"No! I want to follow you. I will act with you." Jiang Yue said firmly.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and stared at Jiang Yue sharply. His aura almost made Jiang Yue tremble inwardly.

Jiang Yue bit her lip and tried to suppress the chill in her heart. She looked up and looked into Chen Fan's eyes without giving in.

"Jiang Yue, you must remember that I am the captain of this operation. Your best and sufficient reasons can convince me." Chen Fan said coldly without any emotion.

"It is because you are the captain that you cannot act alone. This is not the country, and our mission is more dangerous than the arrest in the country. We cannot fail to contact the captain again." Jiang Yue said with a clenched neck.

Chen Fan frowned and was about to speak when Li Feng interrupted him: "Instructor, you want to see our actual combat ability in this operation. Why don't you let us be the main action force, and you and Deputy Captain Jiang will be responsible for monitoring this part of the city?"

Li Feng had no choice. From what he knew about Chen Fan, he always charged at the front alone. According to his previous plan, he would attack first, which could actually complete the task better. However, in this way, whether these students can shoot is still a question, let alone whether they can fight in actual combat.

Jiang Yue nodded. She just felt that Chen Fan was a bit eccentric. He assigned all the dangerous tasks to himself. Although everyone knew that he wanted to protect his teammates, everyone also wanted to do their part and protect their teammates.

That's why she wanted to stay with Chen Fan. At least Chen Fan couldn't leave his teammates alone and go deep into the enemy camp to fight.

Chen Fan clenched his right hand at his side, then released it, and said, "Okay, Li Feng and Zhang Qicheng will lead the team to ambush and kill at their trading location tonight, Jiang Yue and Lu Fei will follow me, monitor in the city, and be ready to catch people at any time."

"Yes." Everyone answered.

Lu Fei's answer was inexplicable. Why did he, who was supposed to ambush the enemy, become the one who stayed safely under the instructor's nose in just a few words?

That's right, they all thought that being with the instructor was the safest, but they could also learn something different, so Lu Fei's eyes flickered and he happily agreed.

"Everyone pay attention, someone is coming." Tan Zhaofeng suddenly spoke, his voice was small, and it was transmitted to everyone's ears through the communication equipment.

"There are quite a few people at the nine o'clock direction." Su Lanchen's voice also came out of the communicator at about the same time.

"At one o'clock, a large group of people are walking this way." Che Guohua's voice also sounded in the communicator: "They have heavy weapons!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly became more serious, and they all stared at that direction. Gradually, everyone heard footsteps, which were very mixed and chaotic. Judging from the sound, there must be a lot of people.

"Everyone pay attention, keep an eye on the heavy weapons, and get rid of the heavy weapons first when you take action later." Li Feng stared at the telescope, wishing to stare a hole in the people in front.

Just as everyone was waiting nervously, a group of mysterious figures appeared in the target area. They were the vicious and violent terrorists.

They looked ferocious, holding weapons, and exuding a chilling murderous aura.

The people in front of the team, each of them held a weapon in their hands. Although they were walking, their movements were not slow at all. They walked forward very orderly. The heavy weapons were in the front, middle and back of the team, and they also surrounded a few people in the middle, without even showing their heads.

"Captain, I think there is an important person among them." Liang Yuanzheng looked at the observation mirror and was a little puzzled by the strange behavior of the terrorist team in front.

At the same time, in a corner of the city.

"Instructor, I think the leader of this terrorist organization went out with those people just now." Lu Fei pointed to the information and pictures displayed on the computer and said to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's lazy look straightened up for a moment, and he immediately came to Lu Fei's side, looked at the computer screen with him and asked Lu Fei: "Where is the news?"

Lu Fei pointed directly at the screen and said to Chen Fan: "Here, here, and here, of course there is also the news they passed on. I found that after that group of people went out, there has been a message like an order coming back from that direction, so I concluded that their leader also went out."

Chen Fan reviewed the information and pictures again, and a smile slowly climbed onto his face, saying: "The conclusion is correct, notify them."

"Yes." Lu Fei responded excitedly: "Just got the news, their big boss disguised himself and followed the team out, and mixed in with those armed thugs." Lu Fei's voice sounded excitedly from the communicator.

This is the conclusion he just came to by invading their system and analyzing the surrounding surveillance pictures. He is very excited now, even more excited than the first time he completed the task by himself.

In particular, he told the instructor the conclusions he had drawn from the information he had collected, and after receiving the instructor's affirmation, he was even more excited. He was still very excited when he informed everyone immediately.

Che Guohua's eyes were always searching in the crowd through the scope, but their movements seemed messy, but in fact they were very regular: "Sniper position No. 1 cannot lock the target."

Zhong Liqun's position was more casual, not a standard sniper position, but he was among the students, and his marksmanship was at the top. At this time, the gun in his hand was also aimed at the crowd, looking for the target.

"The second auxiliary position found a suspected target, but it is impossible to aim. Captain, you can try that position." Zhong Liqun said.

Li Feng did not put down the telescope in his hand. Through the telescope, he clearly saw the well-covered person in the crowd. The man lowered his head and followed closely behind a tall man. The clothes he wore were also very different. His whole body was wrapped in clothes. It looked like this.

Li Feng was about to speak when he suddenly found another ordinary-dressed person who was separated from that person by several people. His eyes were stern and he said: "The target may have been disguised and confused by a substitute. Pay attention to the person in the plaid long gown behind him to the right."

Che Guohua, Liang Yuanzheng and Zhong Liqun all focused again and carefully observed the two people in the crowd again.

Che Guohua was shocked and said in a firm tone: "The target has been locked."

Zhong Liqun also re-aimed and locked the target that they first identified, the one who was a sleight of hand, and said: "The substitute has been locked."

"Zhang Qicheng, in one minute, act together. Remember, deal with the heavy weapons first." Li Feng said to the communicator.

"Okay." Zhang Qicheng said.

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