Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 907: Break into the system for inspection!

On the walls of the hall, there are eye-catching slogans and police badges, reminding every policeman of his duties and mission.

The office area is reasonably distributed, and the corridors are spacious and tidy. In each office, there are neatly arranged tables and chairs and advanced office equipment.

When you step into this office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, you will feel the tense and busy atmosphere. There are piles of documents on the desk, and data on the computer screen keeps flashing.

A policeman holds a phone in one hand, speaking quickly about the progress of the case, and the other hand quickly records it in a notebook.

The female police officer next to him stares at the surveillance screen, not missing any subtle clues, and the pen in her hand marks on the paper from time to time.

In the corner, several policemen gathered together and discussed fiercely about a case map, with voices coming one after another, "The clues here cannot be broken!" "Send someone to investigate immediately!"

A young policeman holding a thick file hurriedly shuttled between the desks. The experienced old policeman sat in a chair, frowning, flipping through the materials in his hand, sometimes thinking, and sometimes communicating with colleagues.

The fax machine squeaked and spit out new documents. The printer was also humming and spitting out reports.

In another corner of the office, there was a small conference table surrounded by several chairs. This was a place for emergency discussions and case analysis.

On the table was a whiteboard filled with various clues and reasoning ideas. Several policemen sat around and discussed the progress of the case fiercely.

Their expressions were sometimes solemn and sometimes excited. Every collision of opinions was full of persistent pursuit of the truth. The voices came one after another, "This clue is very important!" "I think we need to investigate further!"

The whole office seemed to be a high-speed machine. Every policeman was fully committed and kept busy to protect the peace of the city. Their eyes were full of determination, and their busy figures interpreted responsibility and commitment.

In an office on the other side of the office building of the Qing City Public Security Bureau, the first thing that caught my eye was a large and neat solid wood desk, on which documents, computers and a black phone were neatly placed.

Behind the desk is a comfortable leather office chair with a high backrest, giving people a sense of stability and reliability.

On the wall behind the chair hangs a city map, which is densely marked with the security situation and key monitoring locations in various areas.

At this time, a tall man is standing in front of the map, holding his chin with his hand, examining it sharply, as if thinking about the next deployment. He occasionally whispers in a low and powerful voice.

On one side of the office is a row of tall bookcases, which are filled with various laws and regulations, case files and professional books.

On the wall of the office, there are several certificates of commendation for advanced collectives and individuals, as well as some photos of police officers on duty.

In the corner next to the bookcase, there stands a filing cabinet with a closed door and various labels on it, marking the classification of different cases and affairs.

A pot of green green ivy is placed by the window, and its branches and leaves spread along the windowsill, adding a touch of vitality to the whole room.

The sun shines in through the window and shines on the ground, forming bright spots of light.

Suddenly, the phone rings suddenly, and the sound of "ding-ling-ling" breaks the brief silence.

Inside the entire Municipal Public Security Bureau building, all office layouts are simple and concise, but every detail reveals rigor and efficiency.

Its conference room is spacious and can accommodate many people. It is an important place for decision-making and discussion. Every meeting is related to the safety and stability of the city.

The Municipal Public Security Bureau office building is not only a building, but also a symbol of justice. It carries the heavy responsibility of ensuring people's safety and maintaining social order, and plays an irreplaceable role in the development of the city.

Chen Fan took Liang Yuanzheng and looked back and forth in the building with rigorous layout and full-building surveillance, and there were also senior case-handling experts inside!

After figuring out the entire distribution of the building, he also focused on looking at the director and deputy director and the office. Of course, the captain of the anti-drug team, Xu Linxin, who was screened in advance, was also the focus of the investigation.

Chen Fan just looked and did nothing else. After looking around, he led his men out and returned to their hiding place.

"Instructor, you are back so soon?" Jiang Zhiyue was in the process of intense information cross-processing. He looked up inadvertently and saw that Chen Fan had returned. He was sitting on the wall at this time, looking at the scenery in a good mood!

"Well, do you have any new discoveries?" Chen Fan looked back at Jiang Zhiyue and asked.

"Not yet. Instructor, this Xu Linxin's information is very normal, and the materials are very beautiful. We haven't found any abnormalities yet." Jiang Zhiyue said in a slightly depressed tone.

Chen Fan jumped down from the wall, walked towards Jiang Zhiyue and said, "Let me take a look."

Chen Fan took over the computer in Jiang Zhiyue's hand, looked at the program that was running data, closed the program, opened an edit box, and operated it cracklingly.

There was a series of codes on the screen. The faster Chen Fan typed on the keyboard, the more codes accumulated inside, and the faster the screen flashed.

Suddenly, the screen flashed, and a firewall attack level appeared on Chen Fan's screen.

Jiang Zhiyue stared at the screen in amazement, swallowing his saliva, but still couldn't help it, so he elbowed Li Zutan next to him and said in a trembling voice: "Old Li, don't look at your data, look at the instructor's operation."

Li Zutan knew that the instructor and Liang Yuanzheng were back, but he only focused on his own screen and didn't pay much attention to what was happening next to him. He was suddenly interrupted and glanced at the screen next to him casually, but he couldn't look away after just one glance.

"Is this the internal system of the Municipal Public Security Bureau? Did the instructor conquer it like this?" Li Zutan excitedly grabbed Jiang Zhiyue's arm, asking in an uncertain tone.

"Tear it off." Jiang Zhiyue was so painful to be caught that he immediately shook off Li Zutan's hand and said unhappily: "You are useless, look carefully, don't pinch me."

Chen Fan was not affected by the two funny people. He operated his own and hacked into the highest system of the Public Security Bureau in a very short time, retrieved the confidential files inside, and browsed them very quickly.

Liang Yuanzheng also followed Chen Fan's operations completely, watching Chen Fan's operations very attentively. He also looked at the information in front of him very seriously, and was not affected at all by the two people next to him who were still bickering.

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