Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 897 Zhang Qicheng was tortured into ashes!

Although he had sweated a little, Tan Zhaofeng's eyes were still shining. Even though he had been fighting for a long time, he still shouted very excitedly: "It's so good!" The strength in his hands did not weaken at all, and his muscles were full of strength, whistling. He threw it at Huang Yuejun.

"This is not enough!" Huang Yuejun's face was covered with sweat, but his usually calm eyes were now filled with obvious joy and excitement.

As if to express his happiness, the speed and power of Huang Yuejun's punches not only did not decrease after a long battle, but instead became more domineering and faster as his mood became happier.

Tan Zhaofeng felt the opponent's emotional ups and downs, and he seemed to be moved. He became more and more agile in dodging the opponent's attacks, like a beating elf, agile and precise.

The speed and angle of his attack are also stimulated to be more diverse. There are some movements and strength that cannot be used skillfully when he is at his best, but he can use them continuously at this time.

The more normal Chaohu performed like this, the more excited the two were, and the two could not stop competing. In the end, it turned into taking turns giving each other moves.

On the other side, area B1.

Zhang Qicheng was breathing rapidly and stood on the grass dizzily. He looked as if he had just escaped from death. His face was pale and severely dehydrated. The clothes on his body seemed to have been wet and dried countless times.

The afterglow of the setting sun is like a golden gauze sprinkled on the open grass, casting long shadows. He fell to the ground like a statue that had exhausted all its energy.

First, the body hit the ground hard like being hit by a heavy hammer, making a dull sound, and then the limbs spread out feebly as if they had lost control, showing a "big" character.

The tip of his right toe was trembling slightly, as if he was still struggling to support his body, but in the end it fell down helplessly.

His chest heaved violently, and every breath seemed so difficult and heavy, as if his chest contained not lungs, but a dilapidated bellows that was on the verge of being scrapped.

Sweat flowed freely on his forehead, cheeks, and neck like a torrent, converging into small streams and soaking the ground beneath him.

His right hand twitched unconsciously, and his fingers first curled up into the shape of chicken claws. He tried to bend them but couldn't, and then hung limply to the side.

He wanted to grab a handful of grass tightly with his left hand, but the naughty grass blades shuttled between his fingers and he couldn't catch anything.

His eyes were closed tightly, and his brows were tightly knitted together, forming several deep grooves. His eyelids were as heavy as if they were pressed by lead weights, and it was extremely difficult to open them every time. Occasionally, the corners of his mouth would tremble unconsciously, as if to express the tremendous pressure on his body.

"I still lost..." Zhang Qicheng muttered to himself, his thoughts confused and exhausted. "I really tried my best, every sprint, every confrontation, I used every ounce of strength in my body."

Zhang Qicheng was tired and happy at the same time. At this time, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Although his body was exhausted to the limit, he knew that he had given unreservedly and fought hard, but in the end he just couldn't win.

In the surrounding grass, insects chirped one after another, as if they were playing a different kind of music for the fierce competition just now.

The trees in the distance stood quietly, like silent guards, witnessing his hard work and persistence. The breeze blew by, bringing a hint of coolness. The wind seemed like a pair of gentle hands, gently stroking his hot skin.

However, this coolness was only a drop in the bucket for his extremely tired body.

"But this only represents my past. I am not ashamed of the past. I am full of hope for the future now." He thought like this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, even though he was too tired to even smile at the moment.

The world around him seemed to become blurry, and only the sound of his violent heartbeat and heavy breathing echoed in his ears.

He felt the coolness on the grass and allowed his body to be in close contact with the earth, as if it was the only thing that could support him at this moment.

He just lay like this, not wanting to think about anything, unable to think about anything, just immersed in this extreme exhaustion, enjoying the moment of tranquility after the game.

However, he still has things he wants to do! Zhang Qicheng tried his best to turn his body slightly to one side. There was a tall model, the person he was fighting against just now.

Although he knew that "he" was a model and the competition might be a little unreal, Zhang Qicheng knew with absolute certainty that the facts were not exaggerated.

The instructor could create such an immersive simulated environment that was very realistic in terms of sight, hearing, touch, feeling and even smell, as well as a duel that was more realistic than real people. He felt that it was impossible to do it. He does some unrealistic things on his own model data.

Zhang Qicheng looked at the tall figure in front of him with red eyes. He was still standing upright on the grass. His breathing was just a little short, and his clothes didn't have many wrinkles.

Zhang Qicheng recalled in Zhang Qicheng's mind that during the competition just now, he was knocked out by this person again and again, and he got up and attacked again and again, but most of them ended with him flying out.

There were only a few times when he could really attack the person at close range, but it was only for a moment. The person's reaction was extremely quick, and many powerful moves were of no use to him. Even when the moves had not exerted their maximum effect, It has already been resolved.

So what kind of terrifying strength could make him so embarrassed, and that man just had an unstable aura!

Zhang Qicheng turned his body back and stopped looking. He stared at the sky in a vain. He was still wondering why the scene didn't disappear. Did he think he hadn't lost enough, or did the instructor think he still had some strength left?

Zhang Qicheng felt dizzy. Why did he feel that the model of the cold-blooded instructor who had just competed with him suddenly smiled at him? Zhang Qicheng shuddered, feeling a little weird.

The face of Chen Fan's one-to-one model froze, and his eyes were speechless about Zhang Qicheng's expression: "Zhang Qicheng, you have to be aware of your shortcomings. As a commander, you can't just think about charging. In addition to the front line, you still have a lot of things to do."

Zhang Qicheng moved his hands and feet slightly, wanting to jump up, but his strength had not recovered yet. He struggled on the grass for a long time, but it didn't work at all. In the end, he just opened his mouth and said, "You, can you still speak?"

"Now it's me, Chen Fan, talking to you." The model Chen Fan gave another expression for Zhang Qicheng to understand for himself.

"I'm listening. Thanks to you, I can only lie down and listen now." Zhang Qicheng stopped talking, and said without moving anything except his mouth.

"Every level after that is a test for your leadership. If you pass it, you are a qualified commander. However, you come back and fight me again!" Chen Fan said coldly in a cold voice.

Zhang Qicheng looked into the distance with a heavy gaze, and did not speak. He decided to just let himself go and stay quietly for a while.

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