trench. It was obvious that the smoke bombs set up in advance were the norm for training, in order to allow the soldiers to simulate a different kind of combat environment.

"They left separately. Have the arrangements inside been adjusted?" Fu Yuanhang asked.

"We have made adjustments. We have already gained an advantage in the terrain. We can't leave the contents unchanged." Zhang Qicheng said.

"Hey, they have been in for a long time, right? Their Jiang Zhiyue has not shot an arrow yet. Can he shoot arrows?" Li Zutan asked his teammates in confusion.

"He should be able to, but I don't know how good he is." Su Lanchen said.

"His movements are very standard. When Liang Yuanzheng was shooting arrows, he was already pulling the bow, but his speed was not as fast as Liang Yuanzheng's." Che Guohua said thoughtfully.

He always felt that Jiang Zhiyue's movements were strange. He said he didn't know how to shoot arrows, but his movements were very standard. He said he could shoot arrows, but he hadn't shot the first arrow yet, and everyone couldn't be sure.

"What is he doing there? He seems to have been standing there for a while, right?" Li Zutan said again in confusion.

Not only the seven-man team was confused, Li Feng also didn't understand what Jiang Zhiyue was doing.

Although there was smoke everywhere in the assault training ground, there was an underground trench over there, and there was a cover net on the top, which was not ventilated, and the smoke inside could not be dissipated by waiting for a while.

"Boss, what do you think Jiang Zhiyue is waiting for?" Li Pengyu came up and whispered to Li Feng head to head.

"I don't know, I can't shoot arrows, how can I know what he is doing in there." Li Feng waved his hand and said straightforwardly.

"Hehe, you might as well ask me instead of asking Li Feng, I know a little bit." Zhong Liqun suddenly said on the side.

"It's the same no matter who you ask, you can't shoot arrows, you can't shoot, it's the same, I'm just curious about what's the point of him posing like that." Li Pengyu said.

As we all know, archery in the assault training ground is the same as shooting, but it is a little more difficult. However, archery masters have their own skills, and in the Western Military Region, this assault training ground, to be honest, was also considered to be an archery training ground in the early stage of design.

People outside the field were still guessing what Jiang Zhiyue was doing when he stood at a corner and did not move. Suddenly, Jiang Zhiyue moved very quickly!

He suddenly jumped over the trench in front of him in an instant, and before he was about to touch the cover net, he quickly fell into a simulation room.

He drew the arrow back with his right hand, pulled the bow, and shot it out in one go, and then drew the arrow, pulled the bow, and shot it out without stopping, and shot three arrows in a row.

The arrows hit the vital positions of the three enemies in the room!

After confirming that there were no enemies in the room and it was safe, he immediately went out of the door and continued forward.

He went forward along the trench on his side, passing every turn and corner very quickly. After firing those three arrows, Jiang Zhiyue seemed to be on a roll.

Along the way, whether it was an open target or enemy, a hidden danger, or a random moving target or an enemy that suddenly appeared without rules, he solved them one by one with arrows.

The movements were clean and rhythmic, and the arrows never missed!

Zhang Qicheng's seven-member team had their mouths wide open, and they didn't close them for a long time.

"This, this, this, he, he, he, is he so powerful? He's not worse than us, right?" Li Zutan said with his eyes wide open, looking incredulous, swallowing his saliva.

"The movements, speed, the arc of the bow, and the judgment of the speed and environment are all masters." Zhang Qicheng said.

Those who had never been exposed to archery before joining the army did suffer a lot when training for this project, but their abilities were also cultivated step by step in this way.

So as soon as Jiang Zhiyue made a move, they knew his level. He was probably not much different from them who had practiced hard.

Maybe even better than them!

They really looked alike!

Although Jiang Zhiyue had no resume to prove his shooting skills, he had been taken back to his grandfather's house during the winter and summer vacations since he was a child, and practiced archery with his grandfather along with several older cousins.

Archery was a very important thing for him before he graduated from high school. He never stopped. Sometimes he was practicing archery in his dreams.

Speaking of this, Jiang Zhiyue wanted to shed a lot of sad tears. He hadn't even raised his bow yet, but he was already trying to draw the bow. Who could understand how hard it was?

The only thing to be thankful for was that although grandpa loved to take them to practice, he never forced them to achieve great results in archery. Therefore, Jiang Zhiyue, who had no interest in participating in competitions, was unknown.

Even though his talent was praised by his grandpa!

"Boss, did you know that Jiang Zhiyue had this ability!" Li Pengyu couldn't help but whisper to Li Feng again.

Li Feng gave Li Pengyu a look, a little disgusted, and said, "Don't you know?"

What's wrong with this kid today? Why can't he say something normally? Why is he always whispering in his ear?

"That's just what I heard Jiang Zhiyue say when we were chatting. Who knows if he was bragging or not? You know, he's a chatterbox. He keeps talking all day long. I don't know which of his words are true and which are exaggerated." Li Pengyu defended himself with a wronged tone.

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