Zhong Liqun looked into their eyes and said, "Yes, I have discussed this matter with Li Feng in detail. And you and I have analyzed it before. Although Che Guohua's attitude that day was a bit too much, the instructor certainly didn't care about such provocation at all."

"But he did it that day, and before that, when we were aiming with weights, he kept provoking me with words. Li Feng said that the instructor must have studied you clearly, and his training arrangement that day was aimed at you and me."

The two listened to the previous words and felt that they were a little interesting, but what did the latter "and me" mean? Both of them stared at him with wide eyes.

Zhong Liqun smiled and continued, "You may not know that before the other instructors met you, we were still training at the base according to the training plan left by the instructor."

"As soon as your information reached the instructor, the instructor asked Li Feng to select a few people to come with him. Guess why I became one of them."

Che Guohua frowned and said affirmatively: "Shooting!"

"Yes, shooting! I used to think that if I admitted that I was second, no one would dare to say I was first. Then, for another reason, I participated in the training camp, where I met many sharpshooters, but no matter who they were, they were behind the instructor."

Fu Yuanhang's expression was a little playful at this time. He just thought that Zhong Liqun was like him, with some research in psychology and micro-expressions, but it turned out that these were really as he said, just learned when he was interested? !

Fu Yuanhang was thinking about something, and his expression was a little depressed. He thought he knew which training camp Zhong Liqun was talking about.

"You are quite versatile then." Fu Yuanhang said listlessly.

"Hahaha, you are too kind, it's just average, it can't be compared with the instructor, nor with Li Feng and the others. You know the light body method of hard qigong, right? That's what the instructor taught us, and there are a lot of things that we can't learn."

"Usually, I have exhausted my energy just studying, and I have no time to think about other things. So Che Guohua, don't be discouraged by a blow, it's no big deal, people are like this."

"The instructor said that grades and time are meant to be broken. You set up milestones one by one. If no one comes to break them, then you have set up a solitary peak. We don't need solitary peaks."

Milestones, if no one comes to break them, then you have set up a solitary peak.

We don't need solitary peaks!

These two sentences hit the deepest part of Che Guohua's heart, directly! And it was a heavy hammer! Directly shattered the fog that had been covering his heart for the past two days, without leaving any blur.

"We don't need a lone peak. Yes, we are a collective, we are a team, we are tens of billions of compatriots. We just need to move forward, don't be confused." Fu Yuanhang was deeply touched, and his words were more than a little bit higher.

"Hey, Ah Hang, your understanding is quite high, very smart." Zhong Liqun took the time to tease Fu Yuanhang.

Fu Yuanhang rolled his eyes at Zhong Liqun. Some people really look ordinary, but they never thought that they have filled themselves up quietly, and finally amazed everyone, and then they couldn't catch up.

He had never seen such a person before, but he felt that Zhong Liqun in front of him was!

It was like an unfinished book, and you found that you could never finish it no matter how you read it, because he was still writing in it.

"Thank you, you know what I want to do. Let's compete when we have time?" Che Guohua changed his depressed look in the past two days, and the whole person exuded confidence again.

"Okay, I'll be there anytime. My mission here is to fight you." Zhong Liqun said proudly.

This time, Fu Yuanhang punched Zhong Liqun directly, not even wanting to give him a look or a word. There is nothing that can't be solved by a fight. If not, then fight twice.

Zhong Liqun fell back, dodged the punch, and rolled to the right. He felt that he was in danger now.

Sure enough, Che Guohua also immediately moved to pounce in the direction of Zhong Liqun, and Fu Yuanhang had already caught up with Zhong Liqun.

Zhong Liqun rolled again, dodged Che Guohua's flying pounce, and immediately used his hands to support the ground, stood up straight, and made a move to catch Fu Yuanhang's kick.

In return, he punched and kicked Fu Yuanhang, and attacked fiercely.

Che Guohua missed the first pounce, and immediately stood up, and together with Fu Yuanhang, he attacked Zhong Liqun. The three of them fought fiercely in the sunset.

On the other side, the students who were watching seemed to have let go of something in their hearts, and everyone spoke louder.

"Boss, Lao Zhong is quite capable. He can persuade him to do this. It's not easy." Li Pengyu approached Li Feng again and said with a sly look.

"Boss, he is laughing at you, and he also told you to be careful not to let Lao Zhong take your position as an assistant." Jiang Zhiyue's head suddenly popped up between Li Feng and Li Pengyu.

Li Feng pushed the two faces away from him with one hand each, and said casually: "I haven't been afraid yet. But if you two don't improve here and fall behind in training when you go back, I don't know what punishment the instructor will give."

Li Pengyu and Jiang Zhiyue's expressions cracked instantly. They hadn't had time to let go of the excitement and gossip on their faces just now, and they were shocked by Li Feng's words again. Excitement and horror appeared on their faces at the same time, which was really funny.

Lu Fei and Tan Zhaofeng burst into laughter.

Li Pengyu and Jiang Zhiyue obediently calmed down and followed the others to the dormitory.

Zhang Qicheng's heart was relieved. Although Che Guohua had not missed any training during the two days of training, everyone knew that his soul was not in training.

He was worried that Che Guohua would not be able to come out, which would be a pity, but fortunately, he passed the most difficult level.

At the same time, in his heart, Zhang Qicheng became more interested in this instructor and the people he brought.

He found that the instructor's seemingly meaningless training arrangements in the past five days were actually targeted, targeting one student every day, of course, except for the first day!

"Captain, I think we should re-examine the instructor and Li Feng. They are not what we thought." Su Lanchen said.

"It is necessary to re-examine and wait for two more days." Zhang Qicheng said.

"Captain, I always feel that the instructor should take action, and it is very ruthless." Huang Yuejun said.

"Don't be afraid, just fight against the enemy."

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